A Live Mistake

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Summary: Phil is doing a live show and dan kisses Phil not noticing the stream was still going and they talk about marriage after explaining a week later Phil proposes

Word count: 407

Dans POV:

"Bye guys!" Phil says as he ends his stream. We hadn't done a livestream in a while so we decided to do one together so we could make up for the time missed. Phi l dropped his hands from the camera.

"Glad I can finally do this." I said then kissed him slowly and soft.

"I wish we could just tell the viewers about our relationship." Phil says.

"Wait." I said then turning to Phil's laptop, I noticed that the chat was still flooding in and the little light that indicated we were live was on.

"We're still live." I said turning to face Phil.

"Is this a good thing?" Phil asked, the chat flooded with 'yes' and still the ones who were trying to process what had just happened.

"Well I guess we should explain." I said with a sarcastic laugh.
We explained what we could share about our relationship and how long we've been together. We also explained what had happened in 2012.

"I hope one day that we could get married." Phil said, we were on the topic of our future.

"Same, maybe adopt a baby or get a dog." I added. The viewers seemed pretty happy about that.
After explaining we ended the stream for real that time and went to go get some food like we had planned originally.

—-A Week Later—

"So will you marry me?" Phil says.

"YES! Of course!" I say as he slides the ring on my finger then stands up and pulls me in for a kiss.

"Think we should tell the viewers." Phil says smiling.

"I think we should." I replied.

We posted a picture to twitter and Instagram, it was a picture of my hand which the camera was focused on the engagement ring visible and a bit blurred on the background was Phil and I kissing.
The picture didn't take long to find it's way to tumblr, I don't think that tumblr Phandom took it too well.

A/N: I want to go home so bad. This girl in my dance class takes a mental health day, that's cool I guess. Anyways I'm still feeling depressed dunno why, my anxiety is already acting up THATS GREAT send help.

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