Pink Princess Episode Two

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Today is the day, it's the party. I've been trying not to think about it all week. Like Ryan said, it's just one party. It probably means nothing. But I can't help but think that maybe I was invited because the popular people are starting to like me, or want me in their social group. Otherwise all the others would have been invited wouldn't they?

Harley was at school again yesterday, but he didn't meet us at lunch or even approach me all day. I don't know if that is a good thing or not. To be fair, unless we go looking for each other or have art, we don't really see each other during the day.

We have four hours until the party, and I still haven't sorted out what I'm going to wear. Ryan is fine. He is downstairs playing pool with Tyler. I'm rummaging through my wardrobe, looking for something, anything to wear that won't make me look like a complete idiot.

If I don't look perfect, they won't like me. They are all popular and look stunning in anything. I don't. I don't have the perfect body. The perfect hairstyle. The perfect skin. Perfect makeup or anything. I grabbed some of the things I was trying on the other day.

I'm so glad I didn't settle for any of these. They look awful, no matter how hard I try to squeeze into them. I toss them onto the floor. I might as well give them to the Floss or the twins, or the charity shop. I'm never going to fit into them again. I must have gained weight, I haven't gained any height so I must have.

"Hey don't throw your gorgeous babies on the floor" squealed Carmen as she barged in and dropped down to the floor where the dress was.

"Oh hey Carmen"

"What have you done?" God she was acting like it was a dead body or something, I think it was a good thing she did drama. It suits her personality; drama queen.

"It's just some useless old junk Carmen"

"No don't say that, they might hear you" she picked one up and cradled it in her arms while she crouched on the floor. "It's okay. I still love  you. Don't listen to the mean girl" she said, sending me a glare.

"You can keep it if you love it so much"


"Yeah go for it. I'm never gonna wear it again. And if that's what it takes for you to shut up then so be it"

"If you're sure?" she asked with a smile.

"Oh trust me I am"

It was now that she stood up and looked at me with a puzzled look on her face.

"What's wrong?" She asked. I wondered whether to explain or not, but, as much as I hate to admit it, Carmen is good at the whole beauty guru thing. She might actually be able to help me.

"Well there's this party tonight..."

"Wait YOU'VE been invited to a party? Like a real one not just pizza and movies?"

"Yes! Why is everyone so shocked by that?"

"Because, you're you. Anyway spill, whose party is it?"


"As it perfect popular Molly? The same Molly that threw the best parties where only the best of the best were invited to go?"

"I don't know I've never actually met her. All I know is that she sits at the front in art, and we've texted once, and that was about the party" 

"Wow okay. And let me guess, you're looking for something good to wear, make you look pretty and stuff"

"Well yeah basically. Only I'm not exactly a pretty person so it's kind of proving to be quite hard"

"You see, this is my speciality"

"What parties?"

"No, making people look good. So I'll help you."

"Thanks Car..."

"Is Ryan going?"


"Is Ryan going? Like, is Ryan going to be there?"

"Well I don't see why that matters"

"Well it helps us decide how much of you to show off..."

"Woah woah woah. Carmen, you are not showing me off to anyone"

"You're no fun"

"No I'm being serious. I just want to look nice and acceptable for these people. Not showing anything off. And yes, Ryan is going to be there. Sorry to be a killjoy(!)"

"Right we will have to play it safe. Don't want to cause any Myan drama" I rolled my eyes. "So, what are you wearing? What have I got to work with?"

"Well, nothing really. I don't really have any party clothes"

"Not to worry. Luckily for you, I have loads of things of mine in mind that should fit you and look great. Then I can do your hair and makeup. Maybe even your nails. How long have you got?"

I glanced to the alarm clock on the bedside table. "Maybe, three and a half hours until we have to be leaving"

"Oh boy. We'll have to be quick"

"What that's loads of..."

"Come on. I've been to one of her parties before, I know the sort of thing you're going to need to wear. Follow me"

She grabbed my wrist and started pulling me to her room. Why do I get the feeling that asking Carmen for help was a bad idea?


"And then someone smashed the tv and spilled something on one of the cables which set on fire so we were all sent home early" Carmen explained. She was talking about the party that she was at before. I get the feeling she was pulling me leg, but it still made me nervous. What if that is what it is really like?

"Carmen this looks stupid" I said as I examined my appearance in the mirror.

"It looks amazing" she argues, almost sounding offended.

"I might just not go"

"No no no you can't bail now! That would be like, social suicide"

"Fine" I sighed. "But I don't like the dress"

"You don't have to like it. Everyone else will love it"

"It looks ridiculous"

"It looks acceptable. Like you're supposed to be there. Anyway, we don't have time for you to get changed or find something else that fits. This will have to do. I need to get on with your hair and makeup before you leave don't forget"

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