[65] Apologies

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I leaned against the doorway of the trainers office which seems like the place to be tonight. After both ladder matches half of the guys were rushed into there with minor injuries. I could care less about most of them, I just want to see Dean. He's been in there for way too long now.

"Hey, you looking for Dean?" A familiar voice belonging to Roman Reigns spoke.

I nodded, "Yeah. He's in there right?"

Roman chuckled, "Nah. He refused treatment and caused a scene. He's coolin' down in my dressing room now." He grabbed ahold of my wrist and brought me in the direction of his room. 

I still felt that panic, walking around publically with a member of The Shield. I need The Authority to think I'm part of their family for just a few more hours, til we can figure out a plan. Thankfully the backstage area was pretty emptied out and those who are back here aren't paying much attention to what's going on.

"I'll leave you two alone for a lil' bit. He ain't a happy lunatic, jus' be careful with your words." Roman spoke as he unlocked the door and let me in.

The locker room was a wreck, everything had been thrown around. Even the couch was flipped over. It took me a few seconds before my eyes caught Dean, who was sat on the floor in the corner with his head dropped in his hands.

I sat down next to him, "Hey." 

His head jerked up and his arms wrapped around me, pulling me against his chest tightly. He held me like he was afraid I might try to pull away from him, like he was scared of me leaving. There was a long silence filled with his heavy unsteady breaths.

"Dean, I'm sor -" 

"Don't. I'm so fucking sick of hearing that." He growled, his voice hoarse. 

His arms released around me and were pulled back against his chest. He became distant all of a sudden. I stayed quiet, not wanting to push him. I don't even know if he wants me here anymore. He's so damn hard to read sometimes.

"I just wanna' be alone, 'kay?" He growled, pulling himself off of the floor and storming into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

I felt my heart sink. I didn't expect to hear that, in fact I thought he might be a little happy to see me. So I just sat there in silence, letting the sadness creep over me. All I wanted tonight was to celebrate with Dean, and this whole situation is just a giant curveball I hadn't expected. I just want to be in his arms and he doesn't even want me around right now.

It hurts. But he's Dean Ambrose and he has his moods, I need to learn to cope with them better. It's not easy being with somebody who changes their mood so quickly. I know he's in that bathroom beating himself up over what happened tonight. I wish I could help.

There was a giant thud that came from the bathroom, pulling me to my feet and towards it. A few more thuds followed and loud grunts of pain. I didn't hesitate before shoving the door open and finding Dean leaned against the wall with a bloodied fist balled against his chest. 

He looked up at me, eyes full of anger and pain. "Don't." He hissed.

"Stop, just stop." I pleaded, unsure of what else to do. I could feel my eyes swelling with tears that I couldn't control. I hate seeing him so hurt over something that he had no control over. 

"Stop fuckin' what, Paige?" He yelled.

"Stop beating yourself up over something you can't help." I whispered.

He sighed, "Don't you fucking tell me what to do! Why are you still here?! Get out!" 

I shut up quickly, never hearing his voice so angry before. "Okay." I whispered, turning around and leaving. If that's what he wants then that's what he'll get and I hope it helps him get over this whole thing. 

I couldn't get out of the room quick enough as I stormed down the hallway, I kept my emotions in surprisingly well. As much as I wanted to break down and cry I know better. It's just a Dean thing and he'll get over it in the morning, hopefully. But it's still a little heartbreaking.

My arm was grabbed from behind me and I felt a slight smile grow as I spun around expecting it to be a sorry Dean, but it wasn't. My smile dropped and my skin burned with anger when I laid eyes on Seth Rollins.

"Paige, what the hell is your deal lately?!" He growled, his grip tighening around my wrist despite my constant tugging and discomfort.

I could feel all of my emotions ready to pour out and there's no way I can sugar coat anything that I'm about to say. "You, Seth Rollins, you're my problem. You don't deserve that damn contract, and it sickens me that The Authority watched you steal it away from Randy, who actually deserved that title shot."

A smirk formed on his lips and he let out a chuckle. "Oh I get it. You're mad because you have a little crush on Orton and you wanted him to win. Oh boo hoo. I did what was best for Seth Rollins and in the end that's clearly what The Authority wanted. Randy will get over it, so will you. Cheer up sweetheart." 

I finally yanked my wrist out of his hold, almost shaking in anger. "You're clueless, aren't you? Fucking idiot." I grumbled before storming away from him.

But he was right next to me, "Oh sweetheart, I'm going to do things that Orton could have never done. You'll see and you'll be glad I am Mr. Money in the Bank. I am the future."

I stopped, glaring at him. "I'll never be happy that you stole a win from somebody who deserved it a million times more than you, and stop calling me fucking sweetheart." 

He raised his arms up in surrender, finally shutting his big mouth. 

"I never liked you, Seth. You're a slimy scumbag who only cares about himself. You're gonna' regret what you did to Randy tonight, I promise you that. It's a shame you stole the victory, but I'll enjoy watching your pathetic cash in attempt whenever the time comes." I grinned before strolling down the hallway, feeling at least a little bit better now that I've managed to hopefully terrify Seth Rollins.

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