[47] This is My House

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We arrived at the arena just on time, a few minutes before the RAW kickoff began. The feelings that this arena is giving off is absolutely exillerating. I'm so excited for tonight.

I have no idea how tonight will go, most shows are pretty unwritten after a PPV and left for the superstars to figure out. If Adalia doesn't call me out tonight, I'll call her out. I know she still has her rematch promised and she'll get it. As far as I know I don't have a match tonight but things could change quickly.

"Alright. I gotta go handle some things, I'll find you in a little bit. Love ya' champ." Dean planted a kiss on my head before stalking down the hallway. I hate when he goes all mysterious and runs off like that, because I have no idea what could happen. But, he's a grown man, he can handle his shit himself, I shouldn't be worried.

Minutes after the show began the familiar intro of Adalia's theme rumbles throughout the arena. I certainly didn't expect her to come out this early, she must be really ticked off. I crossed my arms across my chest as I locked my eyes on the screen, watching her stomp into the ring.

"I've lost everything last night. My entire world has come crumbling down on me." She began, wiping her eyes. "I lost my best friend, my boyfriend, and MY divas championship... But that's not enough to break me. I am unbreakable! Now, I'm not out here to whine about last night, I'm out there to call out Paige."

As soon as my name slipped out of her mouth, I headed towards the curtain. The crowd went crazy when my theme hit and I emerged through the curtain raising my newly won champsionship high in the air. I kept my eyes locked on Adalia's as I entered the ring.

I couldn't help but laugh at her, she's trying to play this indestructible act but the look in her eyes just proves that she's close to shattering. "Hey Dals, remember this." I smirked as I raised the belt in the air. She scowled at me and I swear there's smoke coming out of her ears.

"Cut the bullshit. Don't call me Dals... You couldn't even pin me last night, that championship does not belong to you." She growled.

"But I won. This is my house now! I'm the divas champion and you're, well, you're just a has been. I promised that I'd take everything away from you and look what happened. You're a loser, Dals. Even your boyf- Excuse me, EX boyfriend couldn't handle being with a loser like you. Maybe instead of trying to push me around backstage you should have been focusing on your crumbling relationship." I smirked, watching the expression on her face drop.

"You know what, I don't deserve any of this. You didn't beat me, in fact I know you could never beat me. So when I claim my rematch, my belt is coming back home!" She growled before bashing the mic across my face and knocking my to the ground.

Luckily for the both of us, she exited the ring after hitting me. She's dead if I find her tonight.  As I got back to my feet with a little help from ringside officials, the crowd cheered for me. I love having their support.

Just like I thought the trainer cleared me with no major head trauma, but I was forced to visit anyway. As I was leaving I caught sight of the long haired Samoan, Roman Reigns. I wonder how he's holding up after last night.

"Hey big man, how ya doin?" I asked as I leaned against the wall next to him.

His eyes told another story as he forced out a smile and said, "Fine."

"Screw that bastard, make him regret ever turning his back on you." I patted his arm but he shook his head.

"I lost the match, no excuses." His eyes met mine and they're almost hopeless. It's not just Adalia that has lost everything, it's Roman as well. 

"Are you kidding me? Seth set up a match that you had no idea about, then you were ambushed and immediately thrown into a match with two of the most brutal guys on the roster. That's a good enough excuse. Don't sit around back here and sulk, it wasn't your fault. Yeah, you lost a brother but you also gained one. You and Dean are finally on the same page... You're both pissed off, and seeking revenge on that skunky haired bastard. So. Get a new game plan, get your revenge, and kick ass." I preached. 

His eyes lit up a bit after all that, bringing a warm feeling into my stomach. "Yeah, I guess you're right shortie. You're a smart little thing. Thank you. Where is Dean anyway?" He asked finally flashing a toothy smile. 

As if it were almost on cue, a whole bunch of commotion made its way down the hallway. Immediatelly I recognized the angry grunts and yells, it's Dean. Without hesitation Roman and I hurried down the hallway and there's Dean full out ambushing Seth Rollins. It brought a smile to my face to see how crazy Dean can get, and he thought it'd scare me off. 

Dean stood up and glanced down at the carnage, wiping his mouth and taking a few steps in our direction. "Sorry you had to see that, sweetheart." He smiled before kissing my forehead. But his eyes quickly travelled to Roman.

"Hey Rome, he's all yours buddy." He grinned widely as Roman's boot connected multiple times with Seths face and stomach, before he knelt down and sent his fist into Seth's face as well. It took four security guards and Dean to pry Roman away from Seth. It was very satisfying to watch, just wish I had got a hit or two in.

"Good to have you back, Rome." Dean smiled, grabbing at Roman's hand to shake it. Roman gripped Dean's hand tightly and pulled him in for a giant bro hug and seconds later motioned for me to join in on it.

"This, this right here is The Shield reformed." Roman smiled.

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