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I woke up and everything from yesterday came flooding back. Again I'm glad that I went and talked to Ryan, and all the others, even if they didn't like seeing me so much. We cleared the air and got all of that sorted. Now I just have to go down and face Mike.

Agatha didn't seem to be that bothered by me being late back, but Mike certainly was. He was way angrier than he's been since I've been here and maybe even the angriest I've ever seen him. I still don't understand why, but I still can't get away without talking to him about it.

I rolled over and picked up my phone to check the time. It was just after 11, a bit later than I would normally wake up. I'm surprised they didn't wake me up, maybe they really are that mad at me.

There was also a couple of texts from Ryan, the first from yesterday and a couple from today.

R: They aren't too mad at you are they? x

R: Good morning princess x How did it go?

R: Text me when you get these and tell me everything xx

I sighed as I typed my reply.

M: Sorry I didn't see these until now xx

R: How did it go with Mike? Was he okay with it? x

M: No, he was so mad that he wouldn't say anything to me last night and is talking to me about it today at some point xx

R: Oh no, I'm sorry. Didn't you explain what happened with Mai Lee?

M: I tried to but he wouldn't listen! He was so so mad you wouldn't believe it. I'm just gonna have to get up, sort myself out and face him

R: Okay, well good luck. Let me know how it goes x

M: Will do, talk later xx

I switched my phone off and rolled back so that I was facing the ceiling. This is going to be a long day I can already tell. I have no motivation whatsoever, but I know that I have to otherwise things will only get worse.

I reluctantly got up out of bed, before stretching and tidying my covers. I need to be on my best behaviour to get back on their good side, so I don't want to do anything that I could end up being punished for.

I gathered up my things ready for a shower and left the room. The house was weirdly quiet, like I couldn't hear the tv or anything. Maybe they are both working again or something. I ignored that and went through to the bathroom to have my shower.

I was only in there for five or ten minutes before I was out again and getting dressed. I made sure to put the dirty clothes and towel away in the correct laundry basket, as well as any others that were laying around on my floor. Again, I want to make today turn out as good as possible and maybe get back into their good books.

Once I was sorted and had my hair brushed and room tidy and all the laundry ready to go into the washing machine, I made my way downstairs. It was still silent, but I went straight to the laundry room and out a wash on.

Then I left the laundry basket in there and went to look for Mike and Agatha. My first stop was the kitchen so I could get some brunch as well since I haven't eaten yet and it is almost midday. Neither of them were in there but I quickly made a sandwich and grabbed a glass or orange juice. I made sure to clean up after myself.

Then I headed through to the lounge, nobody was in there either. I checked in the office, in their bedroom and even the bathroom in case one of them had gone in. I was surprised that I couldn't find either of them because I didn't think they would be working today, especially not away from home.

I took another quick look around the kitchen to make sure they hadn't left a note or anything, which they hadn't. This is when I started to get worried. I ran back up to my room and got my phone before pressing onto Mike's contact and calling his phone.

"I'm sorry, the number you're calling is unavailable. Please check the number, and try again"

The lady's flat voice sounded over the phone. What does that even mean? It didn't ring once! I tried Agatha's phone.

"I'm sorry, the number you're calling is unavailable. Please check the number, and try again"

Both of them? I looked down on my phone, I still have signal and I've still got credit so it's nothing to do with me. They would have told me if they got new phones and new numbers wouldn't they? And f their phones were off it would have gone straight to answer phone. Why am I getting some weird message about it being unavailable then?!

I was starting to get stressed and panicked, so I put the phone down, sat on the end of my bed and took a few deep breaths. This isn't happening. Whatever is going on is completely normal. I'm sure they will come home later with a perfectly good explanation and a not so good punishment for me.

Speaking of the punishment, since I have nothing better to do and want them to let me go as lightly as possible, I might as well get some chores done, or at least do a bit of tidying. The house isn't much of a mess and they never normally make me do chores unless I offer or helped them to make the mess, but honestly I kind of miss having to do them sometimes. As crazy as it sounds, they give you direction and something to achieve during the day. Right now as things are, I'm literally just waltzing through life and getting worse in the head, and maybe this lack of direction is part of the problem.

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