[35] Forgive and forget

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I found myself in the locker room trying to keep busy and avoid Dean's match. He doesn't want me ringside so I'm sure he'd rather me not even watch. It's driving me insane.

"You're like the nerdy girl in high school that eats lunch in the bathroom because she has no friends." Layla's voice filled the room. Great. I rolled my eyes and pulled myself off of the floor taking a few steps towards her.

"I would rather be that than a ratty little slut like you." I glared down at her. She's not so tall without her giant heels, not so intimidating either. She folded her arms and returned the glare, "Just because you have yourself a little man candy doesn't mean you're anything special. You are scum, absolute garbage just like him. You don't belong here sweet-."

I grabbed a handful of her hair and threw her towards the locker, bashing her face against the steel door. She screamed and screamed but it only drove me to hit her face harder and harder each time it collided with the locker door. Once I saw the blood I almost lost it, kicking at her stomach and ribs with everything I have. Luckily for Layla I was pulled away from her otherwise she would be history.

Layla laid on the floor, totally unconscious as a few divas rushed to her aid. My body violently shook in the grasp of whoever held me back and it became hard to breathe. What the hell is happening to me?

Referees rushed into the locker room and braced her neck before rolling her onto a stretcher. Her body is so limp, she almost looks dead. A sudden nausea settled in my stomach as I pulled away from whoever restrained me and quickly towards the toilets.

I can't believe I just did that to her. Sure, she pissed me right off and she had it coming for a while now but I should have stopped before it got that bad. But I couldn't stop myself.

Smackdown is over and the backstage has pretty much cleared out. I haven't seen Dean or Randy at all since before their match and I'm kind of freaking out. I'm going to drive myself absolutely nuts.

"Paige!" Randy's voice shouted down the hallway behind me. "Where's Dean!?" I shouted, anxiously. He pointed towards the trainers room but grabbed my arm before I could head towards it. I struggled in his grasp, "Let me go! Is he okay?!" I screamed at him.

"Calm down, he's fine. He won. His chin is pretty bad and needs stitches." He spoke so calmly, I'm not sure how. My skin tingles and my hands are sweaty. "I need to go see him." I growled pulling against his grasp but he held me firmly. "He's not himself. He snapped out there. Let him cool down, okay?" He whispered. I took a deep breath and nodded as he let go of me.

"What's up with you?" He asked as he poured some cold water over his head. I shrugged, watching the droplets travel down his arm full of tattoos. "Paige, what happened?" He asked more sternly. I returned my eyes to his. "I really hurt another diva for no good reason, she pissed me off and I lost it. She was unconscious but that wasn't enough for me, I couldn't stop." I choked.

Randy's hand grasped my shoulder and I couldn't help but allow him to wrap his arms around me. His hugs are nothing compared to Dean's but they still help. They remind me of home.

"It's okay, that stuff happens. Forgive yourself and forget it happened." He advised. I nodded into his chest trying to squeeze the images out of my head. "Forgive and forget." He whispered into my hair.

"What the fuck?!" Dean's voice hollered from down the hallway. Immediately I pushed myself out of Randy's grasp to see an enfuriated Dean stomping towards us. "Dean, calm down." I grabbed his arm but that didn't stop him from launching himself onto Randy. He took him down quickly, clawing and punching at his face.

I grabbed Dean's arm and pulled him back with everything I have. "Just breathe." I whispered once his attention turned to me.

"What the fuck was that?" He yelled angrily. I lost my voice, trying to explain that it's nothing to worry about. I tried to speak but nothing came out.

"I should have fucking known, you're too good for me. You're a goddamn diamond and I'm just the stone that's kicked to the side." He mumbled to himself before storming down the hallway.

I froze in place as I watched him stomp down the hallway destroying anything in his path. I tried to run after him but my body didn't obey. It's all happening again. One fucking misunderstanding and it all spirals downhill.

"Paige?" Randy's voice whispered as he got back to his feet. I want to punch and scream at him for hugging me, but that's stupid isn't it. It wasn't a romantic hug, it was a comforting hug. For gods sake it was like hugging my brother.

"Let him cool off, he's not himself right now. Give him a night to clear his mind." Randy spoke as he kept his distance. I took a deep breath. "I can't handle all this fucking stress, Randy. I'm losing my goddamn mind. I'm going bat shit. He's destroying me from the inside out but oddly enough I fucking love it. I fucking love him." I spilled, surprising myself with the words that came out of my mouth. I fucking love him. I love Dean Ambrose.

"Whoa, whoa what did you just say?" Randy asked as he grabbed my arm. I finally brought myself to look at him again. Blood dripped down his nose and there's claw marks all over his face from Dean. "Your face, it's bleeding." I said, trying to change the subject. He squinted his eyes at me before touching his face and looking at his fingers. He sighed, "I should get cleaned up. But listen to me, Paige, get your mind cleared and talk to Dean in the morning. Don't bother with him tonight, he's not in a good mind set." He spoke sternly. I nodded, taking his advice. "Sorry about your uh, face. Text me later and let me know how you make out." I forced a smile before heading down the hall.

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