Vlogging Friends at Parties

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Summary: Vidcon after party, dnp drank like 2.5 drinks and now are rlllllly tipsy and end up making out. Tyler Oakley just happens to be vlogging and catches them making out but doesn't edit it out bc he didn't notice, but the Phandom did because were the fbi.....
Word count: 592
Dans POV:
Maybe one drink wouldn't hurt, I poured a small drink which would probably end up being a mistake in the long run. Phil's already had like two drinks, I told him to stop but he's not listening he's on his almost finished with the second.
After finishing the drink I decided to get another, then another. I only drank half of that one before Phil ended up pushing me up against the wall and started roughly making out with me.

The next morning I woke up in the hotel with the worst headache ever and completely naked. I don't remember last night that much, the last thing I do remember is drinking some pretty strong drinks. I go to turn over I notice someone's arms are wrapped around me, it's Phil's.

"Good morning." He Says and kisses me softly.

"Morning." I reply.

"I'm going to go shower, then eat breakfast and we can head towards the airport." I say and he nods in response.

"Nice view." Phil says as I laugh then dash towards the bathroom.
When I walk on I notice many purple, blue and red spots marking from my neck down the my collar bone. Well that gives me a better idea of what happened last night.

-A few days later-

I was waiting for a few people to upload their videos from vidcon since Phil and I never blog at vidcon for certain reasons. The first YouTuber to upload theirs was Tyler Oakley. Tyler is really good friends with Phil and I so he was somewhere around us most of the time at vidcon.

While watching the video I noticed something and just about died when I seen it. It was at the afterparty after Phil and I had drank way to much and he started roughly making out of me. It wasn't hard to point out so I wouldn't doubt if anyone seen it but it was also a bit blurry but you could still tell who it was . I scroll down to the comments and see that literally everyone has seen it.
This isn't good.

"Phil?" I say looking over at him and he hums in response.

"Have you seen Tyler's vlog?" I ask, he shakes his head no.

"Look at this." I said rewinding the video a little then showing him exactly what I had just seen.

"What do we do?!" Phil says panicking.

"Come out?" I suggest.

"Well, I guess so everyone's seen this there's no way of hiding it now." He replied.

Only a few days later we uploading the coming out video, literally everyone well almost everyone was happy and supported us. Only true fans would stay if they actually supported us from the start of when they started watching our videos.
I knew a few people would unsubscribe but that's okay because I'm happy now and so is Phil.
Also tumblr, Twitter, Instagram Phandom wasn't okay. They'd probably be freaking out for the next week or two.

A/N: I like this chapter, forget ever having smut in the book because I'm not writing it.
Well the book is currently 19.7k and I'm gonna scream when it hits 20k and I've got Spanish homework so that's JUST wonderful. Rip I'm just gonna use google translate :P and I'm making pizza rolls because why not

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