Why is the phandom like this?

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Summary: a fan asks for a picture of them kissing and they say they'll never ask again, dnp agrees and says^
Word count: 764
Warnings: hopefully none
—-this was such a bad idea for a story why am I doing this?
The * throughout are an authors notes at the end I don't want to interrupt the story

Dans POV:

Sometimes when I'm not doing anything as in scrolling through tumblr or making some sort of video. I'll head out and just walk around, it's rare that I will do this but it's mainly in the spring and early autumn. It's not to hot or cold but perfect.
Sometimes Phil will join me and rarely anyways, but today happens to be one of those days.
The only bad thing about heading outside is accidentally doing 'coupley' things. We try our best hiding out in public not really on video we wouldn't do the whole 'HEY LOOK WE'RE TOGETHER' in a video but more like teasing the viewers. Maybe someday will give them what they want.

"Hey Dan?" Phil says bringing me back to reality.

"I don't know, I know we're nothing thinking Starbucks because it's one of the main places we go when we actually leave the house." I said.

"True, maybe just walk around and see what we could find?" Phil suggests.

"Okay, sounds like a plan." I say.
We continued walking but only minutes later we were both stopped by something behind us.

"DAN AND PHIL! OH MY GOD!" a girl squeezed from behind us, we both turned around a bit scared to see a girl who looked about fourteen or fifteen and a bit familiar to me.

"Hello there." I said.

"Hello." Phil says waving.

"Hi! Sorry for bothering you but I see you turn the corner back there and I was wondering if I could get a picture with you." She Says.

"Oh no it's fine, we'd love to get a picture with you." I say and Phil agreed. She got her phone and we took a picture together.

"Thank you so much!" She Says, she paused and smirked a bit. "Okay before you go this is a long shot but it's worth it." She Says, this probably couldn't be that bad.

"Go on." Phil says.

"Could I possibly get a picture of you two kissing, I know you're both in a relationship my mum is your mothers third cousin and she may have told us. Don't blame me blame your mum." She said.

Well it was bad, but not too bad I knew I had seen her somewhere before, probably the family Christmas last year.

"Oh I remember you Katie right?" I say and she nods.

"Well okay then, what's it going to hurt." I say, moments later the picture was taken and now there's nothing else to do, we said our goodbyes and then began to walk away.

"Well that's going to be on the internet forever, if she posts it anyways." Phil says.

"Probably." I reply with a small laugh.
After a short walk we made it to the coffee shop and my phone started going crazy with notifications.
I pulled my phone from my pocket to see that both Phil and I were tagged in multiple different photos from early with Katie mainly the one of us kissing.
Oh no, I knew that wouldn't have been a good idea. **
"Umm Phil you may want to see this

"Do we just come out to them now?" Phil says.

"I mean there's no way of saying that we aren't in a relationship now." I pause, I grab his shoulder to stop him before we entered the coffee shop any further.
"But hey, don't worry about it right now. Everything will be okay. Let's just forget it happened until we get home then we'll address it." I said.

"Okay, I'm just worried that they'll hate us after that, that they won't accept us."

"Literally over half of our fan base 'ship' us and support us, I'm sure we'll be fine." I say.

"Really?" Phil replies.

"Really." I said with a smile, Phil smiled back at me and we decided to forget it happened until later. But for now, we're just going to enjoy our day.

WELL I need to learn how to update regularly.
oopsssss I also shouldn't update this late at night

A/N's during the story(my thoughts while writing)
*Why am I doing this? Ugh this would never happen this is p cringe tbh

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