[66] Hope

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"You want me and Dean to go out there tonight all vulnerable and lure in The Authority, get our asses beat, so you and Orton can come out and save us? Come on, shortie, what kinda' plan is that?!" Roman laughed as he clipped into his vest.

I shook my head glancing at the ground. The plan sounded a lot better in my head than it did out loud. "After what they did to him last night, he needs to get his revenge. We all need our revenge on The Authority. Come on, Rome'. Just think about how heartbroken they will be to see me and Randy on your side."

"I don't like that snake and I know Dean ain't gonna' be willing to share a ring with him." He continued, crossing his arms and locking his eyes on mine.

I scratched the back of my neck nervously, glancing around the secluded backstage area. "Gimme' a chance, please?" I pouted.

Roman groaned, "Fine. But you better be sure of this. Don't leave us hangin' and make sure Randy is ready to take on his old family." He scolded before walking down the hall.

I stood there for a second with a huge smile on my face, replaying our idea through my head. Dean and Roman will be out in the ring totally vulnerable for The Authority and once they strike, Randy and I will come to their rescue. It's brilliant.


I'd spent the rest of my night trying to stalk down Dean, who I'm pretty sure has discovered invisibility or something because he's nowhere to be found. The main event is sneaking closer and I need to talk to him before our huge plan plays out tonight. If Roman told him already, then he's probably pissed off and I need to calm him down and talk him through it. But undoubtedly he needs to have some sort of a pep talk before this all goes down because he's not going to accept it easily.

Plus, the fact that the last time I spoke to Dean he was yelling at me to leave him alone and I haven't talked to him or seen him since really freaks me out. If he's pissed at me this whole thing is only going to make everything a million times worse. I just need it to work out. 

"God, those freakin' corporate assholes are so hard to hide from. They're everywhere!" Randy breathed as he slumped against the wall, glancing in both directions down the hallway.

"Tell me about it" I laughed. 

"You talk to the lunatic yet?" He smiled as he cracked his knuckles and glanced down the hallway again, as if he were being stalked.

I shook my head, "Don't call him that unless you want your tongue ripped out of your head."

He frowned, "Uh, well, him and Roman are gonna' be out there in about five minutes. I'm not gonna' go out there if Dean's going to rip me apart."

"I know, I know. I'm stressin' out. But there's no way I'll find him in time. Lets just keep our fingers crossed that Roman talked him through it. We can't back out Randy, I can't screw them over like that. This is your chance to prove to both Roman and Dean that you want to be on our side." I sighed, crossing my arms.

There's a 10% chance that this whole plan is going to work out exactly how I want it to. The only thing left for me to do is hope, hope that this all works out how it should. I hope that Dean and Roman will see how Randy really wants to help us, and I hope that they can accept that and let him be on our side. Otherwise, we're gonna' look like a bunch of freakin' idiots out there and none of us can afford that. This could ruin both Randy and my career and push us so far down the line that we're used as jobbers from now on.

"Calm down, Paige, it'll work out." Randy gave my arm a reassuring squeeze and a confident smile that actually did make me feel a tiny bit better about all of this. "Lets go wait for our cue."

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