Don't Wake Him

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Summary: Dan and Phil are watching a random movie and Dan falls asleep on Phil's shoulder and Phil debates on waking him or not and then he later falls asleep and the end up sleeping on the sofa
Warnings: None
Word count:

Phil's POV: (Finally amirite)

"Dan what movie do you want to watch?" I ask as Dan walks into the lounge with a bowl of popcorn in his hands

"Dunno, tonight was your movie choice remember." He Says and sits down on the sofa, only before fixing his blanket to where he was comfortable enough.

"Fine, not really in a movie mood. How about just watch the new season of American horror story." I say.

"Sounds good, Ive been looking forward to the new season so it's a win win." Dan says.

"How is it a double win?" I ask as I walk over to the sofa with the tv remote.

"Two words, Evan Peters." Dan says, I roll my eyes and sit next to him. When I'm sat down Dan positions himself to where he could see the tv But was still snuggled against my side.

We haven't seen any of the new season whatsoever, we were waiting until most of it was recorded only to binge watch it later.

After about two episodes we realized it was getting late, but that didn't matter we never go to bed early.

"One more episode couldn't hurt." Dan Says.

"Okay, on to episode three." I said as I clicked the button on the remote to play the next episode.
We had both finished the small bowl of popcorn by now so we were laying in a more comfortable position.
Dan was laying on top of me with his head slight resting on my shoulder.
About half way through the episode, I look down at dan to see that he was sleeping.
Of course we've been in this situation before but it's always up to me to wake him or not.
He's had a rough day, maybe I should just leave him he and we both just sleep on the couch tonight.
I'll just careful attempt to get up and carry him to his room.

After a couple minutes of sturggling I got up without waking him. Dan isn't that heavy for his height he's actually really light, so carrying him was pretty easy.

Once I had gotten him into his room I covered him up, he was already in his pajamas so that wasn't something to worry about.

"Goodnight Dan." I say kissing his forehead and going to leave. I turned off the lights and went to close the door-

"Wait." I hear Dan say.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Stay." He Says, I nod and walk over to the empty side of the bed beside of Dan and lay down.
Once I'm laying down He scoots close to me and I wrap my arms around him.

"Goodnight Phil." Dan says.

"Goodnight." I reply.

A/N: I feel terrible I think I'm getting sick again yay(Being sarcastic) plus waiting outside in the freezing cold is great ITS SUPPOSED TO BE ONE DIGIT NUMBERS ALL WEEK AND IN YHE NEGATIVES FRIDAY HOW WONDERFUL.
-also here's a good thing, I did some good-ish decent art of Brendon and you guys should go check it out and maybe mention Brendon in the comments (IG:/wayywardhowell)

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