Just getting better

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I struggled getting back to sleep. I was freezing cold and shivering with chattering teeth and a quivering lip, but Mai Lee refused to allow me to cover up and keep warm which feels like she was trying to make me even more ill. Like how does that help?

But then suddenly I would get really really hot and sweaty and would struggle to cool myself down again. Why can't I just find a comfortable middle ground? I kept tossing and turning and trying to be comfortable but it was like my muscles just wouldn't relax. This well and truly sucks.

I don't know what time it is but I know it's getting late. I've barely done anything today and it just feels like a waste. If I was missing school it would be great. But I'm not. I'm missing out on spending time with Ryan and it's been so long since we have had a day for just the two of us, you know?


I woke up and felt extremely thirsty. My throat was more dry that it has ever been, like someone sniffed a load of cotton balls down it or something. I got up quietly and went downstairs to get a drink. It was dark. Probably the middle of the night. Nobody else is awake, or up, so I'm being really careful not to step on any of the creaky floorboards.

I crept into the kitchen, and stupid me decided not to turn the light on. I whispered a harsh "ow!" as my hip collided with what I assume was the corner of the counter! The only light came from the freezer when I reached in for some ice. I stood there and gulped the water, and suddenly got the feeling I was being watched.

Is someone else up as well? And why aren't they showing themselves if they are? I'm not likely to be the one to get them into trouble when I'm doing the exact same thing. I placed the glass down on the counter next to the sink, and turned to face the rest of the room.

I could only just about make out outlines of the furniture, yep, definitely the middle of the night. I was about to start walking back upstairs when I felt something cold on the back of my neck.

I froze. Unable to tell if it was a hand, someone breathing, a draft from the window! All my instincts were telling me not to look and to just go back to bed and pretend nothing happened.

But oh no no no, that obviously wasn't going to happen. As soon as I regained the ability to move, I snapped my head around and saw...I saw....I don't know. It was like a person but not.

They had no features, no face, no eyes no obvious clothing. They were just a big, human shaped black blob. It began to move, and so did I. As fast as I could, I ran to the front door in hopes of getting away.

But it wasn't working! My legs were moving faster than they ever have before, and I could see the door, but it wasn't getting any closer! I looked round to see the thing moving quickly towards me! Smoothly cutting through the air like fabric in the wind.

I can't go anywhere! I'm out of options! My legs are moving faster than ever but my body remains in the same place! All I can do is watch and stare as the monster beast shadow demon thing catches up to me and...

I bolted upright in bed and gasped! I was panting and I was sweating, but there were no tears or screams. That was weird. I looked to the side of me, and saw Ryan fast asleep in his bed. At least I wasn't loud this time.

I laid back down in bed and tried to get over what just happened. That wasn't the worst dream I've had, it was just really random. Unnerving even. I'm not gonna bother telling anyone about it. I don't think it's really worth it to be honest.

I don't want to make a fuss and cause people worry about something so cynical. My mind has just been restless since I've been in bed for so long. My imagination needed exercise and decided to make up a nightmare. Nothing to be concerned about.

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