[46] Shit list

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The ride to the hotel was a little uncomfortable since Dean was in a total grumpers kinda' mood. I can understand. He had his chance at the US Title ripped away from him by somebody he used to call his brother. I wouldn't be thrilled either.

Dean Ambrose is not a great driver, so grumpy Dean is quite scary to be in the car with. But I don't dare to say anything about his awful driving because the mood he's in, I wouldn't want to get him going. Thankfully the GPS says the hotel is only a few minutes away.

He slammed the door to our room hard behind us, beating his fists against it and resting his head on them. He began mumbling things I couldn't make out, angry things that didn't make any sense.

"Hey, hey, that bastard isn't gonna be smiling long." I rubbed my hand against his back, but if he's anything like me, I should back off. So I did.

Dean poured his anger down his throat with a six pack of beer in silence. I know better than to stop him as much as I want to. But something came to mind that could distract him from tonight's events. I crawled across the couch and right onto him, straddling my myself across his thighs. His eyes widened as they stared into mine.

"You promised we'd celebrate after tonight... I still think you're a winner" I whispered. His eyes dropped and he let out a sigh.

"Paige, not -" He tried to speak but I shut him up quickly with my lips against his. It took a second for him to respond but he did, viciously as he took his anger out in my mouth.

His hands grasps my waist tightly, squeezing at my ribs that are already sore causing me to let out a wince of pain into his mouth. His lips parted mine and breathed against my jaw.

But he groaned angrily and pulled away, shoving me off of him as he got to his feet storming across the room. "Why? Why do you love a piece of trash loser like me?" He hissed, pacing back and forth. His stinging words hit me hard since they came with no warning.

"You're not a loser, Dean. You got robbed. You would have won but that, that, that Seth Rollins is a piece of trash. Not you!" I stood up as my temper began to boil as well.

He sighed, pressing his back against the wall. "I should have figured it out. I should have known..." He mumbled to himself.

"Nobody saw it coming, nobody had a clue. Dean you'll get your revenge tomorrow night, the night after, the week after; as long as it takes. I'll be right by your side the entire time. But right now I think we both had a long night and need to get some rest." I spoke as I took a step closer to him wrapping my arms around his waist.

"You're right. That bastard is going to live the rest of his life in fear wondering why he ever decided to get on my shit list." He growled. I let out a chuckle as we crawled into bed. Dean's strong arms wrapped around my body pulling me close to him, and that's all it took to knock me out.

My eyes fluttered open as the sun peaked through the blinds and right into my eyes. I threw my arm over my face as I rolled to my side to find Dean's side of the bed empty. I squinted through my sleepy eyes to see him hovering over a cup of coffee with a sly grin across this face. 

"Mornin'." He smiled as he grabbed his coffee and sat on the edge of the bed. His smileyness came as a surprise considering last nights events.

"Morning." I groaned, stretching only to remind myself of all the pain I endured last night. It hurts but it also feels so damn good. 

"Why ya' so smiley?" I asked as I pulled myself up next to him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Cuz' I'm a genius. I've got this all figured out. I'm going to haunt the hell out of that piece of shit. I'm always gonna' be on his mind, and I'll always be two steps ahead. I'm going to ruin any opportunity for that bastard. He has no idea what's comin'." Dean smiled.

Dean's one scary, unpredictable dude. I've been on his bad side for a brief time and it was absolutely terrifying, but lucky for him it's stuff like that, that I feed off of. But the level of anger that Seth Rollins has fueled inside of Dean is going to bite him in the ass, many times. I wouldn't want to be Seth.

"But, Paige, you'll see a side to me tonight and for the next few weeks, months maybe, that you haven't seen... If it, uh, if it gets too crazy for you just let me know. I understand if it's too much to handle for you. I get it. It's not gonna' be pretty." Dean spoke, cautiously, trying to choose his words wisely.

"Are you serious? You think you're gonna scare me away?" I laughed, catching him by surprise. "Dean. You're not getting rid of me that easily, sorry." I smirked. He replied with a chuckle and a pat on my back, "It's gonna' get brutal." 

RAW is tonight and there's so many emotions running through my body. I'm excited because tonight will be my first official night as the Divas Champion. I'm so ecstatic. I can't wait to see how the crowd and other superstars are going to react to the anti diva being their leader of the divas division.

I can't wait to see Dean get his revenge on that backstabbing bastard. I might have to get a few hits and kicks in too, becaue Seth didn't just piss of Dean Ambrose. He pissed me off as well, and it's better for most people to never ever get on my bad side.

Tonight will be absolutely insane, unpredictable, and wild. 

Boring & short. I'm sorry. :( I'll update quickly!

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