[14] Destroy em'

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The backstage area has pretty much emptied out as most of the superstars gathered in catering to watch the Main Event; Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins vs John Cena and Sheamus for the tag team championships.

Being around the other superstars should normally make a person feel safe and secure but for me, it makes me feel vulnerable. The Wyatt family could be anywhere lurking around.

"What are we gonna' do about the Wyatts?" I asked Dean as we sat down in the back of catering. He turned to me with a confident smile, "Destroy em'." But how the hell do you destroy the 'destroyer of worlds'...

Dean's attention had focused in on the TV as his former closest buddies dominated in their match. I studied his eyes as they locked on Roman who had just been tagged in. They're full of anger, disappointment, and hatred. I almost want to ask for the full story, what had happened between the three of them that broke the bond they had? But I'd rather not ruin everything right now. If it's worth knowing then Dean will tell me.

As the main event rolled on, the backstage area became far too crazy for me to handle. Half the room were cheering for the final two members of The Shield while the other cheered for John and Sheamus, I don't give a damn about the match anyway.

"I'm gonna head back to the hotel, I'll uh see ya tomorrow." I spoke shyly staring at the ground. Dean remained quiet creating a weird silence but his eyes had met mine. I turned to walk away and his cold hand caught my wrist and pulled me into his chest. His lips pressed against my forehead. "Be careful." He whispered before releasing his hold.

My mind is pretty mushed now considering all the shit it's dealt with. I don't even know where I stand with Dean or if he'll even care for me tomorrow. Tonight he was so sweet but I know I shouldn't get used to it. I shouldn't even let myself think there's anything between us.

I pulled out my phone to call AJ to find out where she is and if she's ready to head to the hotel. Minutes later I was curled up in the passenger seat of our rental car, half dozing off and half lost in my thoughts. AJ kept quiet for the ride allowing me to rest. She must get vibes or something when I'm not in a talkative mood because she always knows when to keep quiet.

We arrived at the hotel and checked into our room without a weird between the two of us. But as soon as we settled in, AJ burst out, "You fucking fell for it again, didn't you?" The anger in her voice is obvious. She took me by surprise considering how sweet and gentle she usually is. I felt my mouth gape open as I stared at her with shock.

Yesterday when I had stormed in the room upset over the incident that happened with Dean, AJ got an ear full. She told me to stay away from him and to just do my own thing. Even though I tried, I couldn't obey. I can't stay away from Dean no matter how hard I try. She told me not to fall for his stupid games and I did. I understand why she's upset but she doesn't know Dean like I do. She only knows his bad side, which I'll admit, is pretty much most of him. But he has this sweet and caring side to him that I adore. I shouldn't get used to seeing it though, I'm lucky I've got to see it more than once.

I gave her a weak nod, breaking our eye contact. She let out an angry sigh and stayed quiet for a moment. "Just be careful with him, okay? He's probably like a million times more crazy than I am..." She smiled. I reached out and gave her a hug. I'm so glad that AJ and I have grown to be such close friends, I'd be lost without her.

More silence filled the air as AJ's attention got lost in her phone, probably playing some dumb game. Without any hesitation I slipped out of my uncomfortably tight jeans and dropped them to the floor. Within seconds I was curled up under the thick blankets and cuddling the pillow against my chest. That same lonesome feeling from earlier crawled all over my skin and the fear settled back in. It's going to be a long night.

A long night indeed. I found myself tossing and turning for about two hours. AJ's passed out by now. I'm freezing and my body's shaking violently against the thick covers. There's only one thing that could make these feelings disappear. Dean Ambrose. It's pathetic how dependent I've become on him, while I doubt he even remembers my name.

I remember his warm touch and his gentle lips roaming my body. For such a rough guy he sure knows how to be gentle... Well, compared to the guys I've been with. I've been with heaps of guys before, romantically and just for fun, we've all been that age... But they all treated me like I was just a piece of meat for them to feast on, they all got their fair share and they were done. Dean on the other hand treated me like a fucking glass vase or something. It surprised me actually. I've always thought Dean would be that kinda' guy who would choke you with a belt and fuck you til' you're barely breathing. But I guess I was wrong.

I wonder if I mean anything to him or if I'm just an obstacle in his way; He'll give me what I want but as soon as that's done he'll be gone. I have no idea what to make of him. Sometimes I feel like he may really like me but he just puts up the big tough guy act. But then I feel like he'll do whatever he can to get me out of his way.

A rumble of thunder broke me from my thoughts as a heavy rainfall began outside. Well now I'm most definitely not getting any sleep. I stared out the window and watched the storm roll in. We've got a house show tomorrow and whether or not I'm on the card I have to be there. I'll be running on no sleep because there's no way I'll be able to clear my head tonight.

The night rolled on and I laid awake for pretty much all of it. An exhaustion has clouded over me but the suns rising and there's no way I can pass out now. I'll survive, somehow. I rolled out of the bed leaving it a messy pile of blankets unable to bring myself to put it together. I glanced at AJ who looked so peaceful and rested as she lied awake in her bed.

I let the boiling water shower over my body as I tried to wash away the exhaustion for the time being. It didn't work. I'm almost afraid to look in the mirror. I'm sure I look like some demon creature out of a horror film.

Dark bags filled in the space underneath my eyes. My face is pale and tired. I look like a freakin' zombie. There's also a few dark marks lingering around my neck and a few bruises on my thighs. Not as bad as I had expected. I managed to cover up the most of them with some cover up, and I'll just have to keep my hair down and messy today. No problem with me.

AJ's awake now and slumped over a bowl of oatmeal. "Good morning sunshine." She smiled as I started the coffee pot behind her. She turned around and shot me a stare, her eyes lingered on mine for a while. Unfortunately the cover up didn't do the dark bags under my eyes much justice. "How dare you go raving without me!" She laughed, jokingly. I wish that was the cause.

My phone buzzed away in my pocket, I opened it to read tonight's card. I will have a rematch against Adalia. Oh of course. Hopefully this time I'll be able to at least finish the match without an interruption.

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