[2] Strike 3, you're out.

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I've always been an early riser, I actually hate being in bed past 8 am. Pretty weird right?

I rolled out of my cacoon of blankets and into the cool air of the hotel room. Any normal human-being would immediately shoot back into their warm bed but, me, I love the cold.

I threw on my hoodie that says "Anti-Diva" across the back of it. I guess that's what they call me, but hey I don't mind. I'm not one of those busty beautiful models that decided they want to be a WWE diva just because they have the look. I'm not here to be a cover girl. I'm here to cover girls in the middle of the ring, and win.

I've worked my ass off to get here. Sure, I may not be all colorful and peppy like those other girls and some people may not like that but I'll never change myself to be accepted. I will be the most dominant diva to ever walk through the WWE.

The cold Chicago air hit me hard leaving a stinging sensation on my cheeks as I picked up my pace into a jog. I tugged my phone out of my pocket and plugged my headphones into my ears as I travelled down my playlist for something to hype me up.

Before I could pick a song I ran into somebody and tripped over their feet falling onto my knees. I flopped onto my butt and glared up at the familiar face. Again? Really?

His icey blue eyes stared angrily at me as coffee dripped down the front of his hoodie. I'm not one to scare easily but the look on his face sent an uneasy feeling through my body, but I kind of like it.

"You're fucking kidding me, right?" He yelled as he stripped out of his coffee stained hoodie and threw it to the ground. I got back to my feet and wiped off my stinging knees.

This time it was actually my fault for bumping into him. "Sorry." I shrugged, unsympathetically. He should have seen me coming.

In one swift movement he grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked my head back so my face is angled towards his. I let out a wince of pain. The sudden burning of my hair nearly being ripped from my skull sent a tingly sensation through my entire body. "3 strikes and you're out." He hissed into my ear and pushed me away from him roughly.

I stood there shocked for a minute. I've always been a little freaked out by Dean Ambrose. He's definitely not 100% alright in that brain of his. I've kept my distance from him in NXT, I doubt he even knows who I am.

It's weird how I keep running into him, literally.

'3 strikes and you're out' That phrase has been running through my head all day. I'm kind of curious to see what he'd do if I did piss him off again. Things would be a lot more exciting if I had a lunatic after me... Like I said, being hated is a lot more fun than being liked.

Tonight on Smackdown I've got a a match against Aksana which I'm pretty psyched for. I just debuted yesterday and WWE wants me the following night, that's gotta' be a damn good thing, right?

The screeching sound of my theme hit and I walked out into the arena. The crowd starting cheering loudly. They're cheering for me, wow! Being a wrestler would not be as insane as it is if there were no fans. The WWE fans are what make this company as big as it is today.

I crawled into the ring as Aksana watched from the far corner. She's got a smug look on her face like she thinks she has this match won. That's funny.

It wasn't long before I pulled Aksana into the scorpion cross body lock and after a few seconds of her extremely annoying screaming she tapped out. I dropped her to the mat and got to my feet. I flung my head back and let out a furocious scream. "And the winner of this match is Paige!"

Before locking the scorpion cross body lock on Aksana she had connected a brutal catapult back breaker on me. It had sent a burst of adrenaline through my body and I feel unbelievable. It probably sounds kind of messed up but I'm usually the best in the ring after I recieve a good beating.

Just as I was about to turn the corner into catering I saw a body in a familiar black hoodie that says "Explicit Ambrose violence" on the back of it. I guess I'll have a little fun with this.

I creeped up behind him and slammed my shoulder against his arm. Strike 3. Without any hesitation he grabbed me by the throat and slammed my back against the wall. The fear exploded inside my body but I felt a smile grow on my face.

His crazy blue eyes stared into mine, I can almost see all the insanity boiling inside of him. My hearts beating like crazy but I love it. The adrenaline pulsed through me, tingling in my veins. Deans grip around my neck tightened making it difficult to breathe. A sickening smile grew across his face. "You fucking like this don't you?" He smirked, digging his nails into my neck. I felt my smile grow bigger but I bit my lip to stop it.

I shoved him off of me aggressively. "You had me curious." I put my fingers to my neck feeling the hot spots his had nails dug into. He leaned in close and his lips grazed over my ear giving me goosebumps. "You're out." He whispered and walked away. That's it? Oh come on Dean Ambrose I had hoped for a little more than that.

I made my way into catering and threw together a plate of chicken and rice. I looked around the busy room for an empty table and thankfully I found one. I sat down and enjoyed the food.

A plate was set down next to me as somebody else joined the table. I glanced up to see AJ. I sent her a long stare then turned my attention back to my plate.

"Do you just, like, kinda hate everybody?" She asked jokingly. I nodded without a word. I don't know why she's trying to butter me up or whatever but I don't like it. I mean she's the former divas champion why is she even bothering to talk to me?

"I'm not here to mess with you or anything, you're a cool chick." She sipped her soup. I broke my eyes away from my plate and looked at her. "I'm here to fight not to make friends." I said in an annoyed tone. She let out a chuckle. "Listen, none of these girls like you. None of them like me. I thought maybe you and I would have enough in common where we could have each others back." I sighed. "That's exactly why I don't want friends." I said before getting up and throwing my food away.

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