[44] Kickoff

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I rolled to my side to face Dean, who stared back at me with a sleepy smirk. Even when he's just waking up he's totally adorable, with his stupid messy hair and icey blue eyes.

"Mooorninnnn'" He groaned as he stretched his arms up in the air. "Morning." I smiled, planting a kiss on his arm.

I've never woken up in such a great mood before. Maybe it's because I'm waking up next to the man that I love, that mutually loves me back. Or maybe it's the fact that tonight is Payback and I'll be walking out of that PPV as the divas champion.

"You know, we're gonna' have to make some room in this bed for my new United States championship. You okay with the couch?" Dean joked... I hope. I smacked my hand across his bare arm with a laugh. "Why don't we just get a two bed hotel room tonight, I can't wait for the endless cuddles me and my new Divas championship are gonna' share." I smirked.

In seconds his heavy body pressed against mine as he pinned my arms above my head and stared down at me. His sudden burst of life surprised me. He pressed his lips against my forehead before rolling over me and off of the bed. "As much as I want to spend my day in bed with you, we got lots to do! Get your lazy ass up!" He joked as he headed to the bathroom.

After a long drive into Chicago we made it to the arena just a few minutes before the show began. I blame Dean for his poor planning and unorganized lifestyle. But hey, at least we made it before the preshow!

"I'm gonna go get my shit together and I'll wait for you out here." Dean hurried as he pressed a quick kiss against my forehead. I found myself frozen in place smiling like a doofus as he sprinted towards the locker room. But then reality hit me hard and I nearly tripped over my own two feet as I darted for the locker room.

I kept myself well hidden in the back of the locker room as I changed into my gear. I don't want any prematch distraction that could possibly ruin my mindset right now. This is my night and this is my chance to prove to these girls that I'm not here to screw around, I'm here to make an impact.

But just as I was about to squeeze out of the locker room doors of the locker room, totally unnoticed, a very familiar face stopped me. Adalia. She crossed her arms as she blocked off the doorway. "Can you move? I have things to do." I tried to push past her once again but she didn't budge.

"Forfeit the match tonight, Paige. You've intruded on what was supposed to be a number one contenders match for my title. Summer earned her shot, I don't remember you doing anything special for your place tonight. If you forfeit the match I swear I will give you another chance. Maybe next month at Money in the Bank?" She forced out a phony smile. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Oh you poor thing, I know you're afraid and you should be." I laughed.

"Fine. It's not gonna' be pretty out there sweetheart, I know your weakness." She smirked before ramming her arm into my injured shoulder as she brushed past me. The impact sent an ache down my entire arm, reminding me of the injury I had suffered the other night.

Just as I made it out of the lockeroom I caught sight of Dean who was also making his way into catering. I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, pressing my face against his back and taking in his smell. "Hey princess." He spoke as he began placing food on his plate. "Hiii crazy boy." I smiled into his back.

While Dean ate we sat in catering and watched the preshow that was just now really starting to kick off. The tag team champions, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns had made their way into the ring. It's kind of hard for me to take Roman serious anymore, he stands out there all intimidating and badass but he's like the nicest dude.

"Would ya' just listen for a minute!" Seth shouted at the crowd that continued to make as much noise as they could, a mixture of boo's and cheers. Ever since becoming tag team champions those two have gotten a lot of heat, especially Seth.

"As you may know, we don't have a match tonight. I think that's a little upsetting, isn't it Roman?" He sent a smirk towards Roman. "Well since we're the best damn champions in this business, Roman and I would like to issue an open challenge tonight for our tag team championships."

Seconds after hearing what Seth had to say, Roman began arguing with him making it pretty clear he wasn't okay with the idea. Unfortunately most of their arguement was handled in the ring and not on the mic, but it's pretty obvious that Roman is furious over Seth's announcement.

"See, I told ya' I know what I'm doing... None of those guys backstage have the balls to face us!" Seth laughed into the mic. But then the lights turned off. Dean and I looked at eachother, knowing exactly what would happen next. I hope those two have enough sense to get out of that ring, because hell is on its way.

The sound of the mic dropping and a few thuds and groans were all that came across the black screen. Seconds later the lights flicked back on in the ring with Erick Rowan and Luke Harper, two thirds of the Wyatt family, standing tall over the tag team champions.

Luke Harper stared maniacally into the camera before picking the mic up from the mat. "We accept." His raspy voice echoed throughout the arena, sending goosebumps down my arms. He glanced at Rowan before continuing the beat down on Seth and Roman.

Seconds later a referee came running down the ramp to break up the fight. He knelt down next to Roman and Seth, checking on them before he signalled for the bell. Apparently their match is right now, and will be the kickoff match of Payback. This doesn't look good for the tag team champions.

I felt Dean tense up next to me as he watched his former brothers continue to get their asses handed to them. He knows exactly what it's like to be on the recieving end of that beating, it's not pretty. Those guys are screwed up and they don't give a damn about their opponents state, they just want to reak havoc.

Their match came to a disasterous end after Roman took a nasty boot to the face by Harper, completely knocking him out. Harper crawled on top of him for the 3 count. My heart dropped into my stomach. Luke Harper and Erick Rowan are the new tag team champions. This is bad, really bad.

I don't care much for Seth Rollins, I think he'll be better off without the ego boost and gold across his waist. It's Roman I'm worried about. He's a genuinly good guy and he deserves to be pushed to the top but this loss is not going to help him get anywhere. He's gonna' get a lot of heat for this.

Seth had finally regained some of his energy as he crawled into the ring, pulling himself towards Roman. I expected him to pull Roman up, tell him it's okay, and go on with their day but instead he began kicking the life out of Roman, who is completely defenseless.

"You know, Rome," Seth huffed into the mic. "I think you've lost your touch. You're not as good as you used to be, hell, you're not even as good as you think you are. You're pathetic just like Ambrose. I should have done this a long time ago, but I'm done with this. It's not believe in the shield anymore, It's believe in Seth Rollins, now." He threw the mic down and limped out of the ring.

"That fuckin' scumbag." Dean muttered under his breath. He got to his feet quickly and scoped out the area, as if he's about to go hunt down Seth. But I grabbed his wrist. "You can't." I whispered as he sat back in his seat, shaking his head. "I know. But if I see him, oh god if I see him, he's dead." He growled.

A cold hand on my shoulder nearly sent me into panic. I turned around quickly to see a fancily dressed young man, looking scared for his life. "Hey, uh, Paige. There's been a change in tonights schedule your match will be in two minutes. I'm sorry it's such late notice! We've been trying to track down Adalia and Summer as well." He forced out a cheesy grin before scurrying away.

A tingling sensation shuddered through my skin. My match is next. Instead of panicking, the excitement took over. Thank god. I'm about to beat the asses of the two women in this company I despise the most, and I'm going to take home the divas championship. Let's do this!

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