[61] Jealousy

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"That was close tonight, wasn't it?" Randy laughed as he unlocked our hotel suite.

I forced out a fake smile, "Yeah. Real close."

Tonights main event ended with Roman and Dean coming out to attack an already beat up Seth, they almost had him too. They came so close to tearing him to shreds but Randy Orton saved the day once again for The Authority.

Of course they made me run out and watch Randy destroy Dean while Seth was magically healed and working on Roman. When they brought out the steel chairs I had to fight myself not to pull them away. Then the chair connected with Dean's back countless times, til he was face down not moving. But Randy kept swinging.

All I could do was just stand there and watch, pretending to enjoy it all. But it broke my heart.

"What?" Randy's voice asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, nothing." I lied, stepping inside of the room and shutting the door behind me.

He just shrugged giving me a weird stare before heading back into his little room. I eyed the suite, it's pretty nice. I've never had a suite before. I'd rather be sharing it with Dean, than Randy though. But just like I have been, I'll settle for what I've got.


"You into horror movies, kiddo?" Randy hollered as I toweled off my hair.

I shrugged to my reflection, "I don't mind." I shouted back.

"Kay, cool." He mumbled to himself.

I curled up on the couch next to Randy who had his eyed glued to some sappy horror movie he ordered. I watched for a few minutes before the extremely cheesy affects and fake blood bored me. My attention locked on my chipping black nails, man I need to get them done again.

The movie paused and the lights flicked back on. "Well that was a waste of six bucks." He whined, flicking through the few hotel channels.

I flashed a grin.

"Can we talk, about work? About The Authority? About that little bastard Seth Rollins?" Randy asked carefully, trying not to say something I may not like. Although the first part of his question freaked me out, the last bit brough a grin along my face.

I turned to face him, crossing my legs together. "What's up?"

"He's only been with us a short time and I can't fuckin' stand the kid! He is arrogant as all hell and he doesn't even have the actions to back it up! He thinks he's all high and mighty cuz he turned his back on his brothers. But now he's the little poster child of the authority. - "

"You're jealous?" I interrupted, a huge grin across my face. "Randy freakin' Orton is jealous of a little two toned sellout that runs from any sort of threat. That's classic!"

Randy's face shined red, frowning at me. "I am not jealous! I'm just a little pissed off. He hasn't earned the place he's been put in yet he's getting the push of his career and I'm stuck sitting back and watching it all happen."

"Huh." I thought for a second, noticing how Randy really has been taken out of the spotlight since Seth came along. "Have you said anything to Hunter?"

"No! No, god no. I know how that goes, an hour long lecture about how I should be thankful for what I have and that if I'm not happy then I can just screw off because I'm easily replaceable."

It brought a frown to my face to hear that. Randy Orton is a star player, he has all the assetts to be the damn face of this company, just like he was a few months back during his feud with Daniel Bryan. But then after Batista quit, things for Randy went downhill. He's gotten less TV time, less matches, less everything. Now Seth's in the picture and Randy's just being held back even more. He deserves better than this.

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