[16] We're a team

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My eyes fluttered open. An immediate panic overcame me as I didn't recognize where I am. But as my vision cleared up, I began to recognize the messy room and the tangle of blankets next to me and a familiar snore. I'm in Dean's hotel room, in his bed, next to him. 

The memories of last night hit me, remembering the trainer giving me some kind of sleeping pills. Those things really knocked me out. Dean brought me back to his hotel room. That's kinda' sweet. I felt a smile grow on my face as I rolled to my side to face Dean, who is totally passed out.

He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. His hairs a tangle of curles and knots hanging over his eyes. His mouth is parted slightly enough as a quiet snore escapes them every few seconds. His blankets are tangled around his body, half over him and half tucked under him. How can one person manage to make such a mess in their sleep?

I rolled to the edge of the bed, ready to stretch and get up for the day. A large glass of water had been set on the night stand reminding me that I'm supposed to be drinking double the amount of water as usual since apparently I'm pretty dehydrated. I chugged half the glass before setting it down. The cool water felt good against my dry throat.

As I got out of the bed and stretched I realized I'm no longer in my gear that I had been knocked unconcious in. Instead a "Hound of Justice" shirt hugged my body and a pair of large basketball shorts hung loosely around my waist.  That means Dean had to change me. I felt my cheeks heat up realizing that Dean had once again seen my naked body but this time I wasn't concious for it and that just doesn't settle well with me. 

"Mm, don't worry. I closed my eyes." Dean's raspy voice spoke as his eyes squinted open at me. I felt a smile form on my face. I sat back down on the bed next to him catching a glimpse of the clock, my heart nearly dropped when the date processed in my head. 8:47 am, 5/12/14. It's Monday, meaning I slept two fucking nights. "Yeah, you've been asleep a while." Dean chuckled as he pulled himself out of bed.

 I feel guilty spending a whole day in bed but hey, I was drugged up and that's out of my control. 

I reached for my phone to check my email seeing if I've made it on the card for tonight. I skimmed over the list a few times, I'm not on it. That's a bummer. I hope my recent matches with Adalia haven't proven myself to be weak, because those matches were just a botch and I have yet to prove myself.

My heart sank as I read "Dean Ambrose w/ Paige (at ringside) will be facing Luke Harper w/ Bray Wyatt and Erick Rowan (at ringside)". Not only will Dean have a match against Harper but the odds are stacked against him with the other two ringside, and I'll be forced to be out there along with them.

"You're on the card for tonight." I began. Dean's face lit up as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "Against Harper." I continued. His expression changed but he still had a look of excitement on his face. "Revenge is a bitch." He laughed, sipping his coffee. I shrugged. I guess it's good if he goes into this match with confidence. I don't want to ruin it for him.

The morning passed by quickly, and actually quite boring. I had returned to AJ's hotel room for a bit and spent most of the day in the gym busting my ass. AJ has some kind of stomach virus so I really didn't wanna be around her much today. But it doesn't hurt to spend an extra hour or two at the gym, especially with the NXT PPV coming up this Sunday. 

NXT and WWE have come together to plan a PPV called NXT Takeover where the top dogs in NXT go against NXT alumni that have made a dominant impact on the WWE. Even though I've barely been here three weeks I'll be having a match at NXT Takeover. I'm scheduled for a match against the one diva that was able to push me to my limit and win my NXT Womens Championship. Sasha Banks. I'm looking forward to renewing our feud for just one night, it's going to be one helluva match. 

RAW's hours away and I still can't rid this horrific paranoia that has flooded through me since I read the match between Dean and Harper. I know exactly how it'll happen too. As soon as Dean nears the pin, the other two will close in on me somehow and draw Dean's attention from the match. The distraction will cause Dean to lose and I really don't want to think about what happens after that. But I have to be out there, we're a team.

As Dean's match came closer and closer, I had managed to keep myself pretty hidden back stage. I haven't been able to find Dean at all since the show began and I just hope he's not freaking out about this as much as I am. 

Twenty minutes from his match and I guess now's the time to get into my gear. Even though I'm not wrestling tonight I should be in character. As I rummaged through my bag to find my gear a negative presence approached. I glanced over my shoulder to find Summer Rae staring me down. For the love of god, can't this girl find something better to do. 

"I know who it is." Summer's voice scolded as she closed the space between us. Is it like her mission to annoy the shit out of me? If so, she's doing an amazing job. I stood up to stare her in the eyes. "What are you talking about?" I asked. She let out a laugh, "It's kinda' obvious. You're sleeping around with that lunatic, Ambrose, it makes a lot of sense though. I mean, he'll pretty much fuck a dead body if he hasn't -" Before she could finish my fist had smashed across her skull knocking her onto the ground. I kicked her hard in the ribs a few times before the other divas pulled me off of her.

I felt a smug look grow on my face as I watched Aksana help Summer out of the locker room, she could hardly walk on her own. I pulled away from the few divas that had constrained me, shooting them all angry stares. "Don't you ever fucking touch me like that again." I scowled. 

I went to put my gear back on but the anger took over. Fuck this, I don't have to go out there if I don't want to. He doesn't need me, all I'll do is cause him the match and fuck everything up. If I'm out there the Wyatts are going to use that to their advantage and create a distraction. Dean's better off if I just hang low back here. 

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