It isn't real

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After we came back from the park we were all tired and just sort of did our own thing. Dinner came and went. Mai Lee cooked a lasagne and served it with garlic bread. I was glad of her cooking. It's honestly the best.

After dinner, as promised, Ryan and I stayed in our room and were cuddling on my bed. We had the laptop with us which was blaring La La Land at high volume. I love this film. I'm pretty sure Ryan hates it but he let me choose.

I'm leaning on Ryan and have my head rested between his chest and his shoulder. My arm is around his torso and our legs are sort of intertwined, or tangled depending on how you see it.

He has both his arms round my and his chin resting on my head. He was playing slightly with the ends of my hair, and rubbing circles onto my back using his other hand. I two so relaxed. It was amazing.



"I love you"

"Where did that come from?"

"What? Can't a girlfriend just appreciate her boyfriend for no reason(!)" I asked sarcastically.

"Well yeah, it was just random is all. It caught me off guard"

"I like to keep you on your toes" I joked.

"Hey! You're the short one!" He replied laughing.

"I prefer the term fun sized" I replied.

"That term literally makes no sense" he replied, suddenly begin serious again. "Like, what's fun about having a smaller portion of food?"

"I agree. I would rather eat all the foods"

"We should get some snacks"

"Yep. I'll pause it" I reached for the laptop and paused the film. Ryan and I got up and he started heading out the door. I stopped in front of the mirror and started messing with my hair, trying to tidy it up.

"Come on" he said grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the room. "You look fine, we're only going downstairs"

"I know but.."

"Come on!"

I gave up and allowed him to lead me downstairs. "You may have won this one Reeves"


"But nothing. That's all I got"

We both were laughing as we arrived in the kitchen. I got to work on making us both some killer hot chocolates as Ryan sorted out some popcorn. We didn't even have to talk about it. I always make hot chocolates because I'm good at it, and Ryan always does the popcorn because I can't reach it.

We finished sorting the snacks and went back up to the bedroom. We returned to the position almost identical to what we were in before. The film was just getting to the best part (A/N no spoilers lol) and it was amazing!


"Marie why do you always end up crying over films?" Ryan asked jokingly as he set the empty popcorn bowl aside, along with the two mugs we had used.

"Because the ending is so confusing and betraying" I sobbed. He handed me a tissue. "Because they let you get so attached to these characters and this relationship that grows between them while they both struggle with their careers and life, then it rips your heart out and throws it to the floor and stops on it until it can beat no more"

"Don't you think you're being just a little bit dramatic?" Ryan asked as he joined me on the bed again, where I was just a mess.

"No Ryan I'm not being just a little bit dramatic, I'm having a perfectly reasonable reaction considering what just happened before my eyes!"

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