"What are those marks?"

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TW: mentions of self harm
Summary:  dan and Phil's ten year old asks about a scar on dans wrist, dan explains
Word count: 599
Warnings: mentions of self harm

Dans POV:

Lately Lizzie has been quite curious about the past and what it was like with Phil. She's a kid she's going to wonder and keep asking questions until someone answers.

"Papa?" Lizzie says to Phil.

"Yes?" He replies.

"What was it like when you first met dada?" She asks, I smiled while thinking of what it was like.

"Well, it was really fun. We had been waiting for a very long time to meet each other, we had talked over video chat for a couple months and then decided to meet in person. Only years later we moved in together then some more time had passed and we ended up marrying each other and adopting you." Phil Says as Lizzie looks at him in awe while he was explaining the story.

"Sounds magical!" She exclaimed.

"It Really was." I said walking over to the sofa and sitting with Phil and Lizzie.

"Dada?" Lizzie says looking over at me, I hummed in response.

"What are those marks on your wrists?" She asks, she doesn't know about anything like self harm, what do I say?! I look over to Phil with a panicked expression and he was making just about the same face as me.

"Lizzie, these are battle scars." I say and she looks confused.

"Battle scars?" She questions.

"Mhmm, they prove that you fought a battle but you don't want these. They've caused pain in the past, and make you feel pain but also feeling like you're winning when you're really not. These battle scars won't happen anymore and they stopped because of your papa. I've found happiness through this family and everything it has to bring me. Before everything I was very very sad and made me feel different from others. These battle scars show that you're a fighter and with happiness you can win those battles." I said.

"That didn't sound fun, but at least you're happy now!" She says.

"Thanks Lizzie." I say as she crawls over to me and hugs me.
We continued talking and telling Lizzie old stories about what had happened.

"Papa, this is an important question." Lizzie says then looking back over to Phil.

"What is it Lizzie?" Phil says.

"What was it like when you asked Dada to marry you." Lizzie says as I giggle.

"It was such an amazing day, we were in Japan and-" He starts but Lizzie cuts him off.


"Yes lizzie, a few times actually." He Says.

"Continue!" She said.

"Okay," he pauses and laugh, "it was a really wonderful day, your Dada wasn't looking and our friends in Japan told him he should take a look around and when he did, he had the biggest smile on his face and he started to tear up. Obviously he said yes, which means that the day that happened was officially the best day of my life." Phil says.

"That's magic, and you can't tell me otherwise." Lizzie says.

"It was." Phil says as he looks over to me and smiles. After that we all scooted close together and just laid around.

"And we couldn't be happier." I added as I grabbed Phil's hand and Lizzie fell asleep in between us.

A/N: Happy New Years for anyone who's in the east! (As in England and so on) it's still 2017 for me how does it feel to be in the future?

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