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(A/N: So sorry guys I went on the annual theatre trip with school to rehearse the show and forgot to tell you, there was no WiFi I am beyond sorry xxxx)

I fell back in mirth as Ryan snorted in laughter, causing us both to laugh even more, and Ryan to fall off of the bed that we were both lying down on! I started to cry from laughing so hard while Ryan took a few breaths to calm himself down before gathering himself and standing back up again.

He sat back on the bed and I wiped my eyes dry, still laughing hysterically, just as the door opened and Mike stood there looking at us like we were crazy.

"You alright there Marie?" He smiled, knowing that I wasn't upset or anything. I couldn't even form a sentence so i just nodded and buried my head on Ryan's shoulder to hide my face in shame. Ryan responded by wrapping a arm round my waist. I must look like a right idiot. Ryan has calmed down, so as far as Mike knows, I'm just sat here laughing with my boyfriend who clearly doesn't find it funny.

"Hey Ryan" Mike said, sort of awkwardly.

"Hello Mike"

"It's been a while. Anything new?"

"Not really. It's just the same old"

At this point I tried really hard to gather myself so I could end this awkward conversation for them. It wasn't supposed to be awkward.

"Good day at work?" I asked Mike, still stifling a laugh. I can't even remember what was so funny, but once we started laughing we just couldn't stop. Well I couldn't.

"It was alright" Mike replied. "I'm very tired though, it's a stressful job. Anyway, I just came up to let you know that dinner will be ready in a few minutes so it's time to come down now please"

"No problem. be down in a minute" I replied. He smiled at both of us then closed the door behind himself.

"He actually just asked you, rather than telling" Ryan said, seeming shocked.


"I dunno. I guess it's weird that he is respecting us, rather than talking down to us or treating us like little children"

"Ryan he only ever does that when he is working, and it's only because he has to treat all of the children equally, whether they are five or fifteen. when we are at home, he treats me more like a friend than anything else"

"So he doesn't smother you either?"

"No of course not. Why?"

"Oh no reason, I was just making sure"

"Shall we go down for dinner?"

"Yeah we probably should. do you know what we are having?"

"No idea, but Agatha is really good at cooking..."

"Not as good as Mai Lee though"

"Well, honestly I would say Mai Lee has got competition."

He kind of frowned slightly, so I decided to stop that where it was. I stood up and grabbed his hand, before leading him downstairs to the kitchen where the table was set. Mike was sat down on one side, and there was one place beside him, and two on the opposite side of the table which is where Ryan and I went to sit. I sat opposite Mike and Ryan sat opposite to where Agatha would have been sitting.

"Did you bring down your fruit plates?" Agatha asked as she bent down to get something out of the oven.

"No sorry, I'll go get them" I said scraping my chair back.

"No no, it isn't a problem. You can fetch them afterwards. what do you two want to drink?"

"Just water for me please" Ryan replied, kind of sounding like he was at a restaurant.


"Umm, lemonade?"

"Of course, no problem"

Mike offered Agatha a hand, which she politely turned down. I feel like she prides herself on her housekeeping abilities and her way of being able to please everyone. It's really sweet when you think about it.

I looked over to Ryan as we waited and saw a nervous expression on his face as he looked around the room. Under the table, I slipped my hand into his and gave it a reassuring squeeze. He looked to me and forced a smile. You can tell he is nervous, and that is only going to give Mike and Agatha a worse impression of him, as though he has something to hide if you know what I mean.

"You have real napkins" Ryan whispered. Mike was too busy turned in his chair to face Agatha to notice.

"What?" I laughed.

"He used his free hand to pick up the napkin and hold it up. "It's nt paper, it's a proper napkin. It's so fancy"

"You don't get out enough Ryan" I laughed.

"Well you're not there any more so can you really blame me?"

We came back into the conversation when Agatha placed a plate in front of each of us with some sort of curry on it.

"Ah yes, Agatha's special vegetarian bean curry" Mike said as Agatha went back to get hers and Mike's. "She only ever makes it as a treat on special occasions because it takes so long. But it really is worth the wait"

Once we all had our food and drinks, Agatha finally joined us at the table so we could start to enjoy the meal. There was no fuss or gossiping, like there was at the dumping ground. Just calm, pleasant, dining.

Mike was right. This stuff is amazing! I'll have to ask Agatha to make it again sometime. and judging by the look on Ryan's face, I'm guessing he was enjoying it as well.

"So Ryan" Agatha started. "How did you and Marie meet?"

Oh no, here starts the typical relationship roast coming from Agatha. I hope Ryan is alright with this.

"Well I live at Ashdene Ridge, and I was there when Marie first moved on. We just sort of got to know each other I guess"

"Right, and how long have you been together?"

"Gosh, it must have been about a year not... I think..?" he said in a high pitched voice, looking at me.

"Yeah I think you're right" I agreed, helping out because he obviously wasn't comfortable with this entire situation.

"Wow, that's quite a long time, specially for children your age" Agatha said, which made me feel weird. Was she saying that as a good thing or was she trying to make us feel bad about something or...what? I couldn't pinpoint her intention with that one.

"And, have you ever had any big fallouts yet?"

"Now Agatha, don't send them too many questions. We don't want to scare him away now do we?" Mike asked, winking at me and smiling. I smiled back gratefully, glad that he stepped in when he did.

"Sorry, I just love getting to know people. Well Ryan, as far as I'm concerned, any friend of Marie's is a friend of mine"

"Thank you" Ryan replied. "I am glad you approve"

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