Cooking Fails

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Summary: Dan tries making lasagna and messes it up so they just decide to have Chinese and watch tv and cuddle

Word Count: 399
Warnings: none
Genre: Fluff

Phil's POV:

I was in the lounge trying to edit a new video for my channel but I smelt something and the sound of chopping coming from the kitchen.
I got up sitting my laptop to the side and made my way to the kitchen, only to find Dan cooking. He didn't notice that I was there so I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him waist resting my chin on his shoulder.

"Hey Phil." Dan finally spoke up.

"What're you making for dinner." I asked.

"Lasagna." He replied.
We stood there for a minute before I had the idea to tease Dan. I began trailing kisses up his jaw and slowly making my way down to his neck.

"No no philly, I'm cooking." Dan said and turning around quickly to give me a kiss.

"Go finish editing dinner will be ready soon." He said shooing me away.

"Fine fine, just don't burn down the flat." I said as I began to leave.

"I'll try not too." Dan replied before I left the kitchen.
I went back into the lounge and tried to finish what was left of the unedited parts of the video.

"Dan?" I replied and he didn't really responded.

"Dan." I said now getting up and making my way to the kitchen, it smelt like something was burning.

"You didn't actually burn down the flat or the kitchen did you?" I asked now I the kitchen.

"Surprisingly just the lasagna." He replied scraping the burnt lasagna into the bin.

"Well, we could just order Chinese and have a movie night." I said putting one of my arms around him.

Dan looked up and me and smiled, "I'd like that." He said.

"Okay, you can pick the movie I'll order the Chinese." I said, dan went into the lounge and picked out a movie. I didn't really care which movie it was.
It didn't take long for the people who wre delivering the Chinese to get here either.

After eating the movie was ignored and Dan ended up falling asleep in my arms, I followed soon after falling asleep as well.

A/N: okay I like how this turned out but I'm in Spanish rip me

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