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Summary: Phil has a secret from his crush to asking them to marry him
Word count: 383
Warnings: None

5 year old Phil's PoV:

"Mummy mummy!" I say running towards her.

"Yes?" She replies and kneels down to my height.

"I made a friend!" I say with excitement.

"That's amazing! What's their name?" She says smiling.

"His name is Dan." I say. After telling her I went back to play with Dan on the swings.

12 year old Phil's POV:

"Mum?" I say walking into the kitchen to find her cooking dinner.

"Yes Phil?" She says keeping her eyes on what she is mixing in a bowl.

"I think I have a crush." I said.

"Awh, who is it?" She say smiling, she then sits the bowl on the kitchen counter and turns towards me.
I stay silent.

"Is it dan?" She asks, I nod in response and she hugs me.

"Thank you for understanding." I say hugging her back.

16 Year old Phil's POV:

"Mum can I tell you a secret?" I say, she nods.

"Dan and I are together and have been for a few years." I said, she smiled and hugged me.

"I always knew that you two would end up together." She said as she continued to hug me.

"Please don't tell dad yet, I don't think I'm ready to tell him." I said, she agreed and kept it secret. It wasn't only until a couple days later when I told him.

28 year old Phil's POV:

"Hey Mum, this is kind of important." I said knocking on her door.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Tomorrow I'm going to ask dan to marry me, I'm just really scared he won't say yes." I said.

"Trust me, He will. He's stayed with you since you were about 15 he'll say yes." She said.

"Thank you." I said.


"Hey Mum?" I said into the phone
"Hey Phil." She says.
"He said yes."

A/N: well I'm getting better mental health wise, I'm starting to feel a bit more like myself and I'm starting to want to actually do things like draw and play piano so that's good news. Sorry that this chapter was short Im writing at school so my brightness is down sorry for any spelling errors

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