[48] Screwed

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RAW rolled on after that without much of a peep. Dean and Roman were busy catching up which was mostly just bashing Seth. But some of the conversation was about Seth and Adalia so I was able to pipe in a little here and there. 

The two clicked right back to where they left off quickly. I'm assuming that Roman was never part of the problem. But the two of them have a bond that nobody else could recreate. They've been to Hell and back with eachother and I'm glad that Dean finally has his brother back.

All of a sudden the intro of CM Punk's theme startedblaring through the arena and that's enough to bring Dean to his feet and lock his eyes on the screen as Punk walks down the ramp. I can't imagine how painful it is to see Punk walking down to the ring with something that belongs to Dean.

"I'll keep this short and simple, I told you so!" Punk sung as he waved his belt in the air. Dean's fists stayed balled up at his sides but the anger inside of him is obvious. "You guys thought I was wrong, didn't ya? You thought the odds were stacked against me. But even with my back against the wall I still prevailed, and I still came out as champion."

Dean sent me and Roman one quick glance, with a crazy anger lingering in his eyes, and seconds later he was halfway down the ramp ready to spit his feelings. Punk knew enough to back away from Dean as he grabbed a microphone.

"Shut up! Would you just shut up! You, as well as everybody else in this arena knows that I was screwed over last night. That belt would be mine if that scumbag, Seth Rollins, didn't screw me over. You're lucky Punk, you're so freakin' lucky!" Dean growled into the mic that shook in his angry grasp. 

"Damn right I'm lucky. Yeah, you got screwed but so what, that's not my problem. I was screwed over just by being put in that match and I retained my United States title while you were busy getting your ass kicked. Sorry buddy, you lost your chance." Punk said with a smug smile along his face as he got ready to exit the ring.

But then the general manager of RAW, Brad Maddox, came strolling out. Roman let out a quiet chuckle next to be probably because of Brad's lilac colored vest that could barely button and ridiculous purple top that somehow fit underneath it.

"Hey, hey, boys, relax... The way I see it last nights match did end poorly. I don't know why Seth Rollins came out here 'nor do I really care, but the backstage talk is that you and him had some sort of under the table deal, Punk, and that will not be tolerated... Therefore, I have decided that you will have a rematch with your United States title on the line. Against whom? There will be a match tonight between Dean Ambrose and Randy Orton to decide who the number one contender really is. The winner will face you next Monday night for the United States championship!" He smiled before scurrying backstage, probably afraid he was about to get his ass handed to him... and judging by Punk's face, he should probably hide for the rest of his career.

Punk sent Dean a glare before storming out of the ring. He's obviously furious. But the smile on Dean's face sent a whirl of butterflies through my stomach. I know he can and will defeat Randy tonight, and there won't be any screw overs now that Roman's got his back. 

I waited beyond the curtain for Dean to come barging through which he did seconds later, allowing me to wrap my arms around him as he held me in his tight hold. "I told you it wasn't over." I whispered against his chest.

"I know, I should listen to you more." He laughed. A lot of people should listen to me more.

A hand on my shoulder brought me out of my daydream and into a near panic as I regained myself, turning to see who had tapped my shoulder. My eyes widened when I saw Randy with a small grin. My eyes flicked back to Dean and Roman who sat across the table. Dean's eyes almost looked deadly and Roman just looked on with a confused squint.

"Uh, I'll be right back." I flashed a quick smile as I got up from my seat but Randy's hand pushed me back into my seat carefully as he sat down on the empty pod next to me. I felt my heart beating hard against my chest. Dean and Randy don't like eachother, but Dean really doesn't like Randy.

"Hey Ambrose," Randy began before raising his arms up in a mock surrender, "listen I'm not here for trouble, alright? So can you stop glaring at me like I'm your prey?" His eyes flicked to me and for once they had a little bit of fear in them. Randy Orton is afraid of Dean Ambrose, that's classic.

"What the hell do you want, Orton?" Dean spat, angrily. 

 "Just wanted to say you put up a helluva fight last night, and I know tonight is going to be an even more gruesome fight between us. Punk shouldn't have that gold around his waist, and tonight we'll find out who the better man is." Randy flashed a grin before pushing himself up and heading back down the hallway.

I watched him strut away before glancing back at Dean who continued to glare at Randy until he couldn't see him any longer.

"Well that was awkward." Roman laughed, grasping Dean's attention. 

"That guy is a snake, I never liked snakes, I don't trust em'." Dean mumbled to himself before going into his own little crazy world and storming off in the other direction.

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