[55] Corporate Creampuff

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"Holy shit, dude. You wrecked that poor girl." Seth's annoying voice chuckled as I rushed into the office where him and Randy were preparing for their matches tonight.

I sent him the nastiest glare my face could make only to wipe it away with a smirk seconds later. "Yeah, I did. That's what I was s'posed to do, right?" I asked.

The look of pure disappointment AJ had given me has been burning in my mind since. No matter what I do I can't seem to shake this feeling that this is my new reality, this is how it's going to be for a while; destroying those who I care the most about. 

"Well Rollins, your match is next. Go kick Zigglers ass. We'll keep an eye out for the othe two, if anything happens we got your back." Randy flashed a smile as Seth headed towards the arena. 

Then Randy's eyes shifted towards me with a hint of worry or something in them. I felt my heart stop almost. Does he know that this is all a plan? Did I show too much emotion out there in the ring?

"You okay? I know that had to sting, taking out somebody you once loved. I've done it way too often. It's not a good feeling, but Paige, it'll be okay. " He smiled, shaking my shoulder in his grasp. 

I looked up at him through my messy hair that hung across my face, flashing him a grin. The guy may be the biggest corporate suck up in this business but he's got a heart of gold and if he shows you his good side, you're a lucky person.

"I'm fine." I mumbled, dragging my shaky fingers through the dark tangles of my hair. 

But his grip on my shoulder only tightened as he pulled me into a tight hug. For once, I didn't want to fight it. I needed a hug. Not an intimate one, just a hug. Randy may be a sack of shit sometimes but he's one of my good friends and we have a relationship I don't want to lose.

"You have us now and that's all you need, trust me. This is a family that everyone wants to be in." He pulled out of the hug and stared down at me, with that same worrysome look in them. 

But I flashed a smile and thanked him for all of that. It was something I've been needing to hear. But it also fueled another worry in my mind. After all of this is said and done, I know Randy is going to hate my guts. No matter what I do, I just can't win.

I pulled myself out of my wild mind and glued my eyes to the screen watching as Seth laid out a nasty beating on Dolph Ziggler, who he has had down on the mat almost the entire match.

Not even ten minutes later and Seth was closing in for the victory as he threw Ziggler into the post, waiting for him to crawl into the middle of the ring so he can curbstomp his ass. But Seth's attention was pulled out of the match as he stared into the announce area where Dean stood.

Seconds later Randy had me by the arm and we were rushing to the ring area. My minds a whirl. I haven't seen Dean in almost a week and now I have to go spit some sort of insults into his face and hope that's not the last time I see him tonight.

Halfway down the ramp and the large samoan, Roman Reigns, came charging from the crowd tackling Randy right beside me. I stood there shocked for a second before locking my eyes on Dean and continueing onward. Randy can certainly fend for himself.

By this time Dolph and Seth had continued their brawl but every few seconds Seth would find himself distracted, glancing out of the ring, and that soon became his downfall. 

Finally Dean's eyes locked on mine as I stood about five feet away from him. Every inch of my body wants to charge into his arms and feel one of his hugs and kiss his stupid face. But I can't, and it hurts so badly. I can tell by the struggle on his face that he's feeling the same thing.

"God! Dean, can't you screw off for once. You've picked a fight that you can't win, just like you always do!" I growled, closing the space between us. I glared up into his blue eyes. Judging by the look on his face, he wants to kill me right now. 

"Paige, what the hell are you doin'? You're not like them, you ain't some corporate creampuff like those two... They won't ever love you like I do." He spoke, surprisingly calmly. 

I felt my cheeks burn as I tried to hold in the smile that wanted to seep through. But the ring of the bell dragged my attention into the ring as Seth stood victorious over Dolph Ziggler. Seconds later he was sliding out of the ring and standing next to me.

"Back off, Ambrose. She ain't one of you losers anymore. You're trash. You're polluting this entire arena with your pathetic self." Seth growled.

I latched my hand around Seths' wrist, pulling him back.  If I let him go he would rip Dean apart and that's not something I really wanna' see up close and personal.

"Come on, scumbag. Hit me, hit me hard." Dean teased as he leaned in closer to Seth, punching himself in the jaw lightly. "Or is she holding onto your balls too?" He laughed before turning off into the crowd. 

Seth struggled in my grasp, throwing his fists after Dean. "Not now, not now." I whispered, pulling him back.

Roman limped behind, retreating into the crowd after him as well. The two of them put their fists together showing off the symbol of excellence before heading through the crowd.

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