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This one starts off with texting like the band texts story:

Dan: Hey phil look at this
Dan: *insert random meme here*
Dan: and this one
Dan: *insert another random meme*

That's all my messages have been for the past ten minutes. It's kind of annoying.

Dan: Look at this one
Phil: I'm trying to edit
Dan: but you love me
Phil: I'm trying to edit
Dan: okay fine I'll just spam messages

"Do you think this is funny." I said looking over to dan who was sitting right across from me.

"Kind of." He said laughing.

"Well then, how about this." I said before tackling him at the other end of the sofa and started tickling him.

"Ph-STOP" I said laughing in between.

"Never!" I said still tickling him, he tried to wiggle out from underneath me but ended up falling in the floor.

"Ph-il this is-isn't funnyhehehe" He said laughing through the whole sentence.

"Yes it is, are you annoyed yet?" I asked.

"Please stop I-I'll leave you to edit." He said laughing a little less now.

"Okay." I said now standing up then sitting back down to edit.

Dan: look at this one. :)))

"Really dan." I said and he nodded.

"Nononononono." He said running away as I chased after him to tickle him again.

A/n: I like this chapter, and I hit 3,000+ followers on Instagram! Yay if you want to follow me I'm 'Spookyy._.Dun' I post some phan on there and random bands or you can follow my phan account which is 'Dans.Actually.On.Fire'

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