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I looked at him for a moment. He had a coat on and two hoods up. Must have had a hoodie underneath. His hand looked a bit grubby and was wet from the rain. As was he. He must also have been out in it for a while.

I took his hand and he helped me up. He let go of my hand and put it round my shoulder and started leading me down the dark streets. I can't decide if I'm in danger or not. But if I am, then I'm on my own.

This guy seemed nice though. He was probably Ryan's age, and if not then es no more than a year older, if that. Maybe that's why I trust him? Because he reminds me of Ryan.

Either way, I'm glad someone is here. I don't think I can do this on my own, as much as I hate to admit it. But what if he tries to kill me or something? I mean, he doesn't look like he would but I'm not taking any chances based on appearance alone.

To be fair, if he did kill me it wouldn't be much of a loss would it? Nobody would miss me for long. They still might not have noticed I'm gone for all I know.

Eventually, the boy lead me through a thin, dimly lit alleyway and we came out in front of this big ish building. It was scruffy as hell and really hidden. Looked like it had been abandoned for years. There was graffiti on the outside and the windows were boarded up.

"Welcome, to my humble abode" he joked.

"You live here?"

"Yeah loads of us do"

"Loads of you?"

"We're like, a gang, but not in a bad way. We look after each other and help each other"

"Help each other do what?"

"Survive. Think, Fagans gang from Oliver Twist"

"Fan of Charles Dickens are we?"

"Nah, I just know a few things and I've met a few people. Loads of people come and go here"

"Is everyone nice?"

"Yeah there all decent enough. Anyway, enough of the chit chat, let's go inside and out of the rain"

He lead me into the house. It kind of reminded me of Burneywood, but more run down. The wallpaper was all peeling off and there was no light or anything. Just what came through the cracks in the walls.

It smelled funny, like damp and the carpets were all discoloured. There were random bits of broken furniture and rubbish everywhere, but other than that it was pretty empty.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to the lads" he said as he started taking off down the hall.

"Wait! You haven't introduced me to yourself yet"

"Oh I do apologise" he said in what was similar to a cockney accent. Wonder where he's from. "The name is Clive. I guess you could say I'm the ringleader of this gang"

"Right. Ok, well, my name is ...umm..." I couldn't think on the spot, but I didn't want to give him my real name. Not if I don't know him properly.

"Yeah?" He encouraged awkwardly.

"Jasmine!" I blurted. "My name is Jasmine, but you can call me Jas"

"Alright then, Jas, follow me. Let's meet the crew"

I followed him down a corridor, which lead into a long room which I assume was nice a living room or lounge. Inside were a group of people, each lying down on the floor on a pile of blankets or thin mattress. A couple had their own lights on and they all wore thick clothing like it was winter.

No wonder, this place doesn't have heating and is barely waterproof. How did I end up here?

"Guys, this is Jasmine. She's staying here the night"

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