[10] What a fool

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Once we got to the hotel I followed Dean to his room in silence. He's wobbly but has managed to keep himself from falling over. This guy can take an ass whooping.

"I'm sorry for, you know, everything." He spoke quietly as we entered his hotel room. It's a mess but that doesn't surprise me much, considering its Deans room. "Don't be." I smiled.

He sent me back a weak smile and collapsed onto the couch, dropping his head into his hand. "He's going to drag you into this and use you as bait. He sees that you're the only person that I, well, that I care about." He mumbled the last part almost in shame.

'That I care about' Dean Ambrose cares about me and I can feel the girly crush feelings going crazy inside me. I bit my lip to avoid an explosive smile but that didn't stop my cheeks from burning up. 

I dropped my bags onto the floor and joined him on the couch. Through the crazy encounters I've already had with Dean I've gained a sort of comfort around him. You would think I would know to keep my distance especially from somebody so unpredictable...

I found myself lost in Deans eyes as he stared off into space. They're hurt, but such a beautiful light blue kind of hurt. His hairs a usual mess of sandy locks torn apart on the top of his head and falling into his eyes. He's got a bandage above his right eye from a cut he suffered during the beat down, but I have a feeling he's dealt with worse.

"Stop it." Deans voice broke into my mind and immediately I tore my eyes from his. My cheeks began to burn with embarrassment and I know he can see it. "Don't look at me like that, I'm no good for you Paige." He sighed in defeat and pulled himself from the couch.

Those words hurt, kind of like a brutal kick to the ribs. I could feel my stomach tie in knots. I know I didn't have a chance with him but it just hurts to have him confirm that.

"I'm already worried about that asshole Wyatt hurting you... I don't want to worry about myself doing the same." He pulled a beer from the refrigerator and popped the top off. I didn't say anything. I don't know what to say.

For the first time in my life, I'm scared. I'm horrified of Bray Wyatt and his creep of a 'family'. I know that he is capable of bizarre things and he won't hesitate to snap my neck. Yeah, sorry, big bad Paige doesn't feel like dying yet!

Dean flicked on the TV to catch the news and suddenly all of his attention became drawn to that. I closed my eyes and minutes later drifted into and out of consciousness and finally dozed off.

I woke up to a major cramp in my back. Couches don't make the best of beds, especially hotel couches. I stretched out my legs and they poked out of the blanket that had been put on me. Aw, Dean covered me up. How sweet.

I glanced over to the bed that he had made a mess of across the room. The moons shining through the blinds just hardly illuminating his body. He's tangled in a pile of blankets and half hanging off of the bed. What a fool.

I sat up and stretched my arms letting out a yawn. Dean shifted in his bed and groaned painfully. "Did I wake you up?" I whispered as a guilt overcame me. "Nah, I haven't been able to fall asleep cuz of that nasty snore of yours." He spoke in a scratchy voice.

"I don't snore!" I shouted, embarrassed. He shifted in his bed again and let out a chuckle. "You do, it's kind of cute though." I instantly felt my cheeks blush, good thing it's dark.

"Is that couch okay? I'm not giving up my bed but there's an open spot next to me if you want it." He padded the bed next to him. What a kind offer but if he doesn't want anything between us then it's probably best that I stay here. "I'm good." I wrapped myself in the blanket and rearranged myself. "Suit yourself." He spoke.

The morning came too quick as the sun beat through the blinds and into my eyes, waking me up in quite an unenjoyable way. I pulled myself up and this crappy couch had left a horrible stiffness through my spine. I let out a groan of pain and stretched my arms. Deans beds a pile of blankets and the sheets are all torn up. I don't know how one person can make such a mess of a place.

I turned my attention to the kitchen where Dean hovered over the coffee pot as it brewed. His hairs all disheveled and poking in every direction. His sweatpants are hugging his waist tightly and his back is all bruised. He's got the sexy lunatic look down well.

I pulled myself off the couch and joined him by the coffee pot, leaning against the counter near him. His eyes stayed locked on the coffee pot, an angry stare in them. Ugh. This Deans back.

I stood there for a few minutes waiting for him to say something but he hardly moved. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the windows, taking in the view. Rain clouds are moving in and it looks like it's going to be a gloomy day. Of course it'll be a crappy day since it's my day off.

"I didn't choose to care about you, Paige. Fuck you for making me!" Deans angry voice echoed through the room. Immediately I felt anger brew inside of me. "What the hell are you talking about?" I shouted, staring at him from across the room.

"I'm supposed to despise you, I'm supposed to make your life miserable. Why can't I do that?! Why is it all of a sudden so hard for me to focus?!" He smashed his fist against the counter. I'm confused. He doesn't make sense. "Whatever you're doing, stop it." He mumbled. I'm still lost.

An awkward silence filled the room. Dean sucked in a deep breath before smashing his scalding coffee on the floor and stormed halfway across the room before regaining any sanity he has left. The shards of his mug and hot coffee didn't affect him one bit as he stomped over them. "Get out." He whispered angrily.

I froze in place for a moment trying to grasp the situation. It makes zero sense. What about Bray Wyatt? What about the Wyatt's? What about our tag team? I'm so confused.

His angry eyes shot to mine. "Go!" He shouted. I didn't hesitate this time, I quickly headed to the door and grabbed my bags. I slammed the door hard behind me letting all my anger out. I wish I could have just decked him across the face but I have no idea if I would have lived to see tomorrow.

I pulled out my phone and travelled through my texts with AJ. Room 208.

I banged hard on the door and seconds later the door swung open and AJ peaked around it innocently. She kept quiet and let me do my thing. My thing being, angrily storming through the room and tossing my bags against the ground before flopping into the messy bed AJ had just left. It could be worse, but AJ has this calming ora about her that really helps me when I feel like breaking everything in sight.

I really don't know what to think of that whole situation. It makes no sense. All I know for sure is that Dean Ambrose sure is one fucked up dude, and there's no fixing him. I'm better off if I just ignore his entire existence and do my own thing because that way I actually know what's going on.

AJ flopped down next to me and examined my face with worry. "Crazy hair and major raccoon eyes, tell me you didn't get dirty with Ambrose?" She asked seriously. I couldn't help but burst into laughter. "No way, the opposite actually." I smiled. AJ has a way of unintentionally making everything better and I'm so glad I gave her a chance.

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