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Summary: dnp gets engaged in Japan
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 520

Dans POV:

"I seen that." I Said going towards Phil after he tried to take a sneaky picture of me. He left his flash on which gave it away.

"No you didn't, I don't know what you're talking about." Phil said sliding his Phone in his pocket.
We laughed it off and decided to stop and sit underneath a cherry blossom.

"This was such a good idea." I Said and Phil nodded in response.

"Do you know what I like about Japan?" Phil said and I hummed in response.

"The fact it's quiet and we can actually show our love for each other in public because literally nobody here knows us." Phil said.

"Exactly, if we were in England or somewhere right now there would be "#Phanproof" everywhere" I said putting air quotes around 'phan proof'.

"It's true, Want to walk around a bit?" Phil asked.

"Sure, we shouldn't waste the day just sitting around." I Said, phil stood up and he took my hands in his helping me up.
We walked around the small park then stopping at a lake surrounded by other bushes and trees and whatnot.

A few people on bikes had passed, others walking then the typical kid playing Pokémon go honestly that would be me.
After a few minutes of walking, I stopped paying attention and got pulled into a train of my own thoughts.
"Dan?" Phil said catching me off guard causing me to jump and trip a little then falling into the lake.

(A/n: you know when you're just like so far out into your own lil world and everything acres you? That's what this was^)

"Oh my god dan!" Phil shouted as I attempted standing up in the lake.

"A little help would be nice." I Said as Phil extended his arm giving me a hand.

"Great now I'm wet and cold." I Said trying to ring the water out of my shirt the best I could phil just laughed.

"Only you." Phil said pausing in between to laugh a little.

"Only you what?" I questioned smiling.

"Only you would fall into the lake as I attempted to propose to you." Phil said.

"Seriously?" I questioned out of shock and excitement.

"Yeah." He replies then getting down on one knee and pulling out a small black box from his jacket pocket.

"I had a whole speech planned but this is more memorable, Daniel James Howell will you marry me?" Phil said, I laughed at the fact he was going to give a speech before I fell into the lake.

"Of course I will." I replied as he then slid the ring on my finger then kissed me softly.

"You're wet, you can have a better kiss later." Phil said his shirt now had very little spots of water.

"Awh, then maybe we should head back to the hotel now." I suggested and Phil nodded in agreement.

A/N: well, spooky week was cool. That game was weird and creepy but the lights weren't off idk frank uploaded brb

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