[29] 100%

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Paige's POV

It's a little past 5 am and we're just arriving at our hotel. I'm exhausted and sore but nothing can put a damper on my mood after being reunited with Dean. Sure I've been in a shitload of pain since last night but he's managed to keep my mind off of it.

"You look exhausted, take a nap and I'll wake you up in a few hours." Dean spoke as he tossed his suitcase onto the floor. I stared at him for a second. There's no way Dean's making it another hour awake. He looks like he's been awake for a week straight.

"I napped on the plane, it's your turn. I'll survive off of coffee and energy drinks" I forced out a smile. "Alright fine." He gave in quickly as he tugged his shirt off and crawled into the neatly made hotel bed. Seconds later that bed turned into a tangle of blankets as Dean made himself comfortable. What an idiot.

RAW is tonight and after last nights beating I don't know how much more my body can handle. But with Payback just around the corner I know there's not going to be any breaks between then and now and I just need to put up with the pain. This is something all of us pro wrestlers have to deal with and it's only going to get worse.

I'm actually pretty excited for RAW. There isn't going to be any nerves wondering if I'll run into Dean, or the fear of being alone. I have Dean now and I know neither of us are going anywhere soon. I also have AJ back. There's nothing that's going to ruin this for me.

Three cups of coffee later and my mind is buzzing, my hands are shaky, but I'm awake. I'm wide awake and that's all that matters. "You haven't stopped talking since I got up, you okay?" Dean asked as he ran a towel through his soaking hair. I rolled my eyes, "Shutup you got to sleep." I joked. He laughed and returned back into the bathroom to ready himself for RAW.

Once we got to the arena we parted our ways so we could get ready in the locker room. "Summer's back." AJ's voice spoke from behind me as I got into my gear. "She's back?" I asked, in shock. AJ shrugged, "Her injuries weren't as bad as we all expected. She's still scheduled for a championship match against Adalia on Sunday." She leaned against the locker.

"Oh right, look at this." AJ held up a black shirt that read "Think again" across it with purple and silver studs. It took me a second to comprehend that, that is my first WWE shirt. I tore it out of her hands and stared at it in disbelief. I already have WWE merch. "This is amazing!" I smiled as I pulled it over my head. "Looks good on you." AJ smiled.

"That blonde haired slut is back." Dean scowled in a singy kind of voice, pressing his palm against his chest and rubbing it back and forth. The discomfort in his face is obvious. He hates her just as much as I do. "If she thinks she's coming near either of us again, she's delusional." I smirked. I won't hesitate to send her back to the hospital.

"Speak of the devil." AJ growled as Summer Rae's theme hit echoing loudly through the arena. I turned around just in time to catch her making her entrance down the ramp. Just the way she struts around like she's the most perfect damn thing around is enough to make me want to rip her face off. She's ridiculous.

I locked my eyes on the screen as she made her way into the ring and grabbed a mic. "Last week on RAW, well, you all saw what happened. I was sneak attacked by an unathletic, gothic, freak who is obviously jealous of me." She began.

The anger raged inside of me. Dean's hand latched around my wrist in an attempt to calm me down but it didn't work. My patience is running low with this bitch. I tore my arm away from Dean and headed towards the curtain, grabbing a microphone on my way out there.

"Would you just shut the hell up." I stormed down the ramp and into the ring, glaring at Summer. She stood her ground trying to act all confident but I can see the fear in her eyes. "I think you're the jealous one, Summer, I've already been a champion while you've been nothing more than just a pretty face. I've had plenty of matches with Adalia and I know that there is no way in hell you can beat her." I smirked. She stayed quiet for a couple of seconds.

"Let me just remind you sweetheart, this is WWE. This isn't NXT anymore. It's different now. I've been here for almost a year bettering myself while you've only just arrived. You're not fooling anybody." She hissed. I couldn't help but laugh. She has more losses under her belt than any other diva on the roster. "The only thing you've been doing is sleeping ar-" She landed a slap across my face.

But before I could even react Adalia's theme music hit and she came storming down the ramp. 'You're lucky.' I mouthed at Summer as I held my hand to my sore cheek. Adalia entered the ring and tore the mic out of my hand.

"Who the hell do you two think you are?" She began as she eyed the two of us up and down. "First of all, Summer, you should learn to keep your mouth shut. You're no more than a trashy, good for nothing, skank. Honestly I don't even know how the hell you got a job in this business..." I couldn't help but laugh. I tore the mic out of Adalia's hand, "That's simple. Just like I've been saying all along, she slept her way here." Summer's face turned beat red but she didn't speak. Adalia pulled the microphone away. "While I do agree with you, you do not EVER interrupt me while I'm talking." She growled.

Before I could speak, Summer nearly burst. "The both of you are so pathetic that all you can come up with are these ridiculous lies against me because quite frankly, I'm perfect while the two are you are just lucky. " She sassed. Just as Adalia was about to speak, Summer interrupted her once more. "I'm not finished yet. My body may not be 100% but my mind is, and there's a 100% chance that I'm leaving Payback as divas champion." She threw the mic into Adalia's chest and slid out of the ring.

"Wait a minute." A male voice echoed through the arena. My attention locked on Brad Maddox who stood at the top of the ramp with a big ol' smile on his face. "You girls really don't like eachother do you? Well good because I've got a great idea. Tonight we will have Summer Rae vs Paige with Adalia as the guest referee." Summer began screaming at him at the top of the ramp. I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. I glanced at Adalia before picking the microphone off of the mat. "Be a good ref and let me kick her ass, you might not even have a match on Sunday." I patted her shoulder before leaving the ring.

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