Snooping On Each Others Phones

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Summary: Dan and Phil have liked each other since they met but neither had the courage to tell the truth about their feelings, resulting in the two being only friends. One day, Dan and Phil are hanging out and decide to play a game where they have to snoop through the others phone and find the most embarrassing thing on there. While Dan is looking through Phil's phone, he finds text messages to Louise where Phil is ranting about how much he likes Dan, but just don't have the courage to say it. Person Dan is insanely relieved because they didn't believe that Phil would like them back.
Word count: 609

Dans POV:

"Phil?" I said looking over to my flat mate who just happened to be playing mario kart on the switch in the lounge.

"Yeah?" He replies keeping his attention on the screen.

"Can I join?" I ask.

"What's In it for me." Phil says.

"Winner gets to go through the losers phone?" I say.

"Deal He Says.

—skipping the game, just imagine dan shouting because he's losing or something-

"Looks like we tied." Phil says.

"All or nothing or just we could both go through each other's phones." I say laughing.

"I don't want to do all or nothing, I'm going to expose you howell." Phil says.

"Go for it, Lester." I retort.

While scrolling though Phil's camera roll I stumble across some extremely old pictures of us, they were from when we first met at the train-station in 2009.
Phil found a few old ones on my phone too, but I decided to head towards his messages to see what he's been talking about.

~ Louise Pentland
What's Phil and Louise been up too.

Louise: What is it you needed to talk about
Phil: Well, I think I may like dan
Louise: well duh you've been living together for like 7-8 years.
Phil: no, more than a friend, I think I love him and idk what to do help
Phil: what do I doooo
Louise: tell him! Tellhimtellhim! There's no hiding he loves you too just look at the way he looks at you!
Phil: I guess you're right, I'll tell him

Wow, so Phil likes me huh. That's great, because I've been meaning to tell him I feel the same way.

"Hey Phil?" I say.

"Yeah?" He replies.

"What's this about you loving me?" I say smiling, and sticking my tongue out a bit.

"You weren't supposed to see that, but now that you have. I guess I could just say that I've liked you for the longest time and didn't know how to tell you." Phil says, my smile grows even bigger even if that was possible at this point. I just move slightly and wrap my arms around Phil hugging him.

"Me too Phil, me too." I replied.

"You've got no idea how happy this makes me." Phil says smiling.

"Oh I think I do." I replied.

"Prove it." He says smirking, I smiled then leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips.

"See?" I said, who knew that a small little game of Mario kart would cause us to confess our love for each other.

A/N: we're almost to 20k reads on this! That's ridiculous, I'm going to scream. Also, Monday's suck the WiFi is off at school that's why updates are so late and plus Ive not slept well for the past couple days, I just end up waking up from 1-4 in the morning and staying up and I'm sick so I just feel like death

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