[25] Looming emptyness

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I haven't seen AJ since our match and after some time to think about everything I kind of hope she doesn't totally hate me. I would hate me. She's the only person I have right now and I need her more than anything. I just hope she understands that I'm on the rise to the top and I'll take out anybody in my way. That includes her, if I have to I have no problem taking out AJ. I'm sure she could say the same thing about me.

I turned the corner just in time to catch a glimpse of Corey Graves. He stood there talking to Konnor, of the Ascension. The sight of Corey makes me sick to my stomach. He oozes all of this confidence and walks around like he's the best damn thing around. He ruined me and he has no problem with what he did. God, I hope somebody comes around real soon and beats his sorry little ass.

I pushed open the door of the locker room to find a whole bunch of commotion. I caught the tall blonde figure of Charlotte laying down a beating on another diva. As I took a few more steps I noticed Sasha also kicking the shit out of the poor girl. The other divas knew better than to get in the way of the BFFs, as they all stood back and watched.

My eyes focused on the body lying on the floor receiving the beating. It's AJ. Immediately I charged into Sasha and threw her against the locker. Charlotte turned her attention towards me as she tried to throw a punch at my face but I skillfully dodged it and rammed her into the locker. I hit her with a few kicks to the gut before turning towards Sasha who had gotten back to her feet. She raised her hands to protect her face letting out a squeel of fear. Instead of punching her again like I really, really want to I twisted her shirt in my grasp and stared into her scared little eyes. "You don't know what you've started." I growled before throwing her out of my view.

The BFF's quickly gathered their things and left the locker room. I squatted down next to AJ who had just managed to pull herself off of the ground. She has an empty look in her eyes. "AJ, you okay?" I asked, wrapping my arm around her to help her to her feet. She groaned, "Mmmm." I got her to her feet before she pushed off of me and leaned against the locker. "I'm fine." She spat angrily. I raised my hands in mock surrender. "Alright, whatever." I mumbled in frustration.

She got her stuff together slowly and very wobbly. I want to help but I know that's not what she wants and I don't need to aggravate her more tonight. "I can't believe you embarrassed me out there like that." She broke her silence. I stood there a little taken back as she glared at me through her menacing dark eyes. "I-I didn't, I had to do what's best for me. I needed Sasha to know that I'm going to hurt her at Takeover." I ran a hand through my hair. AJ stayed quiet as she got lost in her mind. "It won't happen again." I mumbled in defeat. "Yeah, yeah." She shot me a weak smile.

The drive back to the hotel has been kind of quiet but I didn't expect it to be anything more after tonight. I just want to get to the hotel and sleep. We have a house show tomorrow and then Saturday is our day off. Thank god.

"I want to be in your corner at Takeover." AJ blurted as she crawled into her bed. That surprises me. "Why?" I asked, unsure of what else to say. "Those girls are vicious." She began as she rolled onto her stomach, "Obviously Sasha won't be out there alone and Charlotte will be at you any chance that she can get. If I'm out there I can keep her off your back." I shot her a stare and her eyes are full of sincereity. I nodded, "You're right. I could really use your support anyway." I smiled.

The following day passed by pretty regularly. AJ and I had a tag team match versus Aksana and Alicia Fox who were trying to get some revenge on their friend, Summer Rae. I still haven't heard much of Summer's condition but she's not around so obviously it's not good.

AJ and I won our match by a landslide. Despite our differences we may have had the previous night at NXT, we managed to get along well in the ring with frequent tags. Eventually I picked up the win over Aksana with the Paige turner. But, AJ roughed her up for me so I can't take all the credit.

I'm so thankful I didn't happen to run into Dean at all during this show, I'm not sure if he was even there. It did a lot of good on my concious to not have him on my mind. I think I may be starting to get over everything that happened with him. Sure, there's still this looming emptyness but it'll go away eventually.

Saturday, our day off, was spent mostly at the gym preparing for NXT Takeover. I wore my body down so much but I know that tomorrow I'll be feeling stronger than ever. Sasha has no idea what she's in for tomorrow night.

Boring, short chapter! I know. Sorryyyyy!!! I'm so excited to begin writing the NXT Takeover stuff that I just want to get all this stuff out of the way. Plus if I took the time to write the past two nights out it would have just dragged on!

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