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"What?!" Luke asked in sheer disbelief as he closed the folded tag was in his hands.

"I want to be fostered"

"What?!" I spun round and saw Ryan standing in the doorway. He must have just heard what I said.

"Ryan, please go get some breakfast, this doesn't concern you" Mai Lee said softly.


"Now Ryan"

He looked at me desperately, but what could I do? I watched him go and then closed the door behind him. I turned back to Luke and Mai Lee who were both giving me their full attention.

"Marie, are you sure?" Mai Lee asked, clearly thinking that this was a bad idea.

"Like you said Luke, I might be better somewhere else. And I can't stay in the dumping ground forever. I've got to grow up at some point"

"Yeah but, that time doesn't have to be now.."

"Yes it does. If I go now I can have a loving family to go to. If I go when the system forces me out, I'll be all on my own"

"Marie" Mai Lee said sternly. "If the others have done something, this isn't the way to solve it"

"Oh no they really haven't I just..."

"Don't act on impulse. Don't make any big decisions you're going to regret"

Ryan's POV

"Are you happy now?!" I screamed as I stormed back into the dining room where everyone was eating breakfast, much calmer than before. "Are you freaking happy?!"

"Woah Ryan what's up?" Tyler asked casually.

"You lot! You're all idiots!" I began pacing up and down next to the table, rubbing my hands through my hair.

"Seriously mate what's happened?" Tyler asked. "If it's about what we said to Marie, it was just a joke..."

"Just a joke?! Are you kidding?! Well I hope you're laughing because you're little joke has driven my girlfriend out of the dumping ground for good!"

"Wait what?" Asked Tee sitting straighter. "She's leaving?"

"She's getting fostered" I sighed. "She's in their talking to Luke and Mai Lee now. She's leaving because none of you had the decency to be nice to her for once. You all made her the butt of your jokes. You all made her the victim without thinking about how she felt"

There was a moment of silence where everyone sort of realised exactly what I was saying. "We've got to do something" Tee announced, breaking the silence.

"Yeah I feel really bad" Tyler added.

"Bad?! You feel bad is that really all you can come up with?"

"Ryan calm down..."

"No! Don't you realise what you've done?! We might never see her again thanks to you lot! She could be gone forever!"

"That's enough Ryan" I looked up to see Luke standing in the doorway looking st me. "Calm down, she's not gone yet"


Marie's POV (from a few moments ago)

"It's not because of anyone else. I just feel like this would be the best thing for me" I lied. It was because of the others but if I told them that then they wouldn't let me do it.

"Well, I'll only do this if you're sure. And you know this is a long process" started Luke.  "It's not just about being put up for fostering and going home tomorrow? We need to find the right family and you need a chance to get to know them before they agree to anything more permanent alright?"

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