[24] It's my turn to shine

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The familiar ring of my phone has been going off for the past ten minutes but my half concious mind doesn't think twice about it before dozing back to sleep. It finally stopped ringing creating a comforting silence throughout the hotel room. I can just barely hear the birds chirping outside. It's so peaceful.

The sudden banging against the hotel door caused me to jump nearly falling out of bed. Immediately my heart pounded hard against my chest. I made it halfway through the room with my eyes hardly open before tripping over my duffel bag and falling flat on my face. That woke me up. The knocking continued as it became louder and louder against the door. "I'm coming for Christ sake!" I growled as I pulled myself off of the floor.

I fell against the door as I unlocked it and pulled it open. I was only knocked back onto the ground by the familiar tiny body of AJ Lee as she tackled me with a hug. Even after we fell to the ground she didn't release her tight hug. "Alright, alright. You're crushing me." I groaned as I shoved her off of me. She sat on the floor next to me. "I know you missed me." She joked as she pulled herself up and extended her hand. "More than you know." I sighed as she tugged me back to my feet.

"I've been calling for the past half hour." AJ said as she began unpacking her bag. It's nice when we actually have time to unpack since we're usually in and out of hotels every night. We'll be staying in Orlando until Sunday night. "Well, I WAS sleeping." I collapsed back onto the messy bed. AJ glanced at the clock. "Sleeping?" It's 11:32 AM... I had a busy night, I was tired.

"Ew what happened to your face?" AJ asked staring at my fat lip. My cheeks heated up as I covered the bottom half of my face. "Wow, way to be gentle about it! Layla ambushed me backstage." I spoke angrily. "Oh, well, I mean, it's not that bad." AJ tried to recover herself but just made it worse.

"I can't wait to kick ass tonight. I've been out of that ring too long!" AJ spoke excitedly as she cut up her shirt for tonight. I shot her a grin. The BFF's have no idea what they're in for, little miss Sasha Banks may not even make it to NXT Takeover.

We arrived at the NXT arena bringing back all kinds of emotions. This is my home, this is where I was made. Without NXT I wouldn't be anywhere near WWE. It's so exciting to be back. Everybody backstage is so excited to see us. It's like visiting my real home back in England. I love this feeling.

"Oh no." AJ breathed. A chill shot through my veins eliminating the ecstatic feeling. I glanced at AJ and followed her menacing stare. There stood Corey Graves and his eyes instantly locked on mine. I sent him an angry glare but he didn't even seem to budge. "Idiot." AJ muttered before grabbing my arm and pulling me in the other direction. "You okay?" She asked as she placed her cold hand on my arm. I nodded. I'm fine. I just want to kick some ass tonight.

After a well anticipated wait, my song hit and AJ and I made our entrance. We had argued over whose song to use for our entrance and finally decided on mine. I mean I was the former NXT womens champion so I think it's only fair that we use mine. Sure, AJ got her start in NXT but she's already made a huge impact on the main roster. It's my turn to shine.

The intensity of the crowd picked up as the BFF's made their entrance. I see a lot of potential in one of these girls but the other one is only here because her father is a legend. Sasha Banks will one day be one of the strongest divas on the division and I'll give her full credit for that, this girl has got it. But Charlotte... She's talented, but the only different thing about her and most of the other divas on the roster is that her father is Ric Flair.

AJ's starting the match against Charlotte. I couldn't help but chuckle at the size difference between them; Charlotte towers over AJ. I hope she doesn't let that boost her confidence too much because AJ can seriously take down anybody. If she were determined enough I bet she could knock the Big Show down.

AJ suffered quite the beat down from Charlotte and has been struggling to tag me in for the past few minutes. But with the cheers of the crowd and some much needed 'Lets go AJ' chants, she was able to leap into our corner and tag me in. At the same time Sasha begged to be tagged in and she was.

Sasha charged at me knocking me onto my back as she threw punches at my face. I certainly didn't expect her to be this aggressive. I flipped her over and hit her with a couple of punches to the face before the referee pulled us apart. Of course the referee comes in as quite the distraction allowing Sasha to grab a handful of hair and throw me across the ring.

I laid there for a couple minutes in pain and shock, but mostly shock. She's improved since I've left. As I got to my knees I was greeted by multiple boots to the chest which knocked me onto my back again. She covered me for the pin but I kicked out just before the 2 count. "You underestimated me, huh?" Sasha hissed as she slapped me hard across the face.

The adrenaline began to pulse through my veins and its becoming easier and easier to fight through the beating I've received. Sasha allowed me to get to my feet which was certainly a huge mistake. She charged at me but I managed to knock her down with a clothesline allowing me enough time to tag in AJ.

As I recovered on the apron AJ took control against Sasha. After this little taste of what the boss is capable of I certainly have a lot more work to do if I want to beat Sasha this Sunday at NXT Takeover. Maybe it's in the belt, maybe the belt unleashes crazy amounts of fierceness into whoever holds it because it seems like I've lost a bit of that since I lost the belt...

I pulled myself up onto the ropes to catch AJ preparing herself to lock the black widow on Sasha. If AJ can get Sasha to tap out that's going to make me look really bad going into our match on Sunday. I deserve to pick up the win tonight. Sasha took a few steps towards my corner trying to grab for the ropes but she just couldn't do it. Thankfully she backed up enough so I was able to make a tag on AJ seconds before Sasha could tap out.

I ran across the ring and hit Charlotte off of the apron with an elbow. I turned around to find Sasha lying on the ground clutching her arm and AJ sending me a menacing stare in the corner. She shook her head and pulled herself through the ropes. I pulled Sasha out of the corner and pulled her into the scorpion cross lock. She tapped out within seconds. I don't want to let go, she needs to know how badly I can hurt her. I held her in the lock for about 30 more seconds before the referee pulled me away from her.

I threw my arm up in victory. AJ hesitantly walked towards me, confused over what had just happened. She didn't ask why I stole the win from her but I know once we get backstage she'll be asking. I grabbed her arm and raised it for the victory.

As soon as we got backstage AJ's crazy eyes returned as she glared at me. "Why?" She asked simply knowing that I would know exactly what she means. I shrugged, "I can't look bad going into my match against Sasha this Sunday." She raised her hands up angrily. "So Sasha tapping out to the black widow made you look bad?" She raised her brow. I bit my bottom lip. "Well yeah, I want her to know what she's got herself into on Sunday. She needed to know that she can't keep me down." I crossed my arms. "Suit yourself." AJ rolled her eyes before storming off down the hallway.

I guess if AJ had tagged herself in stealing the win away from me I would be pissed off too. But sometimes you just gotta' do what ya' gotta' do. Sasha had the upperhand on me throughout that match and I can't allow her to go into our match on Sunday with any confidence. She won't ever beat me again. She has no idea what she's in for.

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