[23] I'd RKO you in a heartbeat

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"All set?" Randy chimed, scaring the life out of me. "Yeah, yeah I'm all set." I mumbled. He chuckled and grabbed my duffel bag off the ground before I had the chance to grab it. I didn't bother to object, I'm pretty sore by now and that things heavy!

The car ride began kind of quietly as an awkwardness filled the air. "Why are you bothering with me, you're gonna' be a legend one day and I'm just the new girl on the block." I blurted out mindlessly. A second or two of silence passed and my cheeks burned. "No, sorry don't, just ignore that. I don't know why I asked." I stuttered nervously.

Randy chuckled. "Well you stand out. You're not a plastic barbie doll like most of the divas, ya' know? You and I are pretty similar actually. We both want some gold and we're willing to fight our way to the top no matter what we have to sacrifice. I don't know about you but not a lot of the guys in the locker room like me..." He spoke. I guess he's right about all that.

A smile grew along my face and I couldn't get rid of it. "If it brings me closer to the top I'd take you down too. So if that ever has to happen don't be offended." I spoke in a serious tone before the both of us burst into laughter. "I'd RKO you in a heartbeat, sweetheart." He joked. I rolled my eyes jokingly. I would hit him with a Paige turner so hard he wouldn't know what hit him.

We arrived at a beach. Being from England I haven't experienced much of the US like a normal human from around here would. I'm glued to my job so I don't take much time to explore as well.

"You haven't been here?" He asked noticing as I scoped out the area. I shook my head, "No. It's pretty though." The night sky is dark but the beach is all lit up beautifully. Every now and then a firefly would light up off in the distance. "This is Daytona Beach, I love this place." He spoke as he slid out of his sneakers and motioned for me to do the same.

The cool sand sent a bit of a tingle up my spine. Randy threw a big blanket across the sand and sat down. I hesitated for a moment before sitting next to him. The waves crashed against the shore creating a relaxing environment. This is exactly what I've needed the past few days. "This is nice." I spoke as I leaned onto my back taking in the clear starry night sky. This is real nice.

Randy fell to his back as well but remained silent for a little bit. "When I first talked to you the other day I had the intentions of asking you on a date eventually. You stood out to me and I wasn't just going to let you go. Here we are, pretty much on a date" He made air quotes with his fingers, " and I can't help but feel kind of weird. I feel like I'm on a date with my sister." For the first time ever there was a hint if nerves in Randy's voice. I turned to him and propped myself on my elbow. "I couldn't agree with you more. But hey, friends go on dates too. Nothing weird about it." I smiled. He shot me a toothy smile. "We're totally BFF's now right?" He joked. I couldn't help but laugh.

For the first time in a couple of days I'm actually enjoying myself. I love it. Despite everything going on with Dean and I, I'm actually happy. A real happy; not any of that fake shit. Sometimes friends help take the pain away and I'm starting to think that maybe I shouldn't hold myself back from getting friendly backstage. I could use a little more of this. I shouldn't restrain myself from making friends because I bet I'm missing out on a lot of cool people.

"So what was that with you and Ambrose last night? I heard you guys arguing. I can kick his ass if you want me to, I would have then but I had a match to prepare for." Randy asked cautiously. The smile quickly receeded from my face and I sighed. "It was nothing." I lied. But he propped himself onto his elbows and faced me. "You suck at lying, Paige."

I sat up and stared into the ocean, a few boats floated out in the distance. "Dean and I had a kind of, thing, whatever you call it. But it just didn't workout. All this dumb shit happened and it's ruined." I mumbled. "You and Ambrose?! You and that lunatic? Oh come on Paige don't you know better?" Randy joked, wiggling my shoulder. I flashed a quick smile. Too bad I don't know any better. "N'aw. But it's just a fling you'll be okay in a week or two kiddo." He smiled.

But it's not a fling. It's so much more than that. Fuck, I've only known Dean for hardly two weeks and he's engulfed my entire life. He's everything I want and everything I need. I hate him but I love him and that drives me crazy, but I need all that. I need all the crazy. I need him.

"You really like him, huh?" Randy spoke softly. "I probably shouldn't." I sighed dragging my fingers through the sand. Randy stayed quiet for a while easing off of the subject. "The best surprises come from things you shouldn't do. Keep that in mind."

Randy quickly got to his feet and pulled off his shirt. I stared at him with confusion. He stood there in his shorts staring down at me for a second before grabbing my arm and yanking me up. "Come on." He smiled before jogging down towards the water. Is he crazy? It's got to be freezing right now. He was ankles deep before glancing back up to me. "Come on, don't be a wimp." He teased. I am not a wimp.

I pulled out of my shirt hesitantly. The gear that I wear into the ring is more revealing than this. 'Don't be such a wimp' I yelled at myself in my mind. I threw my top onto the blanket before running down into the water. Randy's already waist deep and I've only just dipped my toes in. "It's cold!" I shouted. 

"Get your ass in here or I'll come up there and throw you in." He threatened, walking towards me. "No don't, I'm coming." I whined as I took a few steps deeper. Randy watched me with an amused smile. He's enjoying this way too much. 

Hours past as we hung around at the beach getting to know each other. Who would have thought that Randy Orton and I would get along so well. We've made a quick bond already and I'm not gonna' lie, I really like it. A few friends aren't going to kill me. 

"Well hey that was fun, we should hangout more." Randy smiled as I waited for the elevator to hit my floor. "Yeah totally. Getting to know you kinda' taught me not to judge a book by its cover." I smirked. He gasped jokingly. "Am I that terryfing?" He laughed.

I crawled into bed and cuddled with the thick blankets and extra pillows. This hotel room is getting lonely again. But thankfully AJ is flying back into Orlando tomorrow morning for our match at NXT. We'll be facing the BFF's, Sasha Banks and Charlotte. They're not too happy about the beating their friend Summer received so they challenged me to a match thinking maybe they could get some revenge... Funny, right? Revenge? Oh please.

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