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Summary: dan tries learning a song on piano for Phil so he can propose and Phil's already learned it
Word count:  703
Warnings: None
Dans POV:

Phil isn't home right now, I sent him out to get some more marshmallows since he ate all of them. This also gives me the perfect opportunity to practice the song I've been trying to learn to propose to him.
I've gotten the whole song except for one part down. I can't get it, my hands and my mind don't want to work together with that piece.

Dan: where are you?
Phil: Still looking for marshmallows they've re-arranged tesco so I may be a while
Dan: Okay take as much time as you need <3
Phil: Okay I'll be home soon <3

After finding out for sure I'll have time, I walk into my room and begin to practice the song I'm learning for a special day. The only time I ever have to practice this song is when Phil isn't home. I wouldn't want him to find out about the song since it's a surprise.

"NO!" I say and slam my hands on the keys, I played it perfectly and then messed up at the exact spot where I always mess up. I try to practice it slowly left hand first then right hand, still nothing. I may just give up and propose traditionally.

"Dan I'm home!" Phil yells as he enters the apartment, I look up to the sheet music and quickly try hiding it in my desk drawer.

"Where are you?" He Says, his voice is louder now so he's probably in the lounge.

"My room." I replied, I'm still sat at the piano since I didn't have my laptop or phone with me.

"Practicing anything new?" Phil asks leaning on my door frame.

"Yeah, something." I say.

"Can I hear it?" He Says, I was a bit shocked since he never really asks to hear me play.

"S-sure." I replied, I fixed the way I was sitting on the piano stool and hovered my hands over the keys. I look over to Phil who nodded and I began playing. Obviously I played what I was planning on proposing to him with because why not now? I mean it's not like I'm going to get that part down anytime soon.

"Sorry I can't get this part down." I say as I messed up once again.

"Here let me try." Phil says, he pulls up a chair and I move the piano stool over a bit. He plays through the song and doesn't mess up at all.

"How did you-" I say hit he cuts me off.

"Dan, I don't know what I would do without you. You're like a light in a dark room compared to everything else that's happened. I knows we've been here with each other for a long time and through good and bad times. For a while I've been trying to do something special for you to do this, something I could do that would be unforgettable. I just want to say that I love you with all my heart and I hope you love me enough to spend the rest of your life with me." He Says.

"Anything you Do is unforgettable. I do love you so yes I will spend the rest of my life with you." I say. He pulls a small silver ring out of his pocket and slips it onto my finger and pulls me in for a hug then kisses me softly.

"You know I was trying to learn that song to propose to you." I said.

"I know, I seen the sheet music when I was looking for my laptop a couple weeks ago. Why did you title it, 'song for proposal.' I mean I'm impressed it's an original song you wrote but learn to title things a little more cryptic." Phil says.

"You still love me though." I said and he hugged me again.

"You're right, I do." He said.

A/N: I'm still sick and sorry I have updated.
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