[45] Payback

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"Kick ass, babe. I wish I could be out there with you but I don't want to be any sort of distraction." Dean finally released his bone crushingly tight hug. The excitement inside of me is so intense I couldn't even bring myself to speak, so instead I flashed a giant smile.

"I, uh, I love you." He smirked, knowing that those three words are going to boost all the excitement into a maximum over drive. "I love you too." I squeeled going in for a second good luck kiss just before my music hit.

I've never felt more energy from the crowd. Most of them may be booing but they're making a ton of noise and for me, that's all that matters. They know they're about to witness history. This is going to be one hell of a fight.

Summer Rae did her usual, absolutely ridiculous dance down the ramp and into the ring. As much as I want to punch her senseless it's a lot more fun watching her embarrass herself like this. But unfortunately my quiet chuckling immediatelly brough her attention towards me.

"Something funny?" She growled. Adalia's music had hit as she made her way to the ring but I was too busy laughing in Summer's face to realize. "Why the hell are you laughing at me?!" She began to panic, checking herself up and down as if maybe it were a wardrobe malfunction.

Oh man she's an idiot. "Your dancing, dumbass. Don't do it." I shook my head, laughing to myself. She sent me a glare but began to dance a little more as Adalia entered the ring.

Adalia got into the ring, pridefully waving her title in the air. She planted a big fat kiss against the gold as she handed it off to the referee. "I'll have to sanitize that really well once it's mine." I smirked.

She sent me a long glare before walking over to Summer Rae to shake her hand, the ultimate show of respect. Instead of shaking my hand, she just sent me a glance and shrugged her shoulders, sending a loud rumble through the crowd.

I should have expected it, the second the bell rang both of them teamed up against me. I'm not gonna' say I didn't have it coming, because oh man I have had it coming for the longest time. A triple threat match comes with hardly any rules, it's basically a NO DQ match so I'll have to claw my way out of this one.

Summer had backed off a bit, probably to save her energy for the more important part of the match. But Adalia continued laying out a nasty beating. She began targetting my injured shoulder, stomping it all to hell. I managed to pull myself to the ropes and roll out of the ring, landing awkwardly on my shoulder but for some reason the pain seemed to let up a bit the second my shoulder collided with the mat. Maybe it was dislocated and I just put it back in place, I hope that's the case.

The fight between those two took off once I was out of the match, it was evident with all the noise coming from the crowd and the thuds against the mat. I hope they don't think I'm totally out of this match yet, I'm only resting right now. They don't know what's coming.

I laid outside the ring for a good 5 minutes before their match had begun to slow down. I pulled myself back to my feet and surprisingly it wasn't as painful as I had expected it to be and the pain in my shoulder had really faded into a subtle ache.

I pulled myself into the ring to find the both of them with hardly anything left. Summer was pulling herself up in the corner and Adalia was leaned against the ropes staring hazily in my direction. These girls are about to find out why I am the fiercest competitor in this business.

Adalia charged at me but I was able to hit her with a harsh clothesline that took her down instantly. I was about to cover her but my eyes flicked to Summer who was regaining some life in the corner. I charged at her, bashing her face first into the turnbuckles. All those ignorant things she's said and done to me have really come back to haunt her. She's not gonna' like this one bit.

I grabbed handfuls of her fake blonde hair and tossed her body across the ring. The girl can't dance, but damn can she fly.

Adalia had rolled out of the ring and was trying to regroup on the outside, but she's not my target right now. I tore Summer off of the mat and once again threw her body across the ring like a ragdoll.

With both Adalia and Summer down and out I took a minute to regroup and hater myself. I need to focus on the prize.

My attention turned to Adalia who was charging at me full force and before I could move out of the way or counter it, she hit me with the nastiest spear I've ever been hit with. I swear it almost broke me in half. The pain that shot through my stomach felt like all of my ribs had been snapped and all I could do was let out a hissy silent screech, since it had also knocked all of the air out of me.

Adalia covered me and it felt like time almost stopped. There's no way I can kick out of this, my body is frozen in pain. It's almost the most heart breaking experience of my life and it's happening in slow motion. Everything I've ever put forward for this moment is about to all go to shit. But time sped up again and just before the referees hand could smack the mat for a third time, Adalia was torn off of me.

I managed to roll to my side and watch the two continue to go at it. I'm gonna' have to thank Summer for that, because of her I'll be winning this match somehow. I can't wait to rub that in her face.

Out of nowhere Summer Rae hit her finisher, the spinning heel kick on Adalia and knocked her out. Summer dropped down for the pin, sure that she's going to be divas champion in 3 seconds. By some miracle I managed to pull myself onto my feet and charge at her, pulling her away from Adalia who is still totally unconcious from that kick.

Summer has hardly anything left in her as well. It's fights like these where it gets really gruesome, everybody starts to pull out their last resort. Neither of us have any energy but we're both willing to do whatever it takes to be the next champion.

An elbow to the face managed to get me back on my knees, recieving multiple leg shots to the chest knocking the air out of me once more. It's also times like this where I start to doubt myself. Am I really as good as I think I am?

But before Summer could hit me with another boot to the chest my body reacted before my mind could even comprehend it. I grabbed her leg and pulled it forward so she fell hard on her back. I used this opportunity to wrap her long body in the scorpion cross lock.

The poor girl fought with everything she has to get out of it but nobody ever makes it out of this move, it's almost deadly. My eyes shot to Adalia who began to stir but was pretty much totally out of the game by now. Can't wait to tell her, "I told you so!".

It came as a surprise when Summer's hand slapped against my leg three times. She held on for so long I actually began to fear that she wouldn't tap out.

The bell rang and the ring announcer began to announce my victory. Everything happened so quickly that it took me a moment to realize, I just won. I'm divas champion.

Suddenly I was bombarded from behind as AJ attacked me with a giant hug. The referee handed the championship to me and it really solitified the moment. This is all real. I'm the new divas champion.

"Oh my god." I began to freak out a little, hugging the title close to my chest. "It's mine!" I yelled, totally shocked. I said all along I was going to win but I think there was a little part of me that didn't believe it, and I just proved that part of me along with the rest of the world, I am here to stay.

I was pulled up to my feet quickly by Dean who wrapped me into a tight hug, swinging me around. "I'm so proud of you, baby!" He muffled into my neck.

Dean hoisted me up on his shoulders and I raised the championship high in the air. Coming into this match I received a lot of boo's, but now all I hear are cheers and excitement coming from the crowd. Not only have I just become the divas champion, I also proved to the fans just how good I am and I think they're finally starting to believe in me.

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