[43] I love you

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"So he tried to tell you to just stop loving him?" AJ asked as she unlocked the hotel room. I nodded, somehow managing to keep myself from breaking down again. She shook her head, "That dude is a weird one." Was all she said, probably hoping to move on from the situation. I kind of want the same.

"Go pick out a movie and I'll cook up some popcorn and grab some drinks, we can have our girls day. I owe it to you after basically breaking your arm... Sorry about that..." AJ sent a weak smile from the kitchen area. I rolled my eyes but shot her a smirk. Thankfully a couple of pain pills helped soothe the pain in my arm.

Four and a half hours later, two ridiculously cheesy chic flicks, and a bag and a half of popcorn. My mind had managed to stray away from Dean until there was a knock at the door. Immediately my mind jumped to him, why would he be here?

"I got it." AJ began to pull herself up from the couch. I grabbed her arm. "I'll get it." I pushed her back into her seat and headed for the door with little hesitation.

I twisted the knob carefully, afraid to find out what was behind the door. As I pulled it open there was nobody there, my eyes scanned down the hallway but saw nothing. Then my eyes focused on the vase full of red roses that had been messily spray painted black on the floor.

I picked them up to find a note stuffed in them that read, "Paige I need to talk to you. Meet me at Riverview around 7:45. Please... - Your favorite asshole"

AJ leaned over my shoulder taking in the view as well. I don't exactly know how to react. This is really surprising and so unexpected. "Alright, before you drop that lets get it inside." AJ grabbed the vase and brought it to the counter. I shut the door behind me but didn't move.

My mind began imagining Dean as she shopped through a bunch of stores looking for black roses before he realized they don't exist. So he probably, grumpy by now, slammed a vase of roses and some spray paint on the counter and paid in an angry silence. Then I imagined him banging against the hotel door feeling all nervous but charming, quickly taking off down the hallway so I wouldn't see him. It means a lot that he want through all this for me, it's really the little things in life.

"It's almost 6 so we need to get you cleaned up." AJ smiled as she pulled me towards my suitcase full of stuff. "I-I don't want to go." I mumbled. I'm scared, I don't know what to expect and I don't want another freakin' lecture. "You're going." AJ stated as she rummaged through my stuff.

An hour later and AJ had me almost ready to go. I swear she's making the decision for me because I really don't want to see Dean right now. I don't know what he wants, or why he's all of a sudden trying to apologize. He doesn't make any sense.

"I don't wanna' go." I whined as AJ shoved a pair of black heels into my chest. I groaned as I stepped into them, obeying her demand. I tower over her and she's pushing me around like my damn mother, jeesh!

"You'll thank me for all of this later, I promise." She smiled as she spritzed some of her perfume all over me nearly choking me with the scent. I let out an annoyed sigh, turning around to take in my reflection in the mirror. I'll admit, AJ made me look goooooood. But I'm still super freaked out about meeting Dean tonight. I have no idea what's in store and I don't think my ridiculous teenage crush will handle it well.

After being pushed into the car and given directions from AJ, I pulled up to the busy restaurant. My hands haven't stopped shaking since I got in the car and now that I'm here my stomachs beginning to churn. Dean is the only person to ever have so much control over my own feelings and it's really proving to be at my disadvantage.

The line to the restaurant ran halfway down the street, why in the hell would Dean chose the busiest restaurant in town? Especially a guy with a patience like his.

"Hey pretty lady." His voice crept up behind me causing me to jump and him to chuckle. "Hi." I forced out. He wrapped his cold hand around my shaky hand and almost immediately the nervous vibrations stopped. "Calm down." He smiled as he pulled me to the front of the line so our waitress could bring us to our table that Dean had reserved.

This is weird, this is so weird. Dean's never proven to be much of a romantic which is why this doesn't make sense, especially when he's supposed to hate me. I don't get it.

"What is all this?" I asked once we sat down. Dean's eyes darted through the busy restaurant nervously. "I wanted to be a normal person for once and do something normal, something I thought you would like." He forced out a cheesy grin but I can see how nervous it's making him to be in such a busy place like this.

I couldn't help but smile back at him. I don't know what he's doing but whatever it is, it's working.

"You look beautiful... Not like you never do, like, you know. You look stunning..." He stuttered nervously before slapping his hand over his face. This idiot is freakin' adorable.

I hadn't really noticed how formal he was dressed. His hair may be a usual tangle of curls on his head but he's got on one of his nicest polos and he's all cleaned up. Why would he bother to look so nice if he were just going to lecture me some more? Something's up.

We ordered our food and talked a little here in there, nothing too exciting. The environment is way too awkward. I have no idea what he's trying to do or if he has some sort of plan going on, but it's weird.

"So, um, you really do love me?" He asked, his voice almost has a nervous shake to it. My heart stopped and I could feel my palms begin to sweat. I glanced up at him from my mess of a plate I had made. I don't know what he wants me to say. What the hell kind of question is that anyways? I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it!

He took a deep breath, "Yeah, I don't really know what I expected you to say after I blew up on you like that the other day," He began as he scratched the back of his neck. "It's just, I've been to hell and back so many times because of those three words. It's all different now but it just, it still scares me. It terrifies me what those three words can do to people." He glanced up at me quickly and for the first time his eyes were almost overcome in sadness, not the usual anger or frustration that usually coated them.

I swallowed down my nerves and tried to build up a pair of balls for once. "Yeah, Dean, I do love you." I locked my eyes on his, proving to him that it's no lie. It's the real deal. His eyes flicked down to the table for a second before looking back into mine. But my nerves didn't stay gone for long as they began to creep up my spine and haunt me once more.

"Okay. I've been in love before, Paige. It sucked, really. It was horrible. I hated it." He spat, his voice slowly began to turn into a frustrated tone. "But there's something different about all of this, it's not really that bad. You're so different than she was, so much more open and understanding. I actually want to be around you all of the time and I uh, you don't aggravate the piss outta' me like everybody else does. You're like this fucking angelic little princess and I don't really understand why you would choose me over all those normal guys out there that would give you so much more than I can." He stuttered, not really making much sense but somehow I could understand him.

"Shut the hell up, Dean." I laughed, catching him by surprise. "Other guys are fuckin' boring. There's nothing to them, they're just so plain. You, oh you, you're so interesting and unique. There's not a boring asset about you." I reached my hand across the table to hold his, and surprisingly there was a little shake in his hand. Is he as nervous as I am?

"Remember when I promised that I would ruin you?" Dean asked. I squinted at him, remembering how our 'friendship' had began. It brought a bit of a smile to my face. I nodded, I remember.

"I don't break my promises... I'm going to ruin you, because I love you." He smirked as his eyes stayed locked on mine.

I felt a gigantic smile spread across my face, so big that my eyes became all squinty and soon filled with a watery happiness. "I love you, Paige." He repeated, seeming to enjoy my painfully huge smile.

He squeezed my hand in his hold, "You have no idea what you've got yourself into, darlin'."

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