[13] Sexy and Dangerous

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Contains some material that is NSFW. 

I felt an electric spark through his lips and into mine. It was enough to cause me to pull my lips from his, really taking in the situation. Dean and I just kissed and I felt something. There's something there, there is something between us.

His icy blue eyes stared into mine and for once they're not so gloomy, they actually have a glint of joy in them. I felt a shy smile grow on my face and broke his stare. An awkward silence filled the small dark room.

Deans hand once again tilted my chin up so I was staring back into his eyes. This time they're dark and almost scary. His hand slid behind my head and pushed my lips roughly back against his.

As our lips mashed together his hands began to explore my upper body hungrily. I know where this is going and I don't know how I feel about it, but I don't want to stop it. I don't think I have it in me to stop any of this even if I wanted to.

His lips travelled away from mine and down my my neck. While his lips worked against my neck his hands played with the buttons of my jeans, undoing them. Aggressively he pulled against my sweatshirt, tugging it over my head quickly not wanting to waste any time. The sound of our heavy unsteady breaths and his lips against my skin filled the room.

His kisses traveled down my chest and onto my breasts as he reached around to unclasp my bra. Goosebumps spread across my body as his mouth worked against my chest. I bit my bottom lip hard to keep myself from making any noise.

Every now and then a soft moan would escape my lips and that drove Dean insane. Once he finished up there, his kisses glided down my stomach and lingered at the top of my jeans. He pulled them down around my ankles, leaving me in just my underwear. His touch caused an explosion in the bottom of my stomach.

He paused for a moment and scoped out the room. A dimly lit room filled with crates and boxes of material for the arena, not the most romantic place but I'm not complaining. It's kind of sexy and dangerous, a lot like Dean.

Deans arms wrapped around my bare waist as he lifted me onto a crate, allowing my legs to hang over the side. He moved quickly and quietly as if he were on a mission. His shirt came flying off in the process.

He returned to my body and tore my underwear off of me wasting no time. His lips met my inner thighs and travelled inwards. I couldn't help but moan loudly, quickly shoving my hand against my mouth to muffle the sound.

Deans tongue worked inside of me knowing all of my weak spots and driving me crazy. Every moan that would fall from my lips would drive Dean insane, his nails would dig into my thighs hard enough to feel like he'd puncture the skin.

Soon he pulled his mouth away and his fingers worked their way inside of me. He enjoyed watching me try to keep quiet. He roughly pulled me off of the crate and began unbuckling his jeans. Immediately every nerve inside of me burned, I began to feel insecure and shy. Is this really a good idea?

Dean got himself ready and his eyes met mine before he did anything else. "Oh come on." He groaned, backing away from me. I could hear a disappointment in his voice. I felt my cheeks burn. Dean pulled his jeans back up as he faced away from me.

I grabbed my clothes off the floor and began to put them back on. This is so embarrassing. Nothing went wrong, in fact that was amazing but I just can't help but feel like this isn't right. I mean it is right; I want it. Just not like this.

I've done this all before. Back at NXT. I had a thing with one of the superstars. It was totally different, we were into each-other from the beginning and things got steamy and I really let myself fall for him. We got really intense and I thought we were meant to be, everything was perfect. But one night my match got taken off the card because of a timing issue and I walked into the locker room to find him all over another diva. A diva I'm not too find of, you know the one who used the ticket between her legs to get where she is now. Summer Rae.

I ran my hand through my tangled hair. "I'm sorry." I whispered, my voice shaking. I don't know why but I feel like I could start crying any moment. Dean turned around to face me and his expression changed immediately. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat but it wouldn't move. Funny how fast you can go from intensely turned on to fucking depressed.

Deans arm wrapped around me tightly in one swift movement. I didn't hesitate to press my face into his neck. I apologized once more but I don't think he heard me. His hand drew circles against my back as he tried to steady his irregular breathing against my hair.

"It's okay." He spoke into my hair. Almost immediately the water works began as a few tears managed to glide from my eyes. I'm so weak and pathetic. I pulled myself away from him and took a few steps back. I can't burden him with my own stupid problems.

"I'm sorry." I apologized again, wiping the tears from my eyes. Dean closed the space between us and his fingers gently pushed the tears from my cheeks. He held my face in his hands gently as if he were afraid he would break me. "Stop it." He whispered.

I sucked in a deep breath. "Why are you doing this? One second you like me and the next you despise me?" I asked without even thinking. my minds a mess. He raised his brow and chuckled.

"Ever since you've come along you've been fucking with my head. You're bringing out things in me that I buried. I never wanted them to resurface again. I hate this. I hate being a softie... I don't know... I'm a really fucking sick guy and you shouldn't even be near me, but you are, you're risking it all to be around me and that means so much to me..."

I felt butterflies surface in my stomach but I still had an awful anxiety lingering over me. Once again I wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me tight. I know it's not a good idea to hang around Dean Ambrose, especially like this but there's nothing that can stop me. I don't want to get hurt but I would let him destroy me in a heart beat.

"Did I push you too far?" He asked with concern. I didn't understand what he said for a moment before it clicked. "Oh, no that was my fault." I sighed. That stupid feeling attacked me again and I began feeling embarrassed and shy.

"Then what the hell happened?" He asked, staring into my eyes. "I just, it's not, I can't do that now." I stuttered as my voice shook. Immediately his eyes turned to anger and his grip on my arm tightened. "Tell me!" He demanded.

"I did this with a guy back at NXT. I thought he really liked me and I fucking fell for it all just to find out he was sleeping around." I spoke, disgustedly. Deans eyes filled with more anger and I felt a fear explode inside of me.

"Who?" He demanded. I shook my head, no, I can't tell him that. Hardly anybody knows about it. "Fucking tell me!" He yelled. His fists were now balled up against his sides. "Corey Graves." I whispered in defeat.

"I'll fucking rip his scummy little spine out." Dean hissed. I felt a smile grow on my face as the fear subsided. A long silence followed but it was actually pretty comforting.

"We should probably get out of here." Dean spoke, scratching the back of his neck. I nodded. He tossed his shirt over his shoulder and ran a hand through his hair. Just like that he looks brand new.

- Eeeeek. I don't like writing smut, it's not a strong point for me. I feel really awkward and almost embarrassed posting this. I actually read a lot of Ambrollins fics for inspiration on this part but that's probably not ever evident, lmfao.

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