Road Trip

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Summary: they go on a road trip down to Manchester to just take a look back where it all began and then one of them falls asleep on the other on the train
Warnings: None
Word count: 803

Dans POV:

It's been a while since phil and I have visited Manchester, I mean it's where we met for the first time and created a friendship that will last a life time. But now, we're going to Manchester for the first time as a couple.

"Have you called a cab or anything yet?" I ask looking over to Phil, he shakes his head and pulls out his phone and dials the number.

"Well, why you're doing that I'm going to go get dressed." I say and get up, I head towards my room so I can change from out of my pajamas.

"Can will be here in fifteen!" Phil says from the lounges.

I've finished getting dressed and walk into the lounge where he was still sitting.

"If the cab is going to be here in fifteen minutes then maybe you should get dressed as well." I say.

"Right, and you should continue and maybe get something to eat because it's going to be a long train ride." Phil says.

It's going to be a while but everything's fine, the cab will be here in fifteen minutes.

After getting ready we had literally one minute to get outside to the cab, the cab had somehow managed to arrive on time which was quite shocking considering how terrible traffic is here.
We walked out and got inside of the car and slowly made our way to the train station.

The train station is only ten minutes away and the train should get there ten minutes after we arrive then we've got a few hour long train ride.

"Ready to go?" Phil says as the train pulls up.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I say taking his hand as we enter the train.
Whenever I'm on a train I love sitting right beside of the window because you can get the best view of the London.

—another small timeskip.

A little while later we finally made it to Manchester!
I look around to see He boring old colors just like I remembered it.

"Wonder I we'll see that guy in the white sheet again?" Phil says laughing.

"Hopefully not." I say smiling.

We walked hand in hand for a while, just admiring what has changed since we moved away. Not much is different just a few newer buildings and some older ones being demolished or under construction.
As time passed by it began to slowly get dark and we headed back towards the train station.

We had fifteen minutes before the train arrived again so we stopped and reflected on the memories that were made in this train station.

"Hey Dan?" Phil says.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Remember when we first met here?" He Says.

"I do remember." I say.

"I remember the way you looked at me and the way we ran towards each other when you stepped off the train." He Says.

"I don't think I'd enjoy where I would be today if I hadn't met you." I say.

"And I hope you would like to spend the rest of your life with me." Phil says which confuses me a bit.

"Wh-" I was cut off by my own hands going towards my face to cover my mouth from shock.

"I figured we could make on more great memory in this station, Will you?" He Says with the velvety ring box open showing a small silver band.

"Yes, of course." I say, he stands up takes the ring from the box then places it on my finger. We hugged each other and by now it was pretty obvious I was crying tears of joy.
When we pulled away from the hug our lips shortly met only to be separated again.

"Thank you for everything, I love you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" I said smiling.

"I love you too, and I hope it turns out to be the most fun you've ever had." Phil says.

"You went there." I say.

"I did, but look the train is here." Phil says.

"Let's go home." I agree.

Phil's POV:

On the train ride home, I sat by the window and I had Dans hand in mine revealing the engagement ring. His head was placed on my shoulder since he had fallen asleep on the way home.
This has officially been the best day ever.

A/N: 1.) What do you think of the new cover? It's quickly put together but it still turned out decent, it's also MY art

2.) why is my writing such trash when I'm sleepy?

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