Darkness & Jumpscares

460 18 5

Phil gets jump scared by his daughter at 3am when she's standing at the end of the bed
Warnings: None
Word count: 382
Phil's POV:

I haven't been getting much sleep lately, maybe it's because Lizzie likes to wake up at three am because she's had a nightmare or she just wants to sleep in here with Dan and I. Anyways with me losing sleep and not being able to fall asleep has caused me to keep waking up and random times throughout the night, nothing can help me fall asleep.

"Still awake?" Dan asks sounding much more tired than normal.

"Mhmm, did you just get Lizzie to bed." I ask as he walks around the bed to side before laying down.

"Yeah after reading the rest of the book from last night." He Says, "but now, I want to go to sleep." He replied before kissing me softly and turning over to go to sleep.

"At least try going to sleep." Dan says but it was a bit muffled since he wasn't facing me.

"I'll try." I said before turning off my lamp and snuggling up to Dan to keep warm.


I feel like something is watching me, I turn my head slightly to see the door cracked. It only let in enough light just to see a black silhouette figure at the end of the bed. I turned on my lamp to find....LIZZIE!

"Lizzie? What are you doing up it's," I paused to turn to look at the clock, "3:25 in the morning." I say.

"I had another nightmare, can I stay in here please?" Lizzie asks.

"What's going on?" Dan woke up maybe we were taking too loud.

"Lizzie had another nightmare and wants to stay in here." I said, Dan nodded and moved over enough so Lizzie would have room to sleep.

After she had laid down Dan and I both wrapped our arms around her and attempted going back to sleep.

"Goodnight Lizzie." Dan says.

"Night dada, night papa." She replies and we all slowly fell asleep.

A/N: almost to 40k reads nejsbebxhehdu also I've been drawing a lot today and haven't been on my phone so that's why the update is so late.
Don't mind me eating Christmas candy and writing.....

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