[68] Eyes

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There I stood, in the middle of the ring filled with angry women; women seeking revenge, women seeking my divas championship, and women just seeking to hurt me... But a set of eyes stood out from the rest, a set that looked just a bit more menacing than the others. And those wild eyes belonged to an old friend, AJ Lee.

And for the first time in a while I felt fear. There are fourteen other women in this ring that would love to rip my head off. Some of them really don't even care for the title, they just want to hurt me. I guess I can't blame them since I do have everything they want. They all know I'm just a little bit better than each and every one of them, and that eats them apart. I've had it coming and I'm not gonna' whine about it like any other diva would. I'll fight them, I'll put my title on the line against each and every one of them. But I would much rather it be on my terms, rather than a forced match.

I didn't even hear the final ding of the bell before a parade of bodies were charging at me and I quickly fell to the bottom of it. Each punch and each kick striking me hard. It's dark, and it hurts, and it kind of feels like this is where I'm going to die. But to die in the ring would be an amazing way to go.

It didn't take long for each diva to find a new target as they went after each other, leaving me a little room to breathe. I crawled to a corner and recovered for the few seconds I was given. It didn't take long before I was pulled back to my feet and I was looking straight into those familiar eyes. AJ Lee.

She gave me a smile and dusted off my shoulders. "I finally understand what you've been trying to tell me all along and I'm sorry it took me so long to get it. I forgive you, and I'm going to make sure you keep that title. You deserve it, and as easy as it would be for me to win right now... To have MY baby back, to be the queen of my castle once more... I'd rather do it in a fair set up. One on one, with a helluva' storyline going." She spoke as she extended her hand, and I couldn't shake it fast enough.

Quickly the eyes of the other divas fell on us, realizing that two of the fiercest divas in the division were on the same page again. They realized quickly that AJ had my back, and I had hers. They have to be scared. None of them saw this coming.

The crowd went wild as AJ and I went against the other 8 or so divas that were left. But it wasn't long before the numbers game was played and AJ was down. I stood face to face with Nikki Bella, admitedly one of the best competitors in the WWE. And she knows it.

"It's gonna be me and you, Paige. I'm saving the best for last." She grinned, before turning her attention to her sister Brie Bella and eliminating her from the ring. That caught my attention. If she is willing to take out her own sister, her own blood, her best friend of 30 years... What is she willing to do to me to get what she wants?

She continued on her way, as if she hadn't just betrayed her own twin. She's definitely got my attention now. She's a threat. All threats must go.

Soon there were five divas left. Myself, AJ Lee, Nikki Bella, Naomi, and Natalya. I was in a ring filled with the best womens athletes I've ever seen. And also in a ring of women who are ultimately all against me. Women who have been in this business a lot longer than I have.

In this ring we have my best friend; a women who has held the divas title twice in her career. Owning the longest reign as divas champion. We have the 'female John Cena', a women who spends any second she gets in the gym and is willing to take out her own sister to get what she wants. We have a women who is a freakish athlete who has never held the divas title and must be hungry for her reign. And then theres Natalya, the women who decends from greatness. She come sfrom a legendary family. And she hasn't been divas champion in far too long. Then there's me, the girl holding the divas title for the first time in her career. An undoubtable ass-kicker who is nowhere near done with her reign as divas champion. I'm going to stomp AJ's historic title reign into the ground.

Quickly AJ and Naomi locked up, while Natalya was down against the ropes. My eyes locked on Nikki who stood across the ring and her eyes quickly met mine. I'll never forget the smug grin that spread across her face as she charged at me, the kind of look that says she knows she's taking my title from me.

We locked up, and we fought. Her fist collided with my face as mine did with hers, and that continued for a few minutes until her fist collided with my nose, sending a shooting pain throughout my head and causing my eyes to water. She knocked me down quickly, taking advantage of my lack of vision and the pain clouding my mind. I felt her other hits but my mind was focused on the pain in my nose, seriously afraid it might be broken.

Suddenly Nikki was pulled off of me and I was able to catch my breath and clear my vision. My nose isn't bleeding so it's definitely not broken. I glanced around the ring to see AJ and Nikki going at it. Naomi and Natalya were gone from the ring. It had come down to the three of us.

Nikki didn't know I was watching as she took full advantage of a worn out AJ Lee. She thought she was about to eliminate my crazy friend. But somehow I was able to get to my feet and get Nikki off of AJ, pulling her back over the top rope and into the ring.

I caught Nikki with an elbow that knocked her down, leaning against the ropes. By some miracle I was able to hoist her up and drop her over the top rope. She was out. But this is definitely not the end of Paige and Nikki, no way. She's my new focus and I'm going to make her regret ever getting on my bad side.

But then it was just AJ and I. And I felt a little fear. Did she really mean what she said earlier? Or was that just a scheme to make me fall vulnerable to her?

I helped her to her feet, cautiously. Not quite sure of what she may do next. But she gave me a smile and nodded. "Not today, Paige. This is your night." She whispered before extending her hand out for me to shake.

Then she slowly exited the ring over the top rope, hopping off the edge. The bell rung and I was declared still divas champion. I stared at AJ in disbelief. I thought we'd fight it out, or something. I didn't think she would just let me win like that.

But seconds later Stephanie McMahons music hit as she came out, applauding my victory. She walked halfway down the ramp, stopping next to Nikki Bella who had just finally made her way back up the ramp. Both of them sending me a similar glare.

Stephanie's hand gripped Nikki's shoulder, pulling her close to her. "Paige, honey, you thought that was it? I mean, you hardly even won that match without the help of your little crazy best friend AJ Lee... Who will be taken care of for that... You're not ending this night divas champion, honey. You'll have a match with Nikki Bella tonight. For your divas championship. Good luck." She roared.


Finaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllly. an update. i didn't proof read. just wrote out and posted. so, ignore typos and if it doesn't make sense, sorry. i'm doing everything i can to keep this story going for you guys.

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