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I stood by the back door and got ready to go out. I could hear them all laughing and having a good time out there. And now I'm going to go out like the cloud to rain on their parade. I think that's how they see me now. The bad egg.

I have to suck it up like Ryan says. It's best I go now. The more time I leave it the more pride I will lose and more reason they have to tease me.

Quickly, without thinking, I swung the door open and dramatically stepped out and out my hands on my hips. Everyone sort of turned to look at me, started at me for a few seconds then carried on what they were doing.

So they don't care. I don't know what's better. Them not caring, or them caring and me having to deal with it. This is a horrible position to be in.

"You decided to come then?" Mike asked as he approached me.

"Yeah" I replied, instantly moody again. Somehow his presence just angered me. "But not for you so don't get big headed. I spoke to Ryan and he convinced me to talk to the others and socialise. So I'm going to talk to them then eat some food and leave"

"Come on, you know you love us really"

"Love you lot? Oh please. Nobody in this dump is loved by anyone. We all know that"


"What? It's true isn't it? We wouldn't be here if someone loved us?"

He became uncomfortable and stiff. Well this is awkward. It always is when someone gets too close to mentioning our lack of family. People don't know wether it's a valid reason to feel sorry for us, or if them feeling sorry for us will offend us. Yeah, it's difficult.

"Why don't you go join in with the others?" He asked as he gestured to everyone else who were all playing separate games in groups.

I rolled my eyes at him, knowing that he is going to make me, wether I like it or not. I haven't been in the garden in ages. It almost feels unfamiliar. Weird to say it's home and yet it doesn't feel like it at all.

I stormed further into the garden and stood next to Jody who was talking to Tyler. They both stopped talking and looked at me.

"What do you want a picture or something?!"

"No it's just" Jody started. "It's been ages. We didn't expect you to come"

"Ah nice to know I'm welcome"

"I didn't mean it like that and you know I didn't."

"Anyway, do you want to join in our game?" Asked Tyler awkwardly.

"What game is it?" I asked.

"We made it up" he replied. "What you do, is you take it in turns and you have to try and take something off the other people"

"Excuse me?"

"These!" He said, picking up a crate filled with random objects.

"Where did you get all this?"

His expression faltered. "Isn't that Floss's?" I asked, grabbing a hair tie type thing from the box.

"We might have borrowed a few things"

"Yeah and I bet you didn't have permission."

"Not exactly"

"So you stole it?! There better not be anything of mine in here!"

"There isn't I promise!"

"Tyler you said the stuff was yours!" Jody scolded.

"What? And you believed that Tyler owned a pink headband Jody?"

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