[49] This is war

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I haven't seen Dean since he stormed off and his match is in three minutes. Sometimes his lunatic antics are a real pain in the ass. He shouldn't run off whenever he's upset, he should deal with it. But I guess I'm not one to talk about that. 

But seconds later beefy arms wrapped around my waist and a hot breath tickled my ear. "Sorry babe, I don't like you seeing me like that." Dean whispered, as if he could hear my thoughts. I turned around in his hold to face him. His icy blue eyes stared down into mine drawing in all of my attention. 

I snapped back into reality to find Dean trying to peal me away from him, and Roman laughing in the background. "Oh, sorry!" I gasped as I let go of him. He chuckled and pulled my face towards his to plant a kiss against my lips.

"Love you." He smiled before charging off down the hallway.

I stood there smiling like a fool while watching him sprint down the hallway. That guy has taken over my entire life in a matter of weeks and now he's my entire world. It's beautiful yet terrifying at the same time. He could break me within a matter of seconds and I would let him...

"You've really helped him, Paige." Roman's deep voice broke into my thoughts. I squinted at him in confusion. "Believe it or not, he used to be a lot more unstable. But you've helped balance him out. He has his good days and his bad days, but that's a hell of a lot better than the constant bad days he had before." He grinned widely.

My eyes focused on Dean and Randy who had both made their way into the ring. The bell rung but neither made a move. Randy was the first to move but he had stepped forward and extended his hand towards Dean. Dean just looked him up and down and laughed, saying something that was inaudible. 

Seconds later Dean charged at Randy and took him down, throwing fists into his face like a mad man. Dean just made it to the 5 count before ripping himself away from Randy. But the second Randy made it to his knees Deans boot bashed against his chest a good amount of times.

Their match rolled on, constantly going back and forth. Dean had just gained the advantage once again after a brutal beating. He countered an RKO with a messy DDT, but it was enough to allow him recovery time.

Once Dean made it to his feet he didn't take any time to think out a plan and began kicking and stomping on the back of Randy Orton. Randy rolled out of the ring to recover while Dean leaned over the top rope shouting at him. 

Randy got into the ring, clutching the rope and demanding the referee get Dean away from him. So the referee shoved Dean back a few steps allowing Randy to get back into the ring. Once the referee allowed Dean to charge at Randy, Randy hit him with a massive clothesline knocking him flat on his back and dropping for the pin which Dean kicked out at before the two count could even hit.

Randy argued with the referee, yelling at him to count faster and pay more attention because apparently that was a three count. While Randy argued with the referee Dean rolled him up with a small package, gripping Randy's tights but the ref wasn't able to see. The referee's hand hit the mat for the three count. Dean Ambrose is the number one contender for the United States championship!

"He did it!" I stood up and clapped excitedly, keeping my eyes glued on the screen. Roman even let out an excited chuckle next to me as he clapped his hands together. 

But a very familiar theme song echoed through the arena. My eyes almost bulged out of my head as the cerebral assassin, Triple H, came walking through the curtain, suit and all. He clapped for Dean as he took a few more steps towards the ring but came to an immediate hault as he motioned towards the curtain. Seconds later Seth Rollins came strolling down the ramp dressed in a suit as well.

"Well done, Ambrose, well done. We may be looking at our future United States champion!" Triple H clapped as Seth and him approached the ring. Something isn't right about this situation and it's making me nervous.

"But, you've picked a battle you can't win, Dean. We're not going to let you win that title, you're not championship material. You're not even a B+ player!" He hissed into the mic before handing it off to Seth.

Roman got to his feet next to me, his fists balled up at his sides. "I can't just watch this. I'm going out there, I need to be out there if they try to do anything." Roman growled before storming towards the curtain. I followed behind.

"Aww, Dean'o boy. You should have just stayed down like I told you to. You and Roman, ha, you two are nothing without me. I was the glue that kept you together and soon the two of you will crumble once again... I lost everything last night. I lost my tag team titles, I lost my girlfriend, and for a moment I lost my pride. But I realized something last night, this isn't just fun and games anymore. Being the good guy will never pay off. I've joined forces with The Authority to help sculpt me into a better athlete, and I promise you, you will never be able to get ahead of me Dean. You are the scum beneath my boots and that's all you'll ever be. When I am done with you the entire world will believe in Seth Rollins!" Seth spat into the mic, readying himself to get into the ring.

They didn't see us coming. The only people that knew we were behind HHH and Seth was the crowd who knew to keep quiet, and Dean who looked on with a sly grin. 

"Hey boys. Looks like you've got yourself in a bit of a problem here, huh?" I smirked into the mic. Triple H and Seth turned around quiclkly with a bit of a panic on their faces. I glared into Seth's snakey eyes. 

"Hey, hey, hey sweetheart you should really mind your business. This aint a fight for a little girl like you." Seth growled.

It's been building up inside of me for a while now, my hand slapped across his cheek with so much force it almost knocked him off of his feet. Seconds later Dean jumped from the ring and began beating the crap out of Seth while HHH backed away.

I looked on with a giant grin and handed Roman the mic. "Hey Trips, you're the big guy, huh? You're the boss man. Right? But don't think for a second that won't stop me from spearing you in half. You and your corporate puppy have no idea what you've just started. This is war."

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