[41] Forfeit

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"I know this is the last thing you wanna hear, but I think you should hangout back here for my match. You're obviously hurt... I don't want anything to happen to you." Dean stared into my eyes as he spoke seriously. This time I can't be mad at him, he has a good reason.

I nodded, "Just don't end up with any more stitches, alright? Kick Punks ass." I smiled as I reached my other arm around his neck and hugged him tightly.

Just his touch reminded me of everything that him and I have been through which has surprisingly been quite a lot. All those crazy teenage lovey dovey feelings started spilling into my mind. I couldn't bring myself to release my hug until he had to pry my arm off of him.

"You think I'm gonna' die or something out there?" He laughed. My eyes traveled down his vest and onto the floor nervously. It's not that, I'm just scared one day I'll let go of him and he's not going to come back. "Sorry." I laughed nervously, sitting back down at the table. Watching him walk down the hallway even brought a sickening uneasy feeing into the pit of my stomach.

A few minutes later Dean's music had hit and echoed throughout the entire arena. My eyes locked on the TV watching as he made his regular entrance through the crowd. He's got a little extra pep in his step and a confident, smug look on his face.

Dean didn't hesitate before ramming into CM Punk the second he got into the ring. In seconds he had Punk on his back and his fists were pounding into his face. It took the referee a few minutes before he was able to get the two apart and begin the match. .

But before I could see the match get started Adalia and Seth Rollins stepped in front of the TV. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. "What the hell do the two of you want?" I groaned. If I were totally able to I would rip her face off right in this very moment, but there's two giant obstacles in my way. But she's looking about as rough as I feel so that gives me a little peace of mind

"I'm just trying to look out for you, alright? I need you to understand that. For your own benefit you need to forfeit out of the triple threat at Payback. I know how much you want this," She raised her championship up in the air, "and you'll get your opportunity again one day. But if you compete in this match on Sunday, I don't think you'll ever be given another chance for my title." She spoke with a sly grin, moving her stare to my

injured shoulder.

I felt a knot in the pit of my stomach. She is right, whatever is wrong with my shoulder could cost me my entire career. It could be a lot worse than I think it is. But like I said earlier if I have to, I'll rip my damn arm off for this championship. I've worked my ass off for the past ten years to have a chance to become divas champion and I am not waiting any longer.

"No. You're not getting me out of that match that easily." I stood up to stare into her eyes. "I know that you know that I can take that championship away from you. You know it. You're scared, Adalia. After Sunday that belt will be around my waist and it will never be yours again." I growled.

She glared at me for a few moments before letting out a sigh and shrugging her shoulders. She glanced at Seth, "I tried, don't tell me I didn't try." She shook her head before walking away.

Seth watched her walk away but stayed in place before returning his attention to me. "You're a screw job like him, just like him." He hissed before walking away.

Their words rumbled through my brain for a few minutes. But I've concluded two things, two things they're not going to like. I'm walking out on Sunday as divas champion, I may lose an arm on the way but it's worth it. Also Dean will stick it to Seth Rollins and become US champion. We will be unstoppable.

Finally I returned my eyes to the screen to see Dean completely dominating in his match against Punk. Steel chairs are scattered all throughout the ring and I can only imagine that Dean's used them to his advantage.

It's really strange, he has these two totally different personas. One of them is this ruthless, agressive, maniacal guy that has no regard for anybodies well being, not even his own. Then there's this other side to him that's so sweet and kind, almost huggable. Both sides of him are destroying me equally as bad as the other.

My eyes focused back on the tv and immediatly a sickening feeling erupted through my stomach. Dean had been beaten down with steel chairs by Punk, and also another man, Randy Orton. The two of them teamed up against Dean leaving him alone and a target.

I watched them beat on him for a few minutes before it almost became painful to watch any further. I leaped from my seat and headed towards to curtain. He can't save himself, so I might as well do something to help.

Randy's eyes locked on mine as I neared the ring, pacing around it unsure of what to do. Randy tried waving me out of the arena but I can't leave. I know how much this title shot means to Dean and he really deserves it, I'm not going to let these two take it away from him.

I slid into the ring cautiously locking my eyes on Punk who had finally stopped hitting Dean. Both Randy and Punk stared at me unsure of the situation. I ripped the steel chair out of CM Punk's hands and held it tightly in mine. A soaring pain tore through my shoulder but right now that's the last thing I'm worried about.

I glanced at Randy, "I can't fucking believe you." I hissed before taking the chair to his abdomen, he hunched over in pain before dropping to his knees. A satisfaction flowed through my veins but also a guilt. He's my friend... I shook the guilt out of my mind, he's not my friend anymore.

I turned my attention to Punk who had taken a few steps away from me. I can almost see the fear in his eyes. CM Punk is afraid of me, a 130 pound women whose career he could end with one GTS. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit to myself.

I glanced over my shoulder to see Dean getting back to his feet. I smiled at Punk and slid the steel chair towards Dean, "Enjoy your last few nights as the United States champion, it won't last much longer." I grinned before sliding out of the ring.

I stood on the ramp and watched as Randy rolled to the side and out onto the floor. Punk kept his eyes locked on me for a few seconds, probably afraid I would strike again... But my eyes flicked to Dean who had gotten back to his feet with the steel chair tightly in his grips. He shot me a painful smile, mouthing the words, "Thank you", before bashing the chair across Punk's back.

CM Punk recieved a gruesome and bloody beating before Dean landed his finisher 'Dirty Deeds' onto the steel chair and picked up the victory. Somehow he managed to get to his feet and flash a giant smile, disregarding all the punishment he had just went through.

The smile stayed planted on Deans face as he crawled out of the ring. The second he could he wrapped his arms around me, causing my stomach to do a flip. His touch brought a tingle of goosebumps along my skin.

"Thank you, oh my god thank you so much." He mumbled tiredly into my ear. I couldn't speak over the giant smile that had found its way onto my face. I don't think he'd hear me anyway over the crowd, who are booing and cheering loudly. Dean's finally getting somewhat of a positive comeback from the crowd. This has to be a first for him.

"But seriously, you okay? How's your arm?" Dean breathed heavily as I helped him up the ramp. It's fine, I'm fine. I still couldn't speak over the emotions that ran through my body. He has this impact on me that nobody else has ever had and it jumbles my mind so much.

Once we got backstage and the adrenaline of the crowd began to wear off and I was able to somewhat collect my jumbled mind, I glanced up at Dean who stared down at me with a smile he couldn't get rid of. But I found myself lost in his icey blue eyes that were all crinkled up because of the huge smile on his face.

"I think I love you." I blurted out without even realizing it. My gaze stayed locked on his eyes that went from super ecstatic to confused and unsure in a matter of seconds. The change in his face brought me back to reality, realizing what I just said. My heart raced and my skin tingled and I felt like I could throw up. The expression on his face didn't help either.

"Y-you, please tell me you didn't just say that. Paige, you can't." He started, the joy in his voice had immidiately disappeared. I can feel my eyes filling with tears. Why the hell did I say that? "Paige you can't. Not for me. Not me." He choked out.

All I could get out was an, "I'm sorry. I sh-shouldn't -" then the water works came and I had to make a quick escape, which I did. I turned my back and darted down the hallway and into the locker room. I don't even think he bothered to call after me either. I just made the biggest mistake of my entire life. I fell for a lunatic.

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