[27] This isn't over

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Corey Graves stood there staring down at me. I haven't had anything to do with him since I caught him and Summer Rae all over eachother backstage about a year ago. There's no way this is going to end well at all.

"Nice match, sweetheart." He put his hand on my shoulder but I shook out of it. The sound of his voice almost made me sick and the feeling of his touch made me shudder in disgust. "Don't touch me." I growled, unsteadily taking a step backwards. He laughed to himself. "Oh please. I know you miss me." He grinned as he placed his hand on my waist. Immediately I shoved him away and took a few steps back again but that didn't seem to quite get the message across.

He laughed once more before coming towards me again wrapping his arm around my waist tightly and pushing me against the wall, restraining me. I winced in pain as his tight grasp sent a pain down my spine. He leaned his face close to mine. "I know I've missed you." He pouted.

He was pulled away from me and thrown to the ground. Immediately my eyes shot to Dean, who had just pulled Corey off of me. "Are you okay?" He asked frantically. I nodded and he took that as his signal to beat the living shit out of Corey.

I stood there with a grin as he beat Corey to a pulp until referees tore him away. Corey was able to get to his feet with a little help. He shot me a glare, "This isn't over babe." He smirked before limping away. Dean went crazy in the hold of the referees but they kept their tight grip on him until Corey was completely out of sight.

Dean took a step closer to me and I felt my stomach do a flip. A sudden feeling of insecurity overcame me. I locked my eyes on his boots, afraid to make eye contact. He stood there quietly for a while creating an awkward environment. All I could focus on was the heavy breaths coming out of his mouth.

His hand brushed against mine as he took my hand in his, carefully. I don't know exactly what he meant by it but I took it as my opportunity to mentally forgive him for everything and hope that he'll forgive me too. I pulled myself against his chest and his arms gently wrapped around me. That insecure feeling quickly vanished and everything seemed right again. "I'm sorry." Dean whispered into my hair. I nuzzled my face deeper into his chest as my acceptance of his apology.

He pulled out of the hug and stared down at me for a few seconds before crashing his lips against mine. I've missed his kisses so much. They're so violent and aggressive but I can feel the emotion in it and I love that. He pulled away with a smirk, "I missed those precious little kisses."

Just like that, everything fell back into place. It only took two seconds to make everything better. I'm convinced that Dean Ambrose is the only thing I need in life. He makes all of the pain and worry go away just by being there. He's all I want and all I need.

"As much as I don't want to let you go, I think you need a visit with the trainer." He spoke in a serious tone, giving his finger a lick an wiping away the blood from my nose. He's right. His touch has the ability to make all of the pain disappear but what I was just feeling a few minutes ago is not natural. He wrapped his arm around my waist as he helped me into the trainers room. I'm kind of getting sick of this place.

I explained to the trainer about my recent beating from Layla, which is probably why my nose is bleeding but he still insisted on checking it out. That just resulted in a little extra pain and the same results that the trainer had told me the other night. My nose is irritated and swollen inside so it's going to bleed a little here and there. "As for your back, just take a hot bath and put a heating pad on it. It'll be sore for a few days but it's nothing to worry about." He shot me a grin.

I changed into a pair of leggings and a sweater which took me way longer than it should of. Mostly because I was telling AJ all about what had just happened. She's a bit weary of Dean but she agreed to be nice to him even if she doesn't like him much. We made our way back out into the catering area which is a little smaller but more cozy than the usual WWE arena ones. We chose a seat close to the TV to continue watching Takeover on.

There's supposed to be a match between Bo Dallas and Tyson Kidd happening right now but Corey Graves has made waste of their match. He's taken out the both of them and he's got a mic in hand. This isn't going to go well. "Dean Ambrose." He breathed into the mic, immediately my eyes focused to Dean who sat next to me. "Ambrose. We're not done. Get out here." He challenged.

Dean let out a chuckle. I grabbed his arm, I don't want him to go. "Don't you wanna' see that kid get his ass kicked?" He smirked. I let go hesitantly and he leaned his face down to kiss my forehead before heading out to the ring.

My eyes glued to the screen as Dean made his way down the ramp. "We have some unfinished business." Corey growled into the mic. As Dean got into the ring he tore the mic from Corey. "Don't worry, I'm here to finish it." He spoke clearly before bashing the mic over Corey's head repeatedly.

Before a referee could even get into the ring Dean had taken down Corey. "You don't know who you're screwin' with, kid." Dean breathed into the mic before tossing it out of the ring. He backed into the corner allowing the referee to check on Corey and get him back to his feet. The amount of patience Dean has for this man is surprising. Dean allowed Corey back to his feet but didn't peel his eyes away from him.

The referee called for the bell and Corey charged at Dean with no hesitation. But Dean caught him with his elbow and then set him up for dirty deeds which he connected. He covered Corey for the 3 count. How long was that match? I'd say less than 15 seconds. Dean paced around Corey's unconcious body a few times. The craziness in his eyes is obvious. He's not done yet.

Dean slid out of the ring and grabbed a steel chair tossing it into the ring. By now Corey is beginning to stir but he's still down. The referee pulled the chair away from Dean which only angered him more. He ripped the chair out of the referee's grasp and threatened to hit him if he didn't move. That would result in a suspension, come on Dean don't do that.

The referee rolled out of the ring but continued to shout orders ringside. Corey pulled himself to his feet, completely unaware of what's about to happen. The chair connected with his back knocking him back to his knees. Dean continued bashing the chair across his back. He finally stopped and surveyed his work, proud of the carnage he's left. He leaned down and whispered something in Corey's ear before hopping out of the ring.

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