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Summary: dans doing a modeling gig for some top name brand clothing and Phil's the best photographer and tells dan not to be shy and that he's beautiful
Warnings: None
Word Count; 905

Phil's POV:

Sometimes being a photographer isn't easy, Most of the time it requires a lot of travel. I'm actually from London, but I've been all over the world doing photography for modeling businesses. My last session was in California, but now I'm back in London doing a session for Calvin Klein. It's both guys and girls modeling, and the producer of the show is expecting great quality photos.

"Hello you must be Phil Lester." Says the associate as I entered the building with some of my equipment.

"I am, Do you know where I couldn't possibly take this stuff." I said directing towards my camera and tripod along with a few other lenses.

"There is an extra dressing room that you could use, remember we're doing individual model sessions then photos of the show right?" She said.

"I do remember, okay I'll see you soon then." I reply and attempt to wave without dropping my stuff.
I made my way down the hallway and into my dressing room.
After about ten minutes I was greeted with the person who was running the show, the associate and my first model.
The model had slightly tanned skin, curly brown hair and beautiful brown eyes.

"Hello again Phil, This is Daniel Howell. He's our newest model." The associate Says.

"Well, Daniel it's nice to meet you." I say holding my hand out to shake his. He shakes his head and doesn't really say a word.

"Don't be shy" I say smiling. He then accepts the hand shake and smiles as well.

"Alright Phil, Daniel, enough chitchat let's get started so we can get the show ready on time." The Man who runs the show Says. I'm pretty sure his name is Michael or Mike for short.

"Okay Dan, if you could go sit in that chair over there for the first photo." I say, he smiles and nods and walks over to the chair.

"Don't be shy dan." I say as he continues what he was doin earlier.

"Sorry, it's just-" he sighs, "everyone else is too professional and I'm too shy for this everyone else is a lot prettier than I am too." He Says, the time of feeling like a failure and not good enough was visible in his voice.

"Don't say that about yourself, I think you're absolutely beautiful. Anyone who tries putting you down they're just jealous." I said, he smiled and looked up.

"You really think so?" He Says now more confident

"I know so." I replied.

"Okay okay, enough flirting. Let's continue." Mike says. I nod and we continue the photoshoot. Out of all of the models I think Dan is my favorite. After the photoshoot of singles the show was about to begin so to had to hurry and set my equipment up by the stage.

"5, 4, 3, 2, and we're Live!" The cameraman shouts.

Mike did the introduction to the show and introduced what was going to happen and what everyone may be seeing tonight.
After about five models walking out on stage, it was now the male models. The very first male model to walk out was Dan, he seemed much more confident in himself after the photoshoot.
When Dan got to the edge of the stage he looked down at me and smiled then winked. I continued taking pictures for the show but smiled back at him.

The show was over after about an hour and a half and I was met back in the extra dressing room where I was. There was a knock at the door and it was the associate and Dan.

"Hello again, Daniel here would like to talk to you before you go." She said before leaving, now it was just Dan and I alone in the room.

"Great work out there." I said as I began packing my camera.

"Thanks, I actually needed to tell you something." Dan said.

"Go ahead." I replied then turning to face him.

"Well, I just want to say thank you for the confidence boost earlier. No one has ever said anything like that to me before." Dan said.

"No problem." I replied smiling.

"And the last thing is, I think that you're a really great guy and I would love if we could hang out sometime. That the next time you're in London." He Says.

"I would love too, I don't actually have another gig until two weeks from now." I said.

"I don't have another show for about two months." Dan replied.

"Okay, So it's a plan." He says smiling.

"Well, I guess I should go now." Dan says going to leave the room.

"Dan wait." I said, he turned around and faced me right at the door. I walked over to him and placed my hands on the side of his faces and kissing him slowly. Dan moved his hands down to my waist and continued.

"Until next time." I said, he smiled.

"Until next time." He replied before walking away.

A/N: woo, I actually like this chapter and I'm in dance class the teacher isn't here so we're watching tangled and I've got a chance to write. I'm a sophomore and we're watching a Disney movie, nice :/

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