[15] A freakin' zombie

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After changing into my gear I turned to find Summer Rae sending me a nasty glare. "Can I fucking help you?" I asked loaded with attitude. She chuckled and took a few risky steps closer to me. "Who's the slut now? I see that hickie on your neck." She snided in a near whisper.

Quickly I pulled my hair over my neck to cover it. I felt my stomach drop. "Fuck off Summer, you've pretty much slept with the entire roster." I shouted angrily. She laughed it off, "I wonder how fast I could have his tongue down my throat..." She laughed before leaving the locker room.

I stormed out of the locker room where AJ was leaned against the wall playing a game on her phone. No surprise. "Oh hey." She clicked her phone off and studied my face. "You look like a freakin' zombie." She laughed. I shot her a glare. "A pretty zombie, like if this were a zombie apocalypse I probably wouldn't kill you. I'd let you eat my brains because you're so pretty."

We hung out in catering while the first match of the night began, Zack Ryder vs Dolph Ziggler. AJ has had her eyes locked on this match since the get go. I guess she really, really liked Ziggler for the time they were 'together'. She always tells me how he was the only one that actually cared about her and surprisingly she wasn't with him just to ruin his career. But unfortunately he thought she was standing in the way on his upward spiral to the top and he broke it off. It broke her. I think that's the moment that caused AJ to burst into this little crazy midget lady.

My body began violently shaking as I came back to conciousness. "Wake up!" AJ shouted in my ear as she shook my shoulders. I forced my eyes opened and let out a yawn. "Your match is in like 2 minutes." She practically screamed. I bolted out of my seat and sprinted towards the curtain. Still half asleep and exhausted, now feeling slightly light headed from rushing out of my slumber.

I stood in the ring, leaned against the ropes hardly able to hold myself up. I really hope my exhaustion isn't super obvious. Even the crowd isn't able to wake me out of this one.

Deans theme hit and that jolted a little life into me. I had totally forgot about him, I guess there's a first time for everything. My minds been too tired to even comprehend my situation with him.

He slid into the ring and turned his attention to me. "Damn girl, where have you been partying and why the fuck wasn't I invited?" He joked. I couldn't help but smile. "But uh, you okay?" He asked, concerned. Am I okay? I don't know.

Adalia's theme hit and Dean sent me one last worried look as he hopped out of the ring. Once she reached the ring she was jumping around trying to hype up the crowd. Too bad she couldn't hype me up.

As the match began we locked up a few times, throwing each other around a little. Just that little bit of effort took a lot out of me and I really don't know how much more I have to give. One last lock up and Adalia managed to get me on the mat and into a headlock.

I couldn't even find it in me to fight back. My body is weak and my minds barely awake. I kept on squirming but she wouldn't release her hold and I could feel the conciousness being ripped out of me even more. I managed to get a bit of energy and elbowed her in the stomach a couple of times creating enough seperation for me to get away from her. Before I could even get to my knees she ripped me up by my arm and greeted me with a brutal clothesline once again landing me on the mat. I hit my head hard and I swear I saw some stars.

"Come on, she won't even fight back." Adalia argued with the referee while I tried to gather myself on the mat. I was kicked back onto the mat. "Fight back!" Adalia screamed before slapping me across the face.

I tried to get up but my body rejected the attempt. I clawed and pushed but it all happened in slow motion. I began arguing with myself in my mind. I'm not weak. I'm a fighter. Fighters don't need sleep.

Adalia pulled me off the mat using my hair but I was able to shove her away from me and create enough of a separation where I hit her with a super kick to the side of the jaw. I dropped to the mat with her and dragged my body on top of hers. The refs hand hit a two count and Adalia kicked out.

I rolled off of her and caught a glimpse of Dean who looks like a mess. I crawled towards him, to the ropes. "Paige what the fuck is going on, seriously?!" Dean angrily shouted. I propped my back against the pole trying to regain myself. I glanced at Dean, "I'm just fucking tired, okay." I shouted grumpily.

I got to my feet but I was greeted by a spear that pretty much killed me. Adalia dragged my limp body to the middle of the ring and covered me for the three count where I didn't even fight to kick out of. Humiliation and failure hit me hard.

In seconds the referee was shoved away from me as Dean knelt next to me. I can hardly even breathe it's taking too much energy out of me. My heads throbbing and I swear everything is spinning. It's crazy how one night of no sleep can affect a person. I could hardly keep my eyes open as they got heavier and heavier. "I'wanna sleeeep.'" I slurred to Dean.

He lifted me off the ground and into his securing hold. "Let's get you to a trainer." He spoke, fear evident in his tone.

He set me on a ice cold table that woke me from my semi-unconscious mind. The doctor stood over me shining a flashlight in my eye. I shoved his hand away, knocking the light to the ground. "I didn't get any sleep last night okay." I forced out, rubbing my eyes hard.

"Seems like a lot more than that, I need to check you out." The trainer spoke with an annoyed tone as he collected the pieces of his flashlight off of the floor. I rolled my eyes and let my body relax against the uncomfortable solid, ice cold table. 

"You are not fit to be wrestling under these conditions. You've deprived yourself of sleep and you're also pretty dehydrated." The trainer spoke as he placed a cold bottle of water in my hands, along with two tiny white pills. I tossed the pills down my throat guzzling half the water bottle, the cold felt amazing down my throat. 

A dizziness seeped over me as I fought to stay concious. "Get her to the hotel, she should be fine for RAW." I heard the doctor speak before I totally knocked out.

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