[39] Blackout

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I leaned against the corner of the ring watching as Adalia strolled down the ramp accompanied by both Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. The smug look on Adalia's face made me want to punch her teeth in the second she gets into this ring. It may be a good thing this match isn't televised because the things I'm going to do to her probably aren't legal.

I glanced down at Dean who stood down in my corner, a sly grin had grown across his face as his eyes locked on mine then quickly darted towards Seth and Roman. He has no idea that I've been talking to Roman a little bit lately, and that Roman is actually a good guy. Hopefully he'll be able to prove to Dean that he was never really on his bad side.

Adalia crawled into the ring and held her championship high in the air showing it off quite a bit, she must know it's not going to be hers much longer. I gripped the ropes tightly refraining myself from launching at her.

The bell rang and she stayed in her place in the middle of the ring, staring at me waiting for me to make a move. Instead I released my hold on the ropes and took a few steps towards her. Somehow I was able to keep somewhat calm, staring into her eyes.

"I may be crazy but that doesn't mean you're better than me and that doesn't mean any of those girls backstage are better than me. I am going to prove to you, and to the world just how good I am. And I'm gonna' start by taking everything you love away from you." I spoke with a smirk. Seconds later her hand left a stinging slap across my cheek before she charged at me, taking me down.

She clawed and ripped at my face, holding me down. All I could do was just endure it. But she made a mistake, she pissed me off. As soon as the referee pulled her off of me I charged at her and took her down. Unfortunately for her I don't fight like a sissy, I use my fists. My fist collided with her face quite a few times before the referee was forced to seperate us once more.

This time I held myself back as she got back to her feet. The claw marks she left on my face began to sting, I wonder how her face is feeling. As soon as she turned around I ran at her again but before I could hit her she stepped out the way, leading me into the ring post. My shoulder collided with the steel post sending an explosion of pain through my left arm.

I was tugged out of the ropes and onto the mat where Adalia covered me for the pinfall but somehow I kicked out after the two count. I held my left arm close against my chest as the pain continued to flow through it.

Adalia crouched over me, staring down into my eyes with a huge smile on her face. And I'm the crazy one? "Oh you poor little thing. You will not be taking ANYTHING away from me, I promise you that. You are absolute scum." She hissed before hitting me again with a hard slap.

Her weight was released off of my chest allowing me to roll over, gripping my shoulder. Wherever she went, my back was towards her and I know any second she's going to hit me with something.

My eyes locked on Roman who looked on with concern. He stared at me as if he feels bad for me. Then his eyes flicked from mine to above me, back to mine and back to the corner. Then I realized what he means... Adalia's gone to the top rope where she's going to attempt to connect her finisher on me, the blackout.

I brought myself to my knees still grasping my shoulder, any type of movement in my left arm or neck would send an even worse explosion of searing pain throughout my arm. I sucked in a deep breath before making it back to my feet. As I turned around, Adalia was already airborn but I managed to throw myself out of the way causing her to land harshly on her back. That had to have knocked the air out of her.

That gave me a few minutes to regroup as I pulled myself up into the ropes. Adalia began to get to her feet as well and I know if she makes it to her feet before I do, I'm going to have some problems. I need to take her out but I have no idea how to do so with only one working arm.

I got to my feet before she did, taking in the environment trying to think of anything I can do to get ahead of her. Without much thought I ran past her and shoved myself off of the ropes, grabbing the back of her head and throwing her face into the ground, hitting her with a nasty running bulldog.

That was the last straw for my injured arm, it's gone completely numb now and I have absolutely no use of it anymore. I rolled Adalia over and pulled my body onto hers, watching as the referees hand connected with the two count. But before he could hit the third one I was pulled away from Adalia and hit with a whole bunch of fists to the face before I could even see who my attacker is.

Seconds later their brutal punches turned into kicks to the stomach and then a few harsh stomps onto my injured arm before they were pulled away from me.

My body shook as arms pulled me into their lap. At first I panicked but then the familiar scent of Dean made it obvious that it's no threat, just him.

"Hey, hey it's okay. You're okay." He whispered as he brushed my hair out of my face. I nodded into his chest. My eyes focused on Seth who had grabbed Adalia in the mist of all that, and then to Roman who held back an extremely upset Summer Rae. I sent her a glare, that even hurt to give.

"Lets get you to the trainer." Dean whispered as he picked me up. I groaned. I'm really getting sick of that place. I swear I'm injury prone or something. But this time it's worse than anything else I've endured and I really hope it doesn't take me out of my match Sunday.

As we neared closer and closer to the trainers room my heart began to pound and my mind began to race. I cannot afford to be out on injury right now, I may never get this chance again. I will become the divas champion this Sunday at Payback.

I pulled myself out of Dean's grasp, "I'm fine. I don't need a doctor." I whined. Dean raised his brow at me before crossing his arms. His eyes followed my left arm that I held tightly against my chest. "You're not fine." He spoke sternly. I rolled my eyes, "Okay, but I'm not going in there so I can get a note that'll keep me out of business for months. If I have to rip my damn arm off then so be it." I hissed. Dean let out a sigh and shrugged, "Alright. I can't force you in there. But you're being dumb right now. That injury will haunt you."

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