[62] Lack of Lunatic

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The past two weeks have been hectic, and tomorrow is Money in the Bank.

To start things off, Daniel Bryan was brutally attacked by Kane thus putting him in a hospital bed with multiple neck and spinal injuries. He needs surgery and will be out of action for up to six months. That put the WWE World Heavyweight championship in the vacant spot and now hanging above the ring for the next champion to grab, tomorrow night. Roman Reigns is in that match.

Also Dean has somehow weaseled his way into the actual contract match which also involves Seth. In fact, Seth actually begged Triple H to put Dean in this match because he had promised to ruin the night otherwise. Just those two alone are going to make that match worth all the money the fans will pay. But Randy was also placed in that match without much question because of who he hangs around with.

Then, my favorite part, Adalia has finally challenged me for her rematch clause. I will be defending my championship against her tomorrow night. Am I nervous? A bit. But I know I'll pull through. I will claw and scratch as much as I have to, I know it aint gonna' be easy.

You wanna know how she went about that too? She stood out in the ring with the Bella twins, having them protect her just in case I decided to get my own revenge, plus the fact that I now have a bodyguard obviously makes her feel threatened. But she had the nerve to call me "A scared little puppy hiding behind her mama." Pff. She doesn't know what she's in for.

The only contact I've had with Dean was the other week when I had to share a suite with Randy, just to keep him posted. Otherwise I haven't seen or talked to either him or Roman and it's absolutely horrible.


It's Saturday night and supposed to be my night off but WWE decided to put a house show the night before Money in The Bank. Smart idea? Probably not considering all of us that are competing tomorrow are also competing tonight. Lets just hope everything goes smoothly.

I've got a match against Summer Rae, lovely huh? But it'll be an easy victory so I guess that's a good thing.

I laced up my boots just as a familiar pair of gold boots made their way into my vision. I glanced up to see Summer Rae staring down at me. 

"What?" I grunted, getting back to my feet.

"Whoa, calm down. I just want to say that I'm excited for your match tomorrow night and I know that you'll pull through. But don't underestimate me, Paige, I still have my eyes set on the prize. I'll prove to you tonight that I'm actual competition, not just another pretty face." She smiled before striding out of the locker room.

I stood there with a grin along my face. Does she forget what I've done to her in the past?

I headed out into catering to wait for my match and have a little beforehand snack since I've skipped almost every meal today because of our hectic schedule and needless to say I've been stressed the hell out the past week because of Money in the Bank and the lack of lunatic lately.

"You excited for tomorrow?" Seth asked as he made himself comfortable across the table, tying his soaking hair into a tight bun.

I lifted my eyes from my plate glancing at his soft brown eyes. He sent me a smile before taking a guzzle of water.

I shrugged, "Yeah I'm excited for the show itself but not the aftermath. Adalia is one of my fiercest competitors and it's not gonna' be easy tomorrow night. I just - I don't feel 100%, that's all." I sighed.

"What's the matter? Talk to Steph, she can get you out of your match." Seth's eyes bulged as he gripped his bottle tight, locking his eyes on mine.

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