[4] I have a thing for Dean Ambrose

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Three hours down, two to go. Surprisingly this drive with AJ hasn't been so horrible. She's pretty quiet for the most part and her music taste is actually pretty impressive. I could get used to this.

"Wake up sleepyhead, we're here!" AJ's voice broke into my light sleep. I woke up grouchy and kind of sore from earlier tonight. "While you were asleep I booked a two bed hotel room for us, I hope you don't mind. I didn't know if you wanted your own room or what but I couldn't bring myself to wake you up." She spoke innocently. Even though I'd like to be alone right now I couldn't bring myself to be angry at her. I shrugged, "Yeah it's fine, I guess."

I crawled into bed and wrapped myself under the thick blankets. AJ laid awake in her bed playing some kind of game on her phone. She's such a geek. I found myself thinking about Dean Ambrose. I don't know what it is about him but whenever his name pops into my head I get this warm tingly sensation through my body.

He captures my attention and that freaks me out because he never did in NXT. In fact he's always creeped me out but now it's like, I like the way he creeps me out. I like the idea that he feels no sympathy after beating somebody into a bloody mess. It's really bizarre.

"Who ya' thinking about?" AJ chimed into my thoughts. How the heck does she know I'm thinking about somebody? I raised my brow at her. "Oh please, I know that look you just had. I've got plenty of experience with boys." I lowered my eyes from hers and down into my pillow. "It's nothing."

"Well you pretty much admitted that you're thinking about a boy! Who is he? Is he in the business? Have I dated him? Probably... Is it CM Punk because he's like totally an amazing kisser..." She went off into her own world twirling her hair between her fingers. I stared at her and laughed, shaking my head. "I just kinda' have a thing for this guy that wants to kill me." I said. Wow that sounds really fucked up. I have a thing for Dean Ambrose...

"Oh well now you have to tell me who he is!" She sat up and crossed her legs excitedly. I sighed. I'm not getting out of this one easily. "Dean Ambrose." The expression on her face went from 'what the hell' to 'well it makes sense' in a matter of 5 seconds.

"Yeah, he could probably kill you and hide your body where nobody would ever find it..." She spoke, losing her smile. Yeah he probably could but that just intrigues me even more. "But you like that don't you?" She asked as she slid back under the blankets. I didn't answer but instead I turned off the lamp and turned around.

A quiet darkness filled the room but I found myself wide awake all of a sudden and unable to get comfortable. I threw the blankets off of me in frustration and hung off the side of the bed. I picked my phone up off the floor, it's 4:21 am. Gross.

"Can't sleep?" AJ's voice cracked from the other side of the room. I pulled myself back into my bed and sat up against the head board. AJ's sat on the couch across the room with her phone illuminating her face. I gave her a nod and stretched out my arms. "I have a migraine and I'm out of meds." She sighed.

I stood over the coffee pot as it brewed coffee. Four hours of sleep is good enough for me. I glanced over at AJ who's slumped on the couch rubbing her temples. I have never really been a fan of AJ's. Don't get me wrong, she is a very impressive wrestler but I really didn't see the need for Tamina to protect her all the time. Now that she's no longer divas champion she's been pretty ruthless in the ring and getting shit done on her own. She's a pretty cool chick, I guess.

"So you and Dean, gimme' the details." AJ smiled as she leaned against the counter. I shrugged and sipped my coffee. "First night on RAW I bumped into him backstage, then I accidentally ran into him on a morning jog. He threatened me, so I purposely bumped into him again. He didn't like that." Nothing special, just enough to grab my attention. She nodded as she poured herself some coffee.

"I just got the email, you and I will be tagging against Summer Rae and Alicia Fox." AJ read from her phone with a big smile growing on her face. I would be lying if I said I weren't excited. AJ and I are very similar and I think we could potentially work really well together in the ring.

We pulled into the parking lot of the arena which is already buzzing with fans. These people are dedicated.

"So, what was that you said about not wanting any friends?" AJ smirked as she pulled her bags from the trunk. I felt a smile grow on my face. "Don't make me regret this." I slammed the trunk shut.

I waited for AJ to finish tearing apart her shirt and leaned outside the locker room playing around on my phone. "Paige." A familiar voice spoke, my head shot up to meet Adalia's dark eyes. Roman and Seth stood at her sides.

"Adalia." I crossed my arms. "You and AJ, really? That girl is psychotic." She spoke sternly, pissing me off. I just gave her a glare. She's changed a lot since NXT, or in fact since Wrestlemania, she used to be fun and bubbly but now she's just all serious and oozing of confidence.

"Remember what she did to me." She spoke breaking the silence. I laughed, "You would do the same thing if somebody got close to that," I poked her belt, "But you'd probably just have these guys go after them, huh?" I smirked pointing at Seth and Roman. She furrowed her brows and crossed her arms angrily without a word. "You changed." I sighed, shaking my head, before slipping back into the locker room.

- Boring chapter, sorryyyyyy!

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